Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 24-30

NurseLT, I couldn't drag myself up this morning either, so I'll have to workout later. What do you ladies do if you want to workout in the morning, but you didn't sleep well and need that extra hour? I always feel like I eat more when I'm tired, so maybe the sleep would be best, but then maybe I should just push through it...

Lorihart, I admire you for putting together homemade workouts. I get pretty sucked into routine (would you believe I've had the terminator DVD since summer and haven't tried ANY of them? Really sad...)

Lorisax, how has the August rotation been for you? Are you noticing a difference? My lower body always needs help! Let me know if you ever want to try the January and I'll start over with you! Is August just for strength and LB definition, or some fat loss too?

Does anyone own slow and heavy? I've been curious about this one lately...

I'm loving this thread!
Hi Ladies,

I didn't workout this morning since DH and I had an appt. with DS high school counselor. And it doesn't look like I'll get in a lunchtime w/o either. However, I am eating as clean as possible and staying within my points range.

FFD-I have the S&H series. I would recommend it even though it is not one I choose to do very often. I add muscle very easily (too bad I don't lose fat that easy!). S&H is definitely a muscle building series and if that is what you are looking for-it will deliver.

Lorisax-I'm thinking of doing the August Rotation next month, depending on the rotation Cathe posts. Were you planning on doing it again?

Have a great day everyone.

FFD- I own S&H as well.I never do it though.It just takes to long.Between sets I found myself folding laundry! Whats the use in buying it? You won't try it anyway!:7 }( I can't beleive you haven't tried the Terminator.There are some nasty workouts on there! I like making my own workouts b/c I get bored.
I made cupcakes today.Do you think I am out to get myself? I also bought the stuff to make Choc.chip cookies but I don't have enough containers to put them in.I love to bake.I normally take what I bake to work OR two days later I will throw it in the garbage! What a waste.
I will check in tomorrow,
Hey everyone...

I'm checking in late and hiding my head in shame.:( I have completely blown my diet and have got to get on track again. I was feeling so good. I swear it's like smoking. I pick up one bite of something sweet and it's all over. I can't seem to make myself quit eating. I ordered the new videos and will be glad when they get here. I'm also thinking about getting all the ones I don't have, so I can do the rotations. Do you all have all of the older ones?

Lori, good luck with your new job! I haven't read everyone's posts but will try to a little later today. I've got to get my kids off to school and head OOT myself.

Have a great rest of the week and would someone PLEASE come wire my mouth shut. :)

Lee Anne
I will check back in later, I am off and flying today!! I am going to do Imax right now. The Aug. rotation is for fat loss and LB trimming. I think my LB is definitely tighter. I am going to weigh and measure Monday, as my month will be over. I am going to do week 2 next week until the Hard Cores get here, and then I will be doing those!!!!!!!!!

We are taking my dog to get bred today!!! I am so EXCITED!!!
Hi Ladies,

Well this has not been my best week for working out. Saturday was ME, Sun-off, Mon-MIS, Tues-off, Wed-off, Thursday-nothing yet, maybe later today. It's TOM and I have absolutely no energy. Will try to do Imax 2 later today.

Lori-I tend to do the same thing-I love baking and choc chip cookie dough, but after I make them either the kids need to eat them all or I'll throw them out to keep myself from eating them. Sad isn't it.

Morning ladies! Glad to have you Leigh Ann (I think that was your name!). I won't wire your mouth shut, but go stock up on yummy fruit! Always helps me get back on track.

Lori, are you starting your new job today?

Did leaner legs this morning - she sure packs a wallup with that 33 minute workout. Whew. Tomorrow is CTX kickbox cardio and Ab Hits. Then MIS on Sunday (yes, I have saved the worst for last!). Keep forgetting to weigh myself (I promise - I always remember after I've gotten in the shower and I heard never to weigh after that). Doing great with my water, which is a recent goal. That article in M&F Hers helped - says you should drink 500ml several times a day, and I just got 3 500ml containers from Target. FOr some reason, keeping up with how many I've emptied by such and so time keeps me on track!

