Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

Thanks everyone for the congrats!:7 It sure was a good way to start off my "new way of living".

It looks like everyone is doing great and staying on track, so that's wonderful.

FFD congrats on your engagement.:)

Have a great week! Today, I think I'll try another CTX workout, then head out to the refuge and lug 20 lbs. of camera equipment around in hopes of getting a few pictures of the deer out roaming around.

Thanks again!

Lee Anne
Good Morning Ladies,
Whats up? Does anyone have sore muscles?
Not me b/c I didn't do PLB yesterday and now I have to double up today!x( I just couldn't bring myself to do it last night and I don't think I can bring myself to do Imax either.I think its gonna have to be Imax2.Its not as tough but it is more fun!
Eating didn't go as planned yesterday:-( I was off all day so it made it easier to roam around the kitchen.
I wonder sometimes where people get thier motivation.I was talking to a so called friend at the mall yesterday and she was saying that she is going through choc.detox.As of yesterday she gave up choc for a while.And so is my other "so called friend" and they don't have weight issues,they are just afraid of having weight issues.Somehow,they find the strength to give these things up.And they are home all day long with babies.I don't know.....maybe you can buy it in pill form!
Anyway,I am going to workout now and I will check back later.
Lori, have been wondering the same thing. Reading Oxygen magazine and wondering why these girls can be so regimented and I can't. If I figure it out I'll tell you!

Lisa, have you ever done Imax? If not, I'm giggling a bit, cause I bet you'll regret that treadmill workout this morning! If you have, then I'm impressed! Usually if I do Imax, I call it a day!

Victory over early workout this morning! Did StepFit for the first time. Tomorrow since it'll be 6:00 will be a weight workout whatever is on the January rotation...
Hi Ladies.....I did PLB, and the cardio condtioning from KPC this morning. eating has been going well, but I am starving today. Gotta run, kinda busy. Check in better tomorrow.
Hi Ladies,

Well I made it through Imax this morning and will be hittin' the cardio machines at the rec ctr for lunch.

I stayed on track with my points and my wt went up .6lbs. I know it is not much, but I've been at a plateau for the last 10 weeks. Even working out 2 times a day is not helping, and I always drink at least 64oz water-sometimes up to 128oz. I may need to contact a plastic surgeon if I can't get the scale moving. Over the years weight watchers has probably cost me the same as lipo-go figure!

Feel better after venting now and chomping down on my carrots.

Have a great day.

Well, I did Imax - almost - that one needed to be done when I didn't have my 3 and 4 year old boys in the same room. I spent every cool down segment getting something! My legs are still hurting me, though. I think that was the only day it was listed, too, for the rotation. Off to bed for now - check in tomorrow! Have a great night!

FFD-Must be something in the person that gives them the ability to tape their mouthes shut.I know we can accomplish alot just with working out and eating right but some people go beyond the point of that.It is probably easier for fitness competitors b/c they are around it all day long.I think it would easier to whip up a protein shake if I were working in a gym.Not that what they do is easy but I can workout and then pop something in my mouth(thats not good for me)
Anyway,today is BC.I haven't done this one in a while and I really enjoy it.I am thinking about mixing a run in there as well.
The scale was down 1/2 lb today but I think it is just playing tricks on me.I don't want to gain back those few pounds and I am not doing anything out of the way(eating wise)I have been a bit lazier in the evenings then normal.Yesterday I watched Sex and the City after dinner from 7-9.I just lay on the couch.Prehaps I should switch my workouts to evening.
I will check back later if I have the time.
Good Morning Ladies.....I got a terrible migraine last nightt, and woke up this morning feeling like a ball bat was hitting the left side of my head. I took an Immitrex, and it feels better now. I am supposed to do Imax 2 on my rotation, but I am not sure I can hanndle that tough of a workout today. I will have to wait and see.

Diana- I am sorry the scale went up .6 of a lb. I know how discouraging that is. That is why I am following my Points, but have not dared to weigh myself yet.

Have a good day everyone.
Good Morning Everyone,

This morning was BootCamp for me. I use to do this workout all the time when I first got it-but haven't done it in quite awhile. I also didn't care much for circuit training until doing the terminator workouts-which I love.

Thanks for the encouragement Lori. I am staying on track with my points and have decided to eat 1/2 a grapefruit twice a day and see if this helps. I read the the grapefruit diet in my moments of desperation, but have decided to follow the ww plan I am currently on.

