Sumo squats in STS2.0 Super Sets

Darn good question!!!!:). I have always wondered that….sometimes they have toes pointed out & sometimes straight.

Also on the new way of doing lateral raises in this series, slightly out to the front, does that mean in all the other workouts, that we can
lift straight out to the side as they are done, or is this way safer? Or am I putting way to
much thought into it? :)
I remember from somewhere, I can't remember where exactly, that both the plie squat and sumo squat have feet turned out but the feet placement for a sumo squat was not quite as turned out as a plie squat. As for the lateral raises, I think it is safer on the joints if done slightly out to the front when you're using heavier weights?
Thank you both! There is one workout and I can't remember which one where Cathe uses "sumo squat" and "plie squat" interchangeably. She says something like "sumo squat, also known as a plie squat" or maybe the other way around. But I think I've actually alternated toes forward and toes out. And for the lateral raises, today I used 8's and I kept my elbows slightly forward. In other words, my arm wasn't straight out from my shoulder joint.
I guess I am just thinking of all the other workouts where it’s “lift straight out to the side,”
and now “slightly to the front“, and I am like who do I listen to: “ before or now”? :)

and regarding toes, I remember in a live workout awhile back, we were doing sumo squats and most everyone‘s feet were slightly turned out, but she had said toes forward. Confusing..
I think Hazlady is spot on ...

I think the raise in "the scapula plane" is based on new-er research .... I think I read about it in Scott Hogan's "Built From Broken" book & have been doing it that way since this past year, including when doing older dvds.

When Cathe started using the term "sumo", maybe 10+ years ago, I remember looking it up ... it can be used interchangeably with plie, however some do distinguish a plie as being a little further turned out as in ballet if your hips can manage - as Hazlady mentions.
I keep thinking a sumo squat is slightly narrower than a pile with toes pointed more forward, although I don't think toes forward is necessarily an anatomically comfortable position for everyone. Those goblet squats at the beginning of LB#2 really confuse me... is it supposed to be a sumo squat position or a pile squat position...? Suppose i should just look it up since I'm online. lol
I think goblet squats are closer to a sumo squat position. Your feet are about shoulder width apart with toes slightly turned out. There is another variation which holds the dumbbell in the same position called the cyclist squat. This one has your legs close together and toes forward, and heels raised using weight plates. It targets the quads and VMO (the muscle on the inside of the thigh just above the kneecap). But I don't know if you should do this variation if you have bad knees.

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