The first time I played it, it only messed up a little bit. It froze a couple of times. Then it would mess up more and more. It would skip to other chapters sometimes and sometimes the picture would "scramble". It was absolutely impossible to use it. Yesterday, on my other DVD was perfect. Not one freeze or anything. I should probably try it another time or two, but yesterday it played great!!! I am glad I didn't throw it out, like I started to do!

It looks like these DVDs have less than standard reflectivity. Some players can tolerate that, other don't and they shouldn't. The point is that a good quality DVD has to play in any standard DVD player. Period.

I agree. I didn't even know what a skip or freeze was until i purchased the supersets. I have had absolutely no problem what so ever in any of my other dvds only cathe's.
I too have problems with my Push/Pull Superset DVD. Yesterday, it took me about 10 minutes to get the damn thing to play without freezing, the images being scrambled, etc. I took it out several times to clean it and then try again. It finally got working (I was doing Push Pull) and even in the beginning of the warmup, it was still freezing up. It eventually played fine, but why to I have to go through this everytime I want to play this DVD? I have most of Cathe's other Dvd's, never had any problems, as well as the tons of other movies that I have. I don't even do this DVD as much b/c I know I will have to go through all to this again. Frustrating.

I'm curious if more people are having problems with this particular DVD than those that are not? I'm almost ready to order both this DVD and KPC/LG, but am holding off to see if they start sending out a more reliable copy of this particular workout. I wouldn't want to get it, and not be able to use it. It's taken me long enough to get the money for these workouts as it is!

I'm just too spoiled by DVDs now to got back to VHS. I really use the Premixes in the Intensity series.:)

I have played mine on an old GO.VIDEO, a newer GO.VIDEO and a Sony with no problems.
I tried to clear my DVD. It didn't help. I sent an email to SNM on Sunday and haven't received any reply yet. I probably will email them again tomorrow.
I love Push & Pull, but can't get into Superset, because of all these problems.


P.S. Other Body Blast DVDs play fine. I NEVER had any problems of this sort with ANY of more than 60 workout DVDs that I have (including all Cathe DVDs) or any of 100+ rental DVDs that I have watched.

>I have played mine on an old GO.VIDEO, a newer GO.VIDEO and a
>Sony with no problems.

-----I have a GO.VIDEO dvd/vhs player and it plays EVERYONE'S dvds, including PUSH AND PULL, except SUPERSETS. Definitely a dvd problem, not the player.[/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
To be fair with SNM, it bears repeating "DVD PLAYERS ARE NOT STANDARD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 'STANDARD DVD PLAYER'." We aren't talking mechanical playback here. Each of your DVD players has a mini computer inside it that is running a program written by the manufacturer or someone they licensed. They are supposed to follow rules so that their program will read DVD's programmed by software that was written by (supposedly) the same rules. These rules can change and some programs can take shortcuts or skip implementing parts of rules because it is easier or cheaper or their programmer wasn't as good.

It should be true that all DVD's play in all DVD players, but that's not what the world is like right now.

Whether or not this particular issue turns out to be the DVD itself or problems with the firmware in specific players, it's not valid to point to the DVD as being at fault because you don't have problems with other DVD's or even that the problem is in the same place on different DVD's: that could point to a common firmware issue on the player as easily as to a problem on the DVD.

But, how can it be that there are problems with the same dvd whereas these very same people (including myself) are not having any problems with the rest of the BB series where all dvds are being played? Obviously, it is not a dvd player problem.

Bizarre and I don't understand and frankly, just want to get on with life. Now, if I could only get a good copy of that Supersets dvd....:)

For the most part, we (as in the people having problems) are not into technicalities, terms, etc., we just want our supersets workout dvd to work as well as the other BB dvds on the same dvd player. Is that too much to ask?:( :([/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
I'm having this problem as well. I already tried cleaning and tried the disk in another player. I also did a scratch repair thing with a Disk Doctor in case there were scratches I couldn't see, and there was no improvement. I emailed SNM 3 days ago, but they haven't responded. The only conclusion I can come to is that it is defective. Hopefully SNM will make this right for all of us having problems.

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