Talk About a Slap In The Face!!!



I can't believe what someone asked me yesterday!

I went shoe shopping last evening,and as I was checking out the clerk asked me when I was expecting:eek:! Talk about a slap in the face(no,I didn't slap her in the face;-)felt like it though). I said "expecting what,a baby...Im not pregnate!" She LOOKED DOWN(and stared) at my stomach and said she was sorry!

I was depressed last night and fought back tears,I thought "is this how people see me,then why iam I working so hard?"

I realize im not slim! Im a size 14,but I have come along way.I use to be a size 22! I've lost alot of weight over the past two years(and still have my last 30pds or so to go,which is hanging on for dear life;-)). I just can't believe she asked me that!

And the bad thing is I have to face her agian to return the shoes today x( !
Awwwwwwwwwwww, Amelia! {{{hugs}}} I know it can be disheartening, but you have to concentrate on how far you've come! Size 22 to 14 is amazing!

The same sort of thing happened to me after I had Sophie. I was out walking the dog and ran into a lady I used to see all the time walking her dog. We stopped to chat and she looked at me and said "I KNEW it! You ARE pregnant again!". I just about died right there on the spot and she was horrified when I said "ummmmm, no I'm not".

You take those shoes back with your head held high!
Hey, don't let stupidity get you down!!! Some people say the dumbest things!! I think the best way to respond to that would be a "stupid answer"...such as I am due in a couple years or some kind of off the wall response.

When I go places with my kids, people are literally shocked that I have 3 kids. They actually ask me how they can all possibly be mine. As if it is any of their business!!

Good luck with the shoes and let us know what happens!

Oh Amelia, I'm so sorry that rude clerk made such a thoughtless remark to you! I'm also incredibly impressed that you've gone from a size 22 to a size 14! That's an amazing accomplishment! Just focus on your success and all the good you're doing for yourself and your body and return those shoes. I bet that clerk couldn't last through 10 minutes of one of Cathe workouts! ((((((hugs))))))

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Oh Amelia, huge (((hugs))) to you! People are just unbelievable, aren't they? Don't you let that stupid clerk get you down. You HAVE come a long way & you are amazing. Period.

I have so been there and could tell you stories upon stories from my weight journey. I'll tell you one right now...when I was at my heaviest and had my hair pretty short, I remember one little boy calling me a 'fat man' and the mother not correcting him, either. Pretty damn humiliating. People can be so ignorant and so cruel.

Smooches & hugs, girl.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I've had this happen to me a number of times as well. It is devastating.

But you've come so far - keep it up! It's hard, but try to forget about idiots like that.

Susan L.G.
Amelia, you are strong and beautiful. Your accomplishment so far is amazing. Don't let some fool mess up your mind. Get out an old picture of yourself and pat yourself on the back for how far you've come. {{{{Hugs}}}}
You guys are the greatest! {{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to each an everyone of ya! I feel so much better! What kind words:)

And i agree...that clerk wouldn't last one minute with the workout im about to do.....Imax2;-)
OMG, Amelia!!! (((((hugs))))) I cannot believe what comes out of some people's mouths. Stories like this piss me off like you wouldn't believe - people should know better! I just don't even know what to say, other than I would really like to meet this woman so I could give her a good swift kick to the kneecap. How utterly rude! *shakes head angrily*

I am so sorry you have to be on the receiving end of this woman's stupidity. (((((HUGS)))))
I'm sorry you are feeling so affected by this. I had this happen to me once years ago. She was most likely pregnant, just recently pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, or involved with someone who is pregnant (friend, daughter, sister, etc.). I find that many women who are in this stage often try to connect with others who are in similar stages and make assumptions about others. Try not to take it personally as the comment was more about what was on her mind than about you.

I now try to make it a policy not to comment on people's bodies at all, not even if invited to by the person.

Hope you have a better day! Deb
Thanks Emily,Deb:) I do feel better now,thanks to the sweet ladies on this forumn.

Emily,I'll be thinking of you kicking her in the knee cap when I return my shoes today,LOL;-)
Awww, don't take it that way. She was probably just searching someone out to connect to as a previous poster mentioned. I had this happen to me in my very early 20's when I was a size 6! No matter what I do, I have a pot belly and I can't get rid of it to save my life. I was working and one of my customers asked when I was due. I chalked it up to the outfit but it really stung so I can totally relate.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. You have made quite an accomplishement going from a 22 to a 14. You should be very proud of yourself.

Someone at work asked me the same question a few months back. I went into the bathroom and cried.
Amelia, I responded to this on our WW check-in but I'll say it here as well--don't let the idiots get you down!

I went through a lot of this and now I no longer hear it--knock on wood-- (though sometimes I look in the mirror and that fat post-baby belly still looks like it could be mistaken for pregnant). It took me forever to get down to my pre-baby weight and I still have some weight to lose (as I was a bit pudgy before even having kids) but I've at least gotten to that pre-pregnancy size again. You have already come so far and now you can just look to your goal and put dumb comments behind you as much as possible. That bonehead at the shoe shop doesn't know how far you've come so don't listen to her.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
That was a rude comment, and one that I never, ever make to women if it looks like they are! If they are like, 9 months along and its totally obvious, than maybe. But better be safe then sorry. Also, never comment about a persons age!

She probably meant no harm, just has no manners, and I will bet you are a super fox and you just need to take those shoes back like Shelley said, head held high. Congrads on the weight loss, that is pretty darn amazing girl!:)
Amelia, I am so sorry this happened to you. I would be devastated too! Like others have said, try to focus on what you have accomplished. You dropped so many sizes and have come so far! I hope that you have a better day today :)
{{{{{Amelia}}}}} Don't let it get you down. You've come a long way towards a fit and healthy lifestyle and you deserve a huge pat on the back! You have every right to be proud of your accomplishments ;) :) :*
Amelia, as everyone else has said, DO NOT let this get you down. You should be very proud. Keep up all the GREAT work!!!
Oh Amelia... I am SO sorry. What a rude & inconsiderate comment. I can't believe she would be so thoughtless & I agree with what everyone else has said here. You have come a long way & you have already accomplished a lot. So please be proud of what you've done already, keep up the good work, & please don't let her ignorant comments get to you. Sending you lots of hugs & glad so see you're starting to feel better already! (((AMELIA))):):*

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