Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

I know, I act like it is such a big deal sometimes b/c I am far from over weight.I just hate love handles.If you were to meet me,you wouldn't think I weighed 128 lbs.More like 120.
I was thinking about it last night and I remember weighing 137 lbs.I was fitting into a size 11.Thats when I made the change.I wasn't going to be wearing double digits (no offense to those who are, I am sure you look great)I never wore that size before.And it was pure McDonalds on every inch of me.
So now I am only 9 lbs lighter then that, and am 4 sizes smaller.I guess muscle does weigh more.I take a 5-7.
Sometimes i feel bad for whining b/c I think I buy to many fitness mags.Prehaps I think I should look like that to.
Hi everyone!

Yep, looks like its back to us core people and a couple of other hanger-oners. Stay with us, people!

Lori, I go through periods where I get really serious about the way I look - buying all kinds of magazines, getting organized and structured like that, and it almost never works. Its like the more I do that, the further I get from listening to my body and paying attention to myself. I have an easy time buying into the idea of a formula (not that you're doing that,but I do) and then I get disappointed if it doesn't work.

Since I've quit Flex and focused on the January rotation, my clothes are fitting looser and I don't feel as focused on it all the time. I am trying to check in with whether or not I'm really hungry, eat whatever it is I REALLY want (this is scary because I'm not eating as many diet type foods, but also finding I don't crave burgers and fries), trying to eat wholesome foods when I do eat, eat more slowly, not after dinner unless I have real hunger pangs, etc. I will weigh Wednesday to get feedback about if its really working or not. I sure hope it does because it feels much more natural that counting points!

Tonight, I am going to try and do a second workout (CTX UB - this morning was Imax), then I have MIC tomorrow. I love the January rotation!

Question - does anyone have a good sub for SS? I have MIS, Power Hour, and ME as total body Cathe workouts...
Hi FFD-You may want to use ME or Power Hour as SS is more endurance based in MHO. How are you doing on the Core Plan? I'm afraid I will overeat if I'm not accountable for my points.

Lori-We all get discouraged from time to time. Just keep up with your workout schedule and eat as clean as possible. I feel your pain. I've plateaud for the last 10 weeks. Hoping Hardcore will get the scale moving.


Hi, just wanted to respond to your question even though a new thread has been started. I agree that Core is a little scary - there's some comfort in counting and logging things. I've just found that I don't always hold myself accountable anyway with Flex and end up feeling really angry. Also, I think I eat worse foods if they have a lower point value. I don't know, I'm gonna try it. I maintained the same weight for so many weeks, and there was something weird about maintaining it over Christmas, when I wasn't counting at all or eating that clean. I felt like, if I'm going to put that much energy into counting points and being accountable, I have to see results.

I'm hoping Core (and BFL which I'm planning to try) will help me get attain, over time, a natural inclination to eat better. I'm going to allow for ups and downs more (e.g. some weekends where I eat crap, but really ask myself if I even wanted to or checking in about it) and just see where my body goes. I've been doing a lot of reading about intuitive eating - eating what your body is asking for, and it really appeals to me. Maybe I won't lose 20 pounds with it, but hey, it didn't look like I was going to anyway! I just want to be comfortable with myself - eating included. As long as I'm not eating due to stress, or because its there, as long as I'm eating because I'm really hungry or really wanting something, I'll be happy. Wow, that was really long winded!!!

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