Yesterday we plyo one abs 2, it was a killer! I was eTing ok until we got Chinese food for dinner! General Tso's Chicken and shrimp mei fun. We were out all afternoon, shopping and the final stop was a ski shop where my mom got seasonal rentals for the older boys and new skis for me!! Surprise!! So excited, but before that we were looking at a used foos ball table and Little K held and played with a cat and by the time we got to Springboard Media Apple Specialist store, his eyes were all puffy and red and his nose was runny nonstop. So my mom took the older 3 to get the skis and Hubby and I got some Benadryl. He has been around cats before with no reaction, but we can't figure out what else it could have been...he was breathing fine and since my mom is allergic to EVERYTHING I means he carries around an epi pen, she knew the signs. Then we to meet the rest of them at the ski shop. And I had forgotten to marinate the steak for dinner and had nothing else thawed or ready, so we got Chinese.
But I planned my meals for the week. I'm going to try to do the Turbo Inferno plan again and go back to the 21d containers. I'm not sure which leven I will do the lowest or next one up. By my wt, although I was up to 171.4 yesterday!!!!!
. I was the lowest category although I haven't put the new wt in the calculation for 21D fix, but according to Max30, if I'm over 150, I am in the next one up anyway. I have a goal with my WW leader to be at 160 by her bday which is Jan 16, but I won't see her until the following Monday night sine that is my meeting day, so that is 3 weeks from tomorrow. The only "event" I have in that time is Nw Years Eve. Here's to a new challenge!
Katie, sorry to hear about Bugsy! Hope you figure out what is going on there! I can't imagine doing to HiiT workouts back to back!! Which rotation is that?
Today going to do circuit lower body, then I will have tried out all but LIHI Chest Triceps Shoulders. That one I've only done a 17 min premix. Has anyone decided on a rotation? I have downloaded the 30 day RWH and XTrain and CF/TTM. Since I did all the RWH workouts, I wasn't in the mood to try the getting started or 1 month with RWH AND this may be the biggest reason: it's not in the workout manager!! Why is that? I chose the only RHW workout rotation that was in there! I will be starting that on Monday, rest days are Sundays. I'm going to commit to it, but also going to allow myself the freedom to do a shorter premix if I want or need to. Or I may quit or pause to do the Jan. rotation! I don't want to set myself up for failure or 'mental' failure if you know what I mean!
Oh and CDawg threw up last night...he thinks it was too much chinese food, but he really didn't have that much....I really hope the stomach bug isn't back! And Little K peed in his bed last night. I didn't put pull ups on him because he had been dry for a week over night and thought he could do it, plus his 6 month younger cousin that was here won Christmas is fully potty trained, poop and overnight and all!! little K will be 4 in February!!! He should NOT be pooping in his pants on a regular basis anymore!! Occasional accidents, yes, every day, no!
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