
<---has been cleaning most of the day
<---hasn't worked out at all
<---doesn't feel like it
<---is taking a break
<---tells Laura to go commando;-)
<---backs up everything Rogue said about pull-ups
<---read such advice somewhere a long time ago... maybe Rogue wrote it and I just didn't know it was her?;-) :)
<---emphasizing downward movement ONE rep AT A TIME has helped her a lot with pull-ups
<---is good only with narrow grips though (underhand, overhand, palms facing) but is still struggling with wide grips
<---would love to go to Nashville but finds it hard to leave son:(
<---is feeling exercise burn out
<---just reading some threads gives her burn out
<---but yeah, Sandy, still burning for you, baby}( ;-)
<---wonders how many calories she's burned up just cleaning

<---thinks you divas have been quite talkative today!
<---is so glad to have this site for entertainment
<---is doing ME tonight and Lowmax
<---got roots fixed today and looks much more presentable
<---has alot of email to catch up on
<---was supposed to get pics today, but didn't
<---is glad to see Kathy S. and is glad ds is enjoying school
<---thinks there is no such thing as too early for coffee
<---is afraid to weigh myself due to all the crap i have consumed lately(hangs head in shame)
<---refuses to leave my house tomorrow! the traffic has been insane and i am sick of it!!
<---is sorry Shelley has cramps
<---is giving dogs haircuts later...should be interesting

<--- says hey
<--- tells Wendy from one amazing mom to another "THANK YOU"... that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me
<--- is deciding if <--- should workout or not
<--- decided against w/o for now b/c DD is ready for bed and it is passed her bedtime
<--- will see ya'll tomorrow

Night, night
<---waves to Autumn
<---thinks there are lots of amazing moms around here
<---did ME tonight and could never do it twice in one day
<---gave ONE dog a decent haircut(slightly lopsided)
<---wonders if Gilbert ate anything he wasn't supposed to today
<---may turn in early and read
<---must remember to set timer for coffee pot
<---cannot stop sneezing today

<----waves good evening to all Catheites.
<----says "you are quite welcome" to Autumn.
<----needs to go to bed now.
<----will sleep better tonight knowing car fiasco is being cleared up.
<----says good night to all and see you in the morning!:)
<--loves being a flybaby!<--paper clutter is GONE
<--has the DOMS in upper and lower body from yesterday
<--can say that now that someone explained what they were
<--other than paper clutter, had a VERY unproductive day
<--but was called by a recruiter for retail management
<--has been years since that
<--should clean the house tomorrow
<--Glad Wendy's car thingy is cleared up!
<--See ya'll later this morning!


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