
Active Member
Hello everyone out there,

Just wondering if anyone has had problems with the supersets push and pull dvd. I just purchased it 2 weeks ago and when i played the supersets section on one legged squats the dvd started skipping. I got a new supersets dvd yesterday and it skips in the exact same place. The last 1/2 of the supersets section skips all the way through on both dvds in the exact same spots. I never had any problems before with my dvds and this baffles me. Is anyone else having problems with the dvd. Thanks for any and all feedback.
More than a few people are having problems with this particular DVD. I am going back and forth with Chris regarding this right now.

I do believe they had a bad batch (production wise) of dvds and our SS dvds were part of it. It is not the DVD player since most people's players work with all other dvds and especially since a lot of people are having the exact (EXACT) same problems with the SS program on that particular section.

You are not alone.

I would hope that everyone that is having problems with Super Sets would post it here so that SNM knows, for certain, that it is not only us.

Thank you for posting this here. It has also been posted over at Videofitness. Go check it out.

Edited to add:

Chris resent me another SS dvd and it had the exact same problem. He wants me to return it to him to check it again. I just say, send me another one - all this back and forth is not allowing me to do the SS workout, much less enjoy it. What a headache. :(
There is no way that the problem with the SS DVD is a DVD player problem. So many wouldn't be having the problem if it was. Plus, why would this one have a problem but not any others? If it was the player, wouldn't they all have problems? I hope they will rectify this soon. It's time to admit something's up.

A little DVD lecture here:

Every DVD made is slightly different. All of your other DVDs may play fine, but you still may have problems playing any one particular disc. As an example of this - when we were authoring the and testing the Body Blast series I could not get one premix to play on my DVD player I was testing on. All of the other Premixes worked fine, but this one premix would not play on my player I was using to test. We spent several days examining and redoing the DVD, but could not find any problems. Finally, I took the test DVD and tested on every player at the electronics store . In every case the premix I couldn’t play on my player worked fine on every player at the store. Thus, the problem was not the disc, but something in the firmware of the player. I can’t emphasize enough that the only way to know for sure that the problem is the disc or the player is to test on another player (you should not test on a computer in less you have no other choice as most use software to play and other factors could come into play).

We will always ask you two questions when you have a problem with a disc: #1 Please try cleaning the disc with tap water and mild soap (this solves about 20 % of the problems) and #2 Try playing the disc on another player (we have found over the years that over half of all reported problems are the result of something wrong with the firmware of the player). Please never skip this step as a replacement disc will not work if the problem is player related.
The chances of receiving 2 defective videos ( not related to shipping damage)are very remote. If this does happen we will always ask you to return the DVD to us so we can examine it. We always provide a self stamped and addressed envelope so this does not cost any money to do.
I am also having problems with the Supersets DVD. My dvd also skips during the one-legged squats and before and after this part of the workout. It happens approximately 23 minutes into the workout. Also, the picture on Super sets starts to pixelate (picture breaks up into little squares) into the 23 minute mark.
My problem starts exactly at the 23 minute mark too and skips on until the ab work at the end where i finally turned it off. Now i know i am not the only one. Hope we hear from more people that are having problems. These dvds are too expensive to just let the problem go. Thanks Grace.
Hi Misty,
Funny thing is when I first previewed the DVD only a tiny portion of the DVD would pixelate and just the other day I played the workout and it seems the dvd has gotten worse. More pixelation is happening and it skips quite badly (at the 23 minute mark). I thought it was my player but it plays all the other body blast dvds just fine and I bought this player 4 months ago.

I have a problem with Supersets also. Push Pull plays fine. I've played it on two different DVD players with a problem on both. It's not the DVD player. Shouldn't DVDs play on all players?

Yes dvds should play in all players but Cathes don't seem too. My dvd player is a Sanyo not a sony. I have heard people have problems if they have sonys with cathes dvds. For what we pay for dvds we shouldn't be having any problems no matter the dvd player. This isn't a dvd player problem. Something was wrong with this batch of dvds that were sent out.
I have a Panasonic and am having problems playing Supersets on it. I'm disappointed because I really liked the supersets exercises upon viewing and even did part of the workout during preview but all that skipping and pixelating give me a headache and is very distracting.
What a minute, every one that is reporting problems are reporting the same exact problem at the same exact spot but there is not a problem with the DVD?. Plus, most of them say it played fine a time or two but then messed up. How is that a fault of the player? I think there is a problem with this DVD that needs to be addressed. I'm playing mine tonight, several times through, to see if it's got the same problems. Evidently just previewing it once or twice isn't enough to tell since they seem to be deteriorating. You have to admit that's strange and a problem.

I received the replacement supersets/push and pull DVD and it has the same problem: parts of the image become scrambled; sound and music become cacophony; image and/or sound disappear completely, then reappear. These distortions last for up to one second, and then image and sound become normal until next distortion. The distortions may happen in different places during playback, but they always appear the "DB one legged Squat" segment.

I am going to email SNM again over this weekend.

It is very disappointed.

HI Irina,
Let us know how it goes with SNM. I would like to know if they still want us to clean it with water and soap for the problem or maybe it is our dvd players and we all need to buy new ones for there dvds.
Has anyone mentioned the problems that occurred with Donna Read's DVD that she released (was it last year)? Her DVD has similar problems and was literally self-destructing and became unplayable. Greg who produced the workout and Donna are working together to redo and redistribute the DVD to those who have purchased them prior.

SNM is it not possible that this is what is happening to the SS DVD? The problem with Donna's DVD did not show up during the mastering process but after the DVD was produced. Surely you would be happy to check into this possibility and not just tell people that what they are experiencing is DVD player error.
Yes - mine starts having problems at the 23 minute mark also. There are four or five times after the 23 minute mark it also freezes up and then keeps playing. It is very frustrating trying to keep a steady beat going and the DVD is freezing and starting again getting things offbeat. This is the first time I've had any DVD do this on my player that I got before the IS series came out.

SNM - what players do you have that this doesn't happen on???

Last year I ordered Tammi Webb's "I Want That Body" DVD. It had the same type of problem you are all describing. I contacted Collage and they sent me a replacement. Same problem. Sent me another one. Same problem. I was so distressed and decided to just buy it on videos (which I did). I used the videos for the year when I did this workout. I got another DVD player to put in my new exercise room a few months ago. Yesterday I decided to try the "I Want That Body DVD" with the new player just to see if it would work. (not really expecting it to). But it worked perfectly through the whole thing.

So far, knock wood, my SS DVD has been just fine, too.

I know this may not be the case with your DVD's, but I was really surprised that it was with mine. Mine is a DVD/VCR combo. It is a cheapie ;) But it seems to be pretty good.

Did your Tammi DVD mess up from the first time you played it or only after you had played it a few times? Seems the Supersets plays ok, only slight freezes, for a few times then starts really messing up after several uses. That's the strangest part.


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