'Success' story? Maxed out barbell!!!


Hi all,

About this time last year, I bought my first ever barbell. It was the hundred pound weight set from Walmart, nothing fancy, and the bar is rated for up to 140 pounds. This seemed perfectly adequate since none of my 1RMs were above 120 ... The bar worked fine through the year, though I ended up buying a few new plates when I hit Meso 3 last summer ... and for squats, without a squat rack I needed to get a 40 pound weight vest to go with my heavy dumbbells, so my legs would feel the work before my arms gave out.

Well, this weekend I ended up frantically searching for a new bar, because I *maxed out* the original! I'd repeated a modified Meso 3 cycle this past month. My deadlift PR last week was 141, and I had to get there by using a pair of weighted gloves on a 139 bar. (Squats hit 152!) There is a slight bend in the original bar ... time to retire it to upper body work. Fortunately, last night I found a replacement from Cap that goes up to 250, and it's coming in about ten days ... well, it's time for an active rest week and a changeup anyway. Am beginning to regret not going with an Olympic bar in the first place, but who (besides Cathe) knew how strong STS could get a person????

I don't know if this is a success story or a cautionary tale :D:D:D
Wow!! Congratulations; that is amazing! Yes, I think that is a very good success story!:D
Thanks!!!! I'm still a bit in shock, as is my DH :) There's clearly a big psychological element - each time I've gotten close to a milestone (like my first 50 pound dumbbell, and 100 pounds on the bar, and my bodyweight at 129), there has been a slowdown, then I'll hit the weight, hover there, and experience a jump in the next few weeks. That's what happened here; I was at 129-ish at the beginning of the month.

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