

I am so mad at myself and feel like such a failure and loser.
About a year and a half ago, I was is pretty good shape. I had a trainer, gained alot of muscle and did weight training. I was happy.
I stopped as soon as I got pregnant because i felt sick, and o be honest, because I thought I was pregnant so I was going to get fat anyways.
I have not worked out now for over a year and a half. My daughter is now 8 months. I have tied here and there to work out. I bouht the 30 Day Shred which was super hard!
I recently bouht Cathe's Butts and Guts and tired it tonight. OMG . I didn't realize how out of shape I am and how much discipline and energy I don't have.
I got through the standing leg work and floor work but did about half of everything. I found it jsut so hard and *I coudl nto push myself to do it. I feel so horrible tha I couldn't even get through a workout.
How can I get in the rightt frame of mind to push myself and not quit. I feel like such a quitter and failure :(
You a not a failure. Cathe's workouts are not easy. After being away from working out for awhile, of course you're going to get frustrated and want to give up. One thing I've learned is to do as much of a workout as you can the first time. Then, the second time do more, and so on. Work at your speed and eventually you'll be doing just fine. I have learned on thing, it's that you have to take eating/working out, one day at a time. If your eating's not so great one day, just pick up the next day like it never happened. If you missed a workout, don't beat yourself up over it. Just work harder the next workout.
I am so mad at myself and feel like such a failure and loser.
About a year and a half ago, I was is pretty good shape. I had a trainer, gained alot of muscle and did weight training. I was happy.
I stopped as soon as I got pregnant because i felt sick, and o be honest, because I thought I was pregnant so I was going to get fat anyways.
I have not worked out now for over a year and a half. My daughter is now 8 months. I have tied here and there to work out. I bouht the 30 Day Shred which was super hard!
I recently bouht Cathe's Butts and Guts and tired it tonight. OMG . I didn't realize how out of shape I am and how much discipline and energy I don't have.
I got through the standing leg work and floor work but did about half of everything. I found it jsut so hard and *I coudl nto push myself to do it. I feel so horrible tha I couldn't even get through a workout.
How can I get in the rightt frame of mind to push myself and not quit. I feel like such a quitter and failure :(

Wow!! :eek::eek::eek: You managed to a full half of all of the reps in the standing leg work AND floor work on Butts and Guts after not working out for a year and a half?!? :eek::eek::eek: I bow down before you! Holy cow! That workout kicks me to the curb and I have been working out steadily for years!!

Sounds to me that you are in the right frame of mind, you just have to continue to believe. You're out there doing it. If you truly did not have the right frame of mind you would not even be trying. Keep up the fabulous work!
Im with the above posters...don't be so hard on yourself!

I tried getting pregnant for atleast 4 yrs, needless to say, when it finally happened I stopped working out. Not b/c I thought I would miscarry but I was afraid that if I did, I would blame myself and so would everyone else. If I were to get pregnant again, i think I would continue working out.

Before I got pregnant I was lifting, running and doing step and I was in good step.When I came home from the hospital I was 24 lbs over my prepreg weight.

I started working out with DS was 4 weeks old though. I started back slow and kept it up. I know you can easily get discouraged b/c for some reason we think we should be able to do exactly what we did before but thats not the case. If you keep at it, you will be pleasantly surprised at how fast your muscles remember and in no time you will be doing what you did before.
Don't get discouraged cause that will get you no where!!!

How can I get in the rightt frame of mind to push myself and not quit. I feel like such a quitter and failure :(

By changing the little voice inside your head.
Quit saying you are a failure. Tell yourself you are strong and that you can overcome any obstacle. The past is gone, there is only today and tomorrow. What will you do today?
The negative voices do nothing but keep where you are.

For what it's worth.....Cathe is tough!!! You made it through half!:cool:
Set a goal. Try to make it a little further each week. Just add a minute a week. You'll get there!!
You've gotten some great advice. The only thing I would add is to maybe just limit yourself to your most fun workouts at the beginning. Do the one you love the best - just part of it if that works. The enthusiasm will build on its own.

Good luck.
Please don't be so hard on yourself. You CAN do this. I went through 2 terrible pregnancies that involved bedrest. I was sad and depressed and gained waaaaay too much weight. With this last pregnancy, I was huge. I ended up losing over 70 pounds- when I started working out again, I had zero muscle strength and no cardio capacity. I did 10 minutes on the elliptical a few times a week and light weight work. The weight did come off and now I'm very healthy and in great shape (if I do say so myself). :)

