
<--is almost falling off chair as she sees that Rogue is going to Hawaii in November...OMG <--am going in december!!! day after christmas to be exact for a week!! What part of hawaii are you going to??
<--asking Rogue to please send a pumpkin scone her way as well....sounds YUM:9
<---sleepily waves to everyone in Catheland.
<---thinks calling in sick sounds very appealing.
<---might just need a caffeinated attitude adjustment.
<---is wearing pants that are a wee bit too short.
<---sometimes resents long legs.
<---is spacing out staring at pictures on <---'s desk.
<---wonders where Missy is???

<--waves madly to Angie and sends hugs her way!
<--tells Angie whenever she feels resentful of long legs <-- will be more than happy to borrow them for a while:p :7
<--- sends yummy pumpkin scone to Sandy.
<--- is going to Oahu with DH as he has business there.
<--- is staying on Waikiki Beach but will be visiting friends on different parts of the island as well.
<--- while DH works <--- will be PLAYING!!
<--- absolutely loooooooooooves Hawaii!
<---waves good morning while stuffing mouth with egg white omelet
<---is sore in the chest, lats and shoulders
<---is thinking of easing up on the leg work this week, knees aren't feeling all that:(
<---is glad that Cathy feels better
<---is sending virtual sunshine to all of you having gray weather
<---is happy to know that bicep routine is working for Rogue:)
<---wonders when it will work for her, too:p
<---misses Sandy a LOT:( ;-)
<---hopes Wendy gets that car issue cleared completely, caring for a baby is more than enough work!
<---is contemplating on TRYING to clean the house
<---want to have Angie's long legs
<---wants to go to Hawaii, too
<---is peeking at large trash bin outside to see how much junk can fit in there for tomorrow's garbage truck

<---is envious of Pinky's DOMS!
<---tells Sandy that her legs are perfect and wouldn't want <---'s legs with knee issues, fat thighs and BIG FEET!!!
<---thinks Rogue needs to take ALL of us to Hawaii with her cuz she'll be lonely playing all by herself!

<--is glad Wendy's car will be fixed soon
<--thinks Hawaii sounds lovely!!!
<--thanks Pinky and tells Pinky it must have been my antioxidant "cure" ;-)
<--tells Angie that <--also has long legs and as child was referred to by "loving" brother as tree! :-(
<--tells Angie that said brother also called <--'s feet boats
<--tells Rogue <--will be in Maui the week between christmas and new year's and is taking a day trip to oahu and must see Pearl Harbor amongst other destinations while there.
<--also tells Rogue that yes, she will indeed need all her cathe biatches with her so she will not get bored or lonely...<--doesn't mind going to hawaii in November AND December:7 :7 }(
<--sends Angie the world's biggest hugs and just loves her for saying that she thinks <--legs are perfect and doesn't see the brontosaurus thighs and cellulite that <-- do!! Can I borrow those rose colored glasses sometime???!!!
<--misses Pinky SOOOO much:-( ...but wants her to know she's still BURNING}( }(
<---finally got on computer
<---will have to catch up on all the chat in a few minutes
<---has to go feed DN
<---says I missed you all yesterday and am happy to be back!!!

<--- Sends super big hugs right back to Sandy and wants her to know <--- wishes we were yakking on that crazy bus! :)
<--- Is thinking that the Catheites in the ATL need to do our own GTG thang!!
<--- Tells Sandy and everybody that DS #1 LOVES UNC-Chapel HIll (and if you know anything about it, you'd say what's not to love??)
<--- Hasn't done my workout yet today and has to get a few more things done first, so it'll have to be the afternoon treat today (true confession time: it coulda gotten done earlier if <--- hadn't been playing on this bleepin' computer).
<--- Needs to start getting up even earlier to get it ALL in these days (how DO we Amazon women do it all????)
<--- Is still thinking about a pumpkin scone........ ;-) (Bad girl, bad girl, bad girl, go eat an apple..............)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
<--waves hello to all the biatches
<--is jealous that Rogue and Sandy get to go to Hawaii and <-- probably never will
<--has been meaning to ask Pinky to send <-- her killer bicep workout
<--is having an uncomfortable day because <-- hates thongs but <-- had to wear them with dress pants x(
<--is getting DSL finally!
<--- had major viral PC issues & DH miraculously fixed
<--- thinks our AOL was infected, <--- thinks maybe AOL should disappear from our PC for good
<--- just got massive instructions ready for sitter
<--- leaves tomorrow for AZ, but will miss Bobbi
<--- still needs to WO, pack, go to swim meet, cook Mushroom Barley Soup, and vacum
<--- should get moving now...
<--- waves Bye until next Monday- Halloween & DH B-day!
<--- admires all who will run in Nashville!

