Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

Whoa! This is great! All kinds of new energy here! This is getting me really excited!

For you newbies, I was on the old thread and although i lost 4 pounds on WW flex, I maintained for a long time. Well, it turns out, I maintained over the holidays as well, which I'm THRILLED about 'cause I was NOT eating clean. I did workout, though, so Cathe saves the day!!!

Got up AGAIN this morning to workout - this was a goal I had a lot of trouble with before Christmas so I'm really happy (and Aila, like you, I'm really hungry by mid-morning!). Doing the January rotation, my first rotation ever, and loving it so far. I think if I continue working out this much in a structured way, maybe my exercise will do more for me. I haven't started Core yet, sort of trying my own thing I guess. Checking in with whether I'm really hungry, drinking more water, eating slow. I also read a tip to eat slowly during the first 10 minutes of your meal, regardless of hunger. I'm going to try it out!

What other strategies have people tried that worked? Let's share our wealth of knowledge!
Thanks FFD! I'm going to hold myself accountable and post here. I've been losing that last 6 pounds from DD birth 4 years ago. This is just the kick in the pants I needed. Two years ago we went to Disney during Easter and I was going to get the weight off then and didn't do it. I am going to do it now!!! (Hopefully:7 ) We're going to Disney the end of May and that's my goal - to get those pounds off by then and look decent in a bikini at 39!

I admire all you gals (& guys :7 ) that workout more than an hour a day! I typically workout 4-5 days a week, am pushing for a solid 6!

January Goals: COMPLETE my 1st Cathe Rotation (Jan 05')
I just bought raisins and a jar of pickles to
snack on while I'm cooking!
I stocked the fridge full of broccoli, apples,
grapefruit, banannas - good stuff!
Play more with the kids instead of reading - burns
more calories.

Well, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for starting this }( , !

I would love to join the Challenge! All the motivation I can get the better! I mainly just want to lean out more, get more defined. Be better with the eating thing.... I started this on Monday and I do okay during the day but after dinner my sweet tooth attacks! Any ideas? Susan
Wow look at all the challengers!

Today was Cardio and Weights. Finished the tape except for the last cardio section. For me that was awesome. Working on getting my stamina back since I hadn't worked out since Thanksgiving. I'm still feeling my tricep workout from Monday. However, it's a good feel and I LIKE it.

Another day of clean eats. Yeah me.
Count me in!

I have worked out on and off for some years. My daughters finally started a pre-school program near the end of the year and I tried to use that time when they are in pre-school (three hours from monday to friday) to workout, but couldn't be consistent either because they had too many days off for different reasons. My fitness resolution for this year is to be consistent and do at least something (a shorter workout while they watch TV or play) when they can't go to school. Also, I asked my husband not to do any appointment during their school hours so they don't have to miss school that day (I don't drive for personal reasons). Another goal I have is to eat clean.

Well, I have Slow & Heavy, Step Heat, Mega Step Blast, and All Step, but right now I am starting again, so I have to work my way up to Cathe's workouts again. My birthday is on January 30, and I plan to ask my husband for the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD. In the meantime, I will do my other videos which are not from Cathe and are less advanced.
Wow. It is going to be fun with all the new posters!

I did ME today and cleaned my house. I wanted to run too, but I will fit that in tomorrow.

For all of the new people, I was on the last challenge (New Years Challenge) and I lost 10 pounds.

Have a great day,
Hi everyone,

I'm doing Cathe's January Rotation (yikes!) but my main concern is diet. I will be re-starting SB on Monday next. After 2 or 3 weeks of that my main concern will be to eat healthy & as clean as possible.

I gained...hmmm...I think it was 4 lbs. over the holidays, but they are gone already. So now I start from where I was!

So glad to see all the new posters...welcome everyone! So how many Lori's do we have now?:p

Hi good morning. today is RS in the april 2003 rotation. I will add something more. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good Morning Everyone.....I did have some FF ice cream last night, but stayed in my Points, so I am ok with that. As long as I eat in my Point range, I am happy. Today I am going to do the TimeSaver #5 leg workout, and walk/run on my treadmill for 20 mins. Have a great day everyone!!!!
Lori S.
Hi Everyone,

I must say after having 2 weeks off it is a struggle to get up early enough to workout. Getting up and working out at 8:30am was great while I was off, but now I need to get back in the routine of getting up at 5:30-5:45ish to get my morning w/o in. Well I didn't make it this morning so I will be hitting the gym at lunch today. I did manage to do PUB,PLB, and Boot Camp Abs yesterday.