Just please, know that you can do this and that I've been there. Keep us updated on how you are doing!
Thanks everyone! I know how hard I am on myself, and it's true, i can't expect to workout where I left off. I jsut felt bad because I felt like I was quitter and watching Cathe workout instead of doing i.
I will try again tho.
I am so mad at myself and feel like such a failure and loser.
About a year and a half ago, I was is pretty good shape. I had a trainer, gained alot of muscle and did weight training. I was happy.
I stopped as soon as I got pregnant because i felt sick, and o be honest, because I thought I was pregnant so I was going to get fat anyways.
I have not worked out now for over a year and a half. My daughter is now 8 months. I have tied here and there to work out. I bouht the 30 Day Shred which was super hard!
I recently bouht Cathe's Butts and Guts and tired it tonight. OMG . I didn't realize how out of shape I am and how much discipline and energy I don't have.
I got through the standing leg work and floor work but did about half of everything. I found it jsut so hard and *I coudl nto push myself to do it. I feel so horrible tha I couldn't even get through a workout.
How can I get in the rightt frame of mind to push myself and not quit. I feel like such a quitter and failure :(

I can't tell you how to feel, but IMHO, I don't think you're a failure at all! You had a kid and you are working out. Plus, you actually care and you're being real with yourself about why you didn't workout for so long. Butts and Guts is tough!! You're actually doing it! Everyone has to start somewhere. The beauty of where you're at is that you are working a program and you're on the floor doing it! People ask me all the time how do I stay fit? I reply, "I work on something every single day." Today is a rest day for me because I'm home sick from work. I rarely take a day off--completely. If I do, I still engage in some active rest. So, whenever I can throughout the day, I've done laundry, made meals for the upcoming week, prepped my workouts, caught up on Cathe stuff...:)..., etc. It's all good! It's just about getting up and getting it done.

That being said--Well done!!!! :D
Girlfriend!!!!! Stop beating yourself up...we all fall off the wagon,,,(check out Oprah) it's ok.....just pick yourself up and do the best you can. If you can do a new workout all the way thru the first time, it's not the right tape for want to be want a tape that will allow you to grow. Plus, well it's a "Cathe" workout...come on...who can do one of those on the first (or 15th) try??? :eek:

It's going to take some time for you to get back to where you were. The great thing is that you have all the great gals here to help you thru it. Check out some of the other are not alone!!! Join a check in or create one yourself and enjoy the journey.

P.S. I was sooo waiting for 1/1/09 to get here so I could stop all the holiday eating and get back on "the program"...I received my CLX tapes and took my measurements documented my weight....started my workouts but by day 5 I was eating chips for dinner.....and now I'm 5 lbs heaver that I was on the 1st . Am I disappointed...YEP.......but I'm not going to dwell on it.....I'm changing up my workout and I wrote up a eat clean menu and will spend the next 5 days (I'm off from work) in a boot camp style workout. The beauty of it all is I can take my phatazz in my basement and workout at my own pace..... in my own way.

If someone else said the things you said about yourself you would tell them to mind their own business and that you are doing the best you can. Be your own best friend ....say some nice things about yourself. Tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to work out.

It ain't over till it's over!!!!! Now drop and give me ten! :p

Just my opinion.....good luck :D
emmaboo ditto to what everyone said. i also use this little trick when the beat up mnster comes to take up residence on my shoulder: what example am i setting for my kids when i diss myself? kids sense it. so give yourself a break, give your kids a good example of someone who stays in the game despite the obstacles that life throws at her (which you did!).

and oh my you STARTED with Butts & Gutts? You are my hero! My first workout post pregnancy was a walk around the block and 10 minutes of Tae Bo!

rock on emmaboo. we're with you!

A big AMEN to what everyone is saying!

Oh, hon, have I been where you are. My body doesn't do pregnancy well, and I left the hospital after my last pregnancy weighing over 200 lbs. I felt so horrible. I felt the exact same way you feel- like a failure- and I was mortified too as I am a former athlete and coach! Just take it a day at a time, and don't ever give up. It's never too late! :)

It's taken me a couple of years, but I'm near my ideal weight & back involved in competitive sport-- did some road races & a couple triathlons last year. And if I can do it, I'm positive you can too!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I could add the same as everyone else and MORE because I myself get disappointed. Take it a day at a time and enjoy your new baby who will grow quicker than you know !

Check out the forums here and see all of us who are not perfect and don't finish every workout or eat perfectly. Jump on the wagon after you have fallen and GO FOR IT as best you can.

You must take "baby steps" to get the endurance and muscle back but it will come.

The holidays set me back as I just did not make the time for myself. And the first time I did LowMax I thought I was gonna die. Mind you I had only been off track with my workouts for 1 - 2 weeks. And I am diligently trying to keep to my schedule.

So join a checkin and you can get daily support ! It really does help.

Love yourself the way you love your new daughter - she needs to "feel" your self confidence to gain it herself ! AND, she needs you strong to take care of her !

Please continue to share as you "restart" your fitness journey ! ;)
So join a checkin and you can get daily support ! It really does help.

Love yourself the way you love your new daughter - she needs to "feel" your self confidence to gain it herself ! AND, she needs you strong to take care of her !

This is so true-- well put, Jacque!!!!! :D

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