Judy "Likes2bfit"
<---is too lazy to catch up on this thread.:p
<---is drinking a glass of o.j. right now. :9
<---'s son is napping now.
<---is going to start cardio and weights as soon as glass of o/j is empty. :)
<---should be going for a nap instead!:p
<--- just read" <---lucky thread and thanks everyone for well wishes!
<--- really needs to go now.....
Judy "Likes2bfit"
<---- Actually had a good night's sleep last night
<---- In a good mood today
<---- Just found out Angie (finsgirl) and I are both O-Negative! Cool!
<---- Am very excited about the Nashville Country Music Marathon www.cmmarathon.com in April.
<---- Would love it if other people here decide to join me...or maybe even run the HALF. There's a half marathon that day too.
<---- Would also love it if people here come to cheer us on, if they don't want to run <-- What a fun GTG that would be!
<------ Meeting my mom for lunch today.
<----- Tried Egg Beaters for breakfast and they were actually yummy! Thanks Angie and Emily!
<----- Started to eat vegetarian yesterday! I may just like this!
<----- Glad it's sunny out today
<----- Looking out the window at the beautiful trees, with different colored leaves.
<------ Wondering how Suzanne, Jenny and Maria enjoyed the Chicago GTG. They haven't posted yet.
<------ Tells Rogue that I have a quirky ITB as well. x( <--- Just purchased an ITB Compression Wrap, hoping it will help. Here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/7f6kh
<----- Hope everyone has a great day today!
<--- tells Laura she sent Pinky's bicep bonanza to her:)
<--- is eating salad
<--- is wishing it was Chipotle's salad and she was eating it with the 512 girls
<--- is going to try her damnedest to make it to Nashville
<--- may have to have a bake sale to raise funds
<---says hey there gals
<---another rainy crappy day in NY
<---thinking seriously about a canoe as transportation ;)
<---had great w/o at the gym, sprintervals and rowing, some weights
<---have to run a few more errands soon
<---dying for another pumpkin latte...damn you Rogue :p
<---been kinda quiet lately. dunno why

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--- tells Angie and all interested that <--- would love to have you biatches for company in Hawaii.:7
<--- thinks that would totally rock!
<--- tells Sandy that <--- thinks Maui is da bomb and that Pearl Harbor is neat and the North Shore is pretty cool too.
<--- thanks Dani for the link to the compression wrap <--- has a band that goes under the knee that for some reason eases the pain quite a bit.
<--- doesn't know how effective it would be for a long haul though.
<--- remains mighty intrigued by Nashville all the same.
<--- has to confess that <--- can do pullups/chinups in the multiples.
<--- only says this so fellow no shiznit biatches will listen when <--- recommends a tip for creating very pleasing definition in biceps, back, shoulders as well as increasing # of pullups accomplished.
<--- tells those interested that the negative of an underhand grip pullup/chinup is where it's at - even if you cannot do 1 get someone to assist you up and then VERY SLOWLY lower yourself down.
<--- assures those interested that this will burn like hell itself and that DOMS will follow even if only done ONCE verrrrrry slowly.
<--- it is the slow and controlled lowering that will stress the muscles and make ya shake but will strengthen the back, shoulders and biceps.
<--- is not a trainer or any kind of fitness professional but this has worked for <---.
<--thanks Shelley for sending Pinky's biceps bonanza
<--thinks <-- needs to get Pure Strength
<--is considering going to Nashville to cheer on marathoners and half marathoners
<--is impressed at Rogues ability to do multiple pullups
<--is eating a chicken salad right now
<--- thinks she needs a few Cathe workouts
<--- thinks Laura should DO at least the half;)
<--- wishes this afternoon was OVER already
<--- can't believe Rogue can do all those pull-ups
<--- is jealous
<--- is not eating a chicken salad right now

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