Sugar Ray Leonard & Laila Ali: Knockout

I saw Laila on the Rachael Ray show last week and she talked about the workout but I forgot all about it until you posted. So I did some snooping and came up with this link to Laila's site which gives a description of the workout. If I am reading right I do not think you need a heavy bag. Hope this helps :7
I preordered them from They are to be released on Tues so I'm hoping to have them by Friday at the latest. Can't wait to try them.
I caved and ordered as well. I got so excited when I saw Cathe's post about her upcoming filming and one of the one's I'm excited about is the boxing workout. I've really been getting into kickboxing lately. I finally got out of the habit of doing "all out" super intense sessions constanly and have been trying to vary my HR's, etc to keep my body guessing. Although boxing doesn't spike my HR that high, I really like the toning effect it has on the upper body, especially when you concentrate on punching hard, etc. I'm hoping these will be good!
I caved and ordered it too. I bought a heavy bag, stand and speed bag last year when Cathe announced that she was going to do a boxing workout. I love kickboxing/boxing.

Hey Lora, Iris, or Susan...

Once you get these can you either PM/e-mail me or post here on the OD what you think of them? I am a sucker for kickboxing workouts but just got Tracey's new one & slim series express, along with about 3 others from deepdiscount in the last few weeks so I am going to try to get through all those new ones before deciding on this one, although I typically always cave! Anyway, your feedback would be appreciated!
I'll be happy to give my opinion when I get it. I'm leaving for Vegas on Saturday I may not get to to it for a week or so. It should arrive while I'm gone. I'll be back to working out Thursday AM.

Not to get OT here....but have you tried any Kimberly Spreen? I just LOVE LOVE the new CIA Absolute Kickboxing. It is half kickboxing and half combat drills with the body bar. The music is excellent. I'm so in love with the new CIA's's even better than the old Tae Bo Live series. Seriously, I popped a Tae Bo Live in last week to compare and I immediately took it out and put the new CIA with Spreen in for the music. It has some recognizable songs....hip/hop/funk type music that is current (not like Tae Bo Live's). One of the recognizable songs is that song "funk show brother ....check it out now.........funk show brother".

I have been doing kickboxing too many times a week and even 2 days in a I've been on a real roll........especially with the CIA music! I got Tracey's new one too.....but today I listened to my own music while doing it and it was a lot more fun. I don't really like her music that much. I tend to listen to my own music a lot when I work out.

I'll be interested to see opinions on this also!
Oh no... I've been watching the preview of Kimberly's kickboxing on collage video & debating on if I should get it!!! Now, hearing how much you love it I'll probably end up ordering it. It seems like it would be easier than KPC or the Powerstrikes but sometimes I need a notch down workout for those days when you just can't bring it like you normally do! I'm sure I'll cave & get it eventually, might wait a bit & see if DDD gets it to save a little money on it, I am not lacking on new workouts to try right now so hopefully I can contain myself to wait a bit! Can't wait to hear what you think of Sugar Ray's & have fun & win big in Vegas!!!! :)
The first couple times I did parts of Kimberly's new one, my HR wasn't that high....but doing it the other day, I really concentrated on getting low in my legs during moves and actually got my HR up pretty good....for a kickbox workout. I bought Powerstrike 3 once and sent it back. It did not get my HR up at all. Everyone says that 1&2 are the good ones but you can't get those any I never tried them.

Other than Cathe kickbox, the only other KB workout that gets my HR up pretty high is CIA's last year's Criss Cross Cardio with Sherri Jacquelyn. It's an interval kickbox workout with a couple high/lo moves thrown in for HR and jumps. It also has a Capoiera leg segment. You can probably get it now at cheaper places since it's been out. The music was half decent on the CIAs last year, but this year, they've really outdone themselves! I should email Greg and let him know how much I appreciate it so they keep doing it! I probably shouldn't say this here, but I actually like it better than some of Cathe's recent stuff .....her last series didn't click with me music wise. I loved the Hardcore's music though...........and I hate Buttercup and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for a general reference of my musical tastes.

Now that I've severely Hijacked this thread...........I'll go now!! LOL.
One of you ladies who have ordered it, please post and let us know how you like it. After reading the posts I put it in my cart on Amazon and did not checkout- the nest day the two set went up by $5. From $16.98 to $21.99 :( Let me know if it is worth it. Thanks!
I'm still waiting for mine to get here. Hopefully early this week. I only ordered the advanced video. As soon as I check it out, I'll post my review.
Well for those of you who have been waiting to hear about these workouts. I just received mine today. I'm glad I only ordered the Advanced one. I was not very impressed. The workout looks more like a beginner type boxing workout to me, but I'm hoping when I actually do it, it will be a better workout than it looks to be. As of now, I'm thinking this might be a good workout for a light workout day, or as an add on. I will post again when I actually do the workout. Another turn-off about the workout it is that the package clocks it at 24 minutes. I think most of us are spoiled by 60 minute workouts.
There are previews of these workouts at . You can't tell much in one minute, but the 'beginner' workout definitely looks 'beginner.' There are some faster combos in the advanced workout, but they are both very short workouts. Nice as add-ons? But I don't know if you can buy just the advanced: Collage doesn't sell them separately.
I bought just the Advanced one from Glad I only bought that one, I doubt I would have found much use for the beginner one.

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