FFD-I follow the Flex plan. Being an overeater most of my life, the core plan gave me too much freedom and I didn't think I could control my eating on that plan. Good luck

Hi everyone,

I am also following the January rotation and have been consistent so far. My challenge is definitely diet!! I volunteered today at my daughter's preschool this morning and went out to lunch with another mom. I did okay though. I ordered cajun grilled salmon over romaine lettuce with a lite balsamic vinegrette. I was proud because I really wanted a smoked chedder burger:9 !! Man that thing looked good!! I had such a great workout this morning that I didn't want to ruin it with a sloppy burger:7 . I am going to try and get some yoga in tonight. Have a gret day!!

I guess my goals are to tighten up my core and get back to good eating habits. It's become too much of a habit to reach for munchies over the holidays. My husband lost 20 pounds this Fall and I'm supporting him by not bringing munchies into the house and cooking yummy lot fat meals. I have a three year old and a five year old who do need healthy snacks during the day...unfortunately I find myself snacking too even though I don't need the food. I'm within 5 pounds of my target weight.
I'm doing the January rotation and did Legs and Glutes this morning. My challenge is incorporating my Advanced Jazz dance weekly class into the January rotation. I'm discovering muscles I never knew I had (due to this dance class). This completely surprised me as I do Cathe workouts at least 4 times a week and have almost all of them (except maybe the first four and the beginner ones).
I'm also working on getting my splits. I'm 37 and have never been able to do the splits and I can't believe how much closer I've gotten since September.
My fourth goal is to get superfit for my second summer of triathlons. I did my first two last summer.
I'm in! Yet another Lorrie here (guess we corner the market on weight issues :eek: ) I really got serious last April and concentrated on both food and exercise. In the past I'd been able to accomodate one OR the other. From April to October I dropped 30 lbs, but that last 10 is refusing to budge!!! Looked to the Abs Diet because I'd always heard that a plateau means you're not getting enough protein. So I incorporated his protein smoothies - which also use a lot of milk and yogurt. They're awesome! But the holidays were tough. So I'm geared up for this challenge. I just discovered Cathe (long time Firm user) and got her intensity series for Christmas. Love it! Let's get it moving - we CAN do this!
HI Everybody!
Didn't think I was going to get a chance to workout today but I did.When I got home from work tonight,I did a 40 min run and I did PUB.My knees have been hurting alot lately so I think I am going to take some time off,when it comes to running.Aerobics doesn't bother my knees.Anyway,I will check in tomorrow.
Hi everyone. I'd like to check in also. I've lurked around for awhile here and decided to do the January rotation - I've been adding a new dvd or two a week. I know it's cheaper in bulk, but I need the immediate gratification! I've lost almost 50lb since last January - doing mostly firm videos, but on a recommendation, got ME and BC and I started having a hard time pulling out the firm stuff, kept going to Cathe. Now, I'm hooked. I still have another 30-40 lbs to lose - I want to be a lean size 2 (currently in a 10), so I'm not sure pound wise what that will be. I pretty much follow a low/good carb plan. Last year, I ate until full, this year is to work on portion control and eating every 3-4 hours. I do much better if I keep a little in all the time than three big meals.

Sorry so long. I'm doing the January rotation, but am a day behind - going to catch up this weekend. Today was L&G. Oh, I also took pictures so I have a before/after Cathe. Thanks for including me.

Just a quick check-in. There are so many of us, I hope we can all still write things to one another - I know that's how I feel supported!

I took today off - really tired and sore. Will try either SJ&P or Imax 2 tomorrow morning. If doing a rotation (i.e. working out to Cathe 6 days a week) doesn't make me lose weight, I'm just going to decide that my current weight and being a size 8 (occasionally a 6) is where I'm meant to be!
hi, i'm new to the forum but would like to get to know some of you. i've been reading a few posts off and on for a few months now and i think that this is a great thing. great for support. i could use some of that myself. my husband and i have been working out and trying to eat healthy for a year now consistently, but i want more. hope to hear from someone soon. have a great day, gotta go workout now. Joetta
Hi Joetta! Sounds like you have similar goals to many of us. What specific things do you want to acheive?

I promise I'm only gonna toot my horn til the end of the week, but another morning workout scored!! Imax 2 - and it actually didn't feel that different (a bit more fatigued than usual). Its amazing how my body can be screaming to sleep more, but once I'm through the warmup, I feel pretty good. I need to remember this when that voice is coercing me to hide under the covers!! Today, I'm finally going to check out Core, too. Have a great day everyone!!!

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