I was given the Taebo Advanced Get Ripped DVD. What's your opinion of this one versus the others. I have never done or owned any of them and am wondering if this is a "good one!" Donna, was it you that liked this DVD?
Not Donna, but I have the Get Ripped Series on VHS tapes and I like them alot. Of course I was doing taebo before I found Cathe but I still like Billy and his gang. I mix up Cathe with Billy and others for a great variety of workouts. I started out with the original set but had only borrowed them, and when I went to buy a set the Get Ripped series was out so that is what I ended up with. These particular workouts have more repetition of a single move than the 1 Live Series Advance tape that I have, but other than that they are good cardio workouts. One advance workout has some floor work at the end the other one does not.
I have both Get Ripped videos, and I do like them for a change from Cathe. They are intense, but sometimes Billy loses count so you have to pay attention and make sure to even out the moves on each side. Other than that, I really like the workouts!
The "Get Ripped Advance" were actually my first "Billy experience!" I love them! He is intense for sure!
He does seem to have a problem with equal counts for both sides of the body but you learn that as you go and will compensate in your own way. So other than the counts, I love the workouts!
Hey, I just ordered this one from Collage!!! I also got Christi Taylor's Fab Four and CIA something or other with strength extpress. Really excited to do something not Cathe for awhile!!