Survey: what move do you dread?

In order:
1. Any and all plyo jacks from any video! I HAAAATE them!
2.Sit N Stands
3.Power Scissors
4. the jump & tucks at the end of IMax
5. Over-Face In-Over - I get bored and dizzy!

I hate these things (and some more too) but I read once that the ones you hate are probably the best ones for you to do! So I grit my teeth and do them. Sometimes I say not-nice things to my tv (sorry Cathe!) but it gets me through!

>I am none too fond of
>the abs section in Body
>Max, where Cathe asks you
>to put one hand on
>your obliques in order to
>feel the muscle working. Problem
>is, not only can I
>feel the muscle working, I
>can also feel that generous
>layer of FAT on top
>of my oblique/ab muscles that
>Cathe does NOT HAVE! Arrrrgh!
>Oh well, gives me something
>to work for as I
>watch Cathe's tight abs. My
>abs feel tight too--I just
>hafta get that layer of
>fat off!!

Speaking of Body Max....I actually complete it now and then. Has anyone else noticed that the rest of the crew has bailed on Cathe by the ab section? That always makes me chuckle - Cathe's there all by herself.

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