Did anyone see this? I finally visited his website ( and I'm very impressed. What do you all think?
I am not however a pop scientist who latches on to a cause and browbeats people the selected details to prove that cause while ignoring other details that diminish the cause.
You have dumped a lot of facts that some would think nails down your case.
My original post did not deny global warming I only said it was natural. I also suggested debate in the area of whether we are accelerating it or not.
As with a lot of global warming proponents, if someone doesn't agree with you 100% then they must be disagreeing with you 100%?
I contend that since it is a cyclical pattern of nature that man is impotent in stopping it. If we are accelerating it then we should minimize those activities. Mother Nature has cooled the planet a few times....
In the 1970's scientists told us the pollution was going to cause atmospheric filtering of the sunlight and the planet was going to cool. The evidence was the volcanic eruption of Tambora in April 1816, it leaked 400 million tons of gas and over 100 cubic kilometers of rock/ash.
The year was referred to as the year without summer and agricultural communities were devastated with snow as late as June, the cloud cover simply reflected the sunlight away. The volcano is also contributed with causing a Typhus outbreak due to the weather anomaly.
Look at what he's doing in Texas. He just got the Texas utilities comission to approve spending $4 - $5 billion of taxpayers money on new transmission lines to connect a wind farm in which he and partners plan to invest $200 million to the grid. Not a bad deal - if you're T Boone Pickens.
It is natural, 4 or 5 coverings of the planet in ice and then retreating. How much evidence do you need? We weren't even there for those!
Also I haven't said it was a hoax, I believe in it and that is natural. As I said before if I don't agree with everything you say then I must disagree with everything you say?
Black and white thinking:
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
This is the second time in the week I have seen you be so combative on the boards.
My thought on this - we (U.S.) is doing more than anyone on the planet about greenhouse effects. Point the finger at other countries and make them tow the line.