Will check in later tonight. Today my goal is to try to eat clean for as long as I can (last night I made it to about 9:30!). Will definitely be hard cause its a Friday. Almost certainly having some beers tonight, but if I can avoid the food, that is a victory!
Good Morning Everyone,
Another snow storm! The three mornings I have had off, I have not been out to get my coffee.Had to make it myself and its not that great.At least I do not HAVE to be somewhere.
FFD-Today is my last day at my old job and tomorrow I am starting the new one.I know I have complained about my boss and the place i work at but I think I am really going to miss it.I have been there for 6 yrs,which is a long time.I don't want to stay there but I think a part of me is sad.Oh well, I can always stop in for a visit.It will just seem weird not going there.
Eating wasn't good yesterday.I was off totally.I have to have my meals sensible or I am throw'in for a loop and I didn't workout.
I went to work and had a bagel at 9:30.At 12:30 I had a cupcake and some cheese and crackers.At 4 one of the girls I work with,made me a cake.I was tickled that she did this for me so OF COURSE,I had a piece of cake.That threw my dinner off.Then for dinner I had a few fries and a ck breast.Then when I got home from work again I started picking at the cake.
I am sort of wondering how I will do at this new job b/c once you are there,your there.I can't leave.SO,if I take healthy food with me then thats all I will have to eat:) Im hoping this will work.
I think I am going to do a homemade workout again today:) I plan on doing more running this time though,.
I will check back later today,
Hi Ladies,

Another morning without a workout. I plan on getting busy this weekend though-since I will not have any excuses. Somehow my healthy eating has fallen by the wayside as well. Will get back at that also. Hope everyone is doing better than me this week.

Hi everyone....I have stayed on track this week, I am surprised. I have been gone so much, many dinners stopping here or there, but I have stayed in my Points, and kept it healthy. Tommorrow I am going to do L&G's Extreme. Today was SS-UB Blast, and 1/2 cardio from Firm's BSS3. Monday I weigh. I hope it is good!!!!!!!
Morning Girls!
First day at new job! And I am even planning on working out before hand.DH is leaving to go away tomorrow,until next Thursday.So I probably won't get to workout tonight b/c we will spend a bit of time together.I am just going to do a 30 min run.SOmething to get the blood pumping and to get my brain readt to learn.
Yesterday I felt a little bit sad.I know I have complained about that place alot but there were some good things about it as well.I did like the girls I worked with AND I loved my job.I think I am going to pick up some Thank-You cards today and drop them off at some of my customers houses.
I am going to try and make this short b/c I have to workout.I don't know if these legs can move very fast today.
I have my lunch packed and I just have some ck wraps made and some yogurt.I am going to try to be a good girl starting today.DH is going away so that keeps the nibbling at bay in the night time this week b/c he is the one who takes the chippies out.
Anyway,I will post tonight and let you know how my first day went.
Morning ladies!

LoriSax, tell me about L&G extreme. Is that one of the premixes?

Really tired this morning, woke up earlier than I wanted to. Don't you hate it when that happens? Hoping to do CTX kickbox with abs later today. Eating not great, had to go out last night even though I didn't want to. Need to get better at just havin gwater or diet coke and not worrying about everyone saying "Aren't you drinking?" I can't stand being out with people like that!
Good morning everyone. I've been MIA for awhile - I had the flu and have been out of exercise action for almost two weeks now! I'm going to get started today with a light w/o. I've been scanning through old rotations and since I'm so far off now, I'm going to get on track with some circuit w/o's for fat loss. I believe Annabelle2 posted her one week rotation: Bootcamp, Imax, Step Jump Pump, Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Imax 2 then rest. I may try this for a few weeks.

Hope everyone is well.

Is there a new thread somewhere? Sorry I've been gone - I am SO SICK. This is the first time all day I've been able to even sit up. Its the worse flu I've ever had. So much for finishing the January rotation! Just 2 workouts missed. Can't wait to get back to it...

Hope you ladies are doing well...

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