Have a great day.
hi everyone,

Did Bootcamp this morning - like you, Diana, I hadn't done it in awhile and never in the morning. I didn't do too shabby! And, its my first 6:00 workout in a long time. Hoping to continue the habit tomorrow - probably with Imax, but maybe PLB (never done this one). I'm officially trying Core - took a lengthy look at it tonight. We shall see. Those who've tried it, did you stick to some regimented number of meals per day (e.g. 3, 6) or eat core foods whenever you felt like you needed them?
Hello Ladies,
Another month almost 1/2 over! We will soon be shopping for christmas gifts againx( It goes just as as fast as it comes.
Yesterday was BC for me as well.Must be a few people around here doing the Jan rotation.I think in another couple of monthes(maybe may) I am going to start the TTR.I have a wedding I have to stand for in Aug and the dresses have spagetti straps and me don't want flabby arms!!!!:) They aren't to bad now, I talk as if I have tree trunks for arms.
Today I am going to do a run instead of MIC.The VCR ate MIC a couple of monthes ago.
Eating was o.k yesterday but I love to bake...I bake,then I eat.Hard stuff.I made brownies and I am not sure how many of those I made it into my system.
Does anyone have a goal weight they are heading for? I am now at 126.The scale as edged its way up!;( And I would really like to see 120 lbs.I am not sure how to go about it.I am thinking of just taking the cals in v.s cals out routine.No books,no eating after 8.I never stick to plans very well although I LOVE the BFL plan.
Anywho....I will check back later.Hoping to do a nice long run (if my knees let me )and then some abs.
Lori :)
Hi girls....I still have my migraine. I have felt awful. I hate to miss a workout again today, I don't know if I can do it or not. I have stayed in my Points though, so that is good.
Hi Ladies,

Well today is a rest day for me. I have worked out for 12 days straight, 9 of them being 2 workouts per day. No wonder I'm exhausted. Looking ahead to the schedule-I will need to move bodymax up from Tuesday to Sunday, there is no way I will have time to do this in the morning.

Hope you start feeling better Lori. I'm staying withing my points also.

Happy Thursday.

Hi Ladies,

Well today is a rest day for me. I have worked out for 12 days straight, 9 of them being 2 workouts per day. No wonder I'm exhausted. Looking ahead to the schedule-I will need to move bodymax up from Tuesday to Sunday, there is no way I will have time to do this in the morning.

Hope you start feeling better Lori. I'm staying withing my points also.

Happy Thursday.

Good Morning,
Thats alot of working out! I use to be able to do that.I guess I still could if I wanted to but I hate washing and drying my hair:)
Today is CTX UB and a run.I ran yesterday for 70 min.I wanted to keep going to see if my treadmill would just stop.I have heard alot about treadmills stoping after they have been going for so long.I don't really want to be on there for 2 hours either:)
I just joined the healthy eating check-in.I need something.My eating as slowly been going downhill.I just love sweets to much;( I am going to try and just have one sweet thing a day and then maybe 1 every 2 days.We will see.
Everyone else seems rather quiet!
Well, I did HSTA yesterday, and the migraine seemed to go away even more than it had been. My head feels pretty good right now. Today is Imax 2 and 10 mins. of abs. Still staying in my Points. Two full weeks now of perfection. I am amazed. I think I might weigh myself on Monday, I don't know. I hate that scale.
Hi everyone!

Lorisax, if your clothes are feeling different, I might weigh just to see. But ask yourself if it will ruin your motivation if the number hasn't changed. If so, forget it. You're doing great anyway, so who cares?

My pants are fitting very differently this morning - much looser. I never thought that adding an extra coupla days of exercise could make a difference so fast! I didn't get up this morning to exercise - sore from PLB which I did yesterday for the first time. Now I've saved Imax and MIC for the weekend - YIKES! Has anyone ever done them back to back?
Hi Ladies,

This morning was CTX upper body split. I will be doing MIC tomorrow and Bodymax on Sunday. I will be rearranging next weeks schedule since I can't get up early enough to do bodymax on a workday. Have a great weekend everyone and keep up with our good eating habits.

Hi Ladies,
I had to retreive us from the second page again! How do we get on over there? I think some of our new posters have drifted.It doesn't seem like there are as many people around.
Well...I am glad to hear that everyones pants are getting loser.But mine aren'tx( They are getting tighter.And as many times as I say I am going to start tomorrow,something always happens. I have to learn to say no, but it's hard when you are hungry.
I came to work today with intentions of being good.Shortly after, I had to go out and pick up b-day cake for one of the girls and of course I had a piece.I had been up since 6 and I was starving.I really need to follow some sort of program.I know I don't eat alot but is it possible that you can not eat enough and gain weight?
I know its "written" in mags alot but I also read once that it was false.If you were not eating enough you would lose weight in the beginning and then come to a stand still.
I think I need to cut back on the cardio and the eating.Try something different.I eat so-so and then I run for an hour.I can't figure it out.Prehaps if I change it up a bit then my body will respond to it.
Anyway, I don't meann to be a complainer but I am not happy with myself.Whats wrong with me? I don't gain weight during christmas but I gain it after? Im a$$ up!
Lori- I am sorry you are so troubled. Maybe you are not eating enough and your body is hanging onto the fat and not releasing it. I don't know, if I weighed your number, I would be plenty happy. I don't mean that in a bad way. I am complimenting you!!

FFD- I won't decide until Monday morning if I will weigh or not. My pants do feel better, but I hate that scale. But, I also think, my goal is to lose 15 lbs. by April 7th, how am I going to know if I am on the right track if I don't weigh myself??

Today is PLB, and I got the new Advanced Cardio from the Firm BSS3 to try. It is supposed to be very hard. I am anxious to try it. The other two cardio's from this set are very good. They are all only 30 minutes, so they are a great add on.

Have a good day everyone.

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