Substitution for Kick Max leg conditioning drills?


I have this coming up in a rotation and don't have Kick Max. Any suggestions for a sub? I have a number of Cathe workouts (don't want to bore you with the list), so any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!
Do you have "Legs and Glutes"? I think there is a standing ankle-weight premix on there. You could go through it more than once if it's too short.
The kick max leg conditioning drills is approximately 15 minutes in length. They work the legs without weights so I would substitute 15 minutes legs from L&G, B&G or Push/Pull. The would opt for the floor legwork in B&G as they give a similar burn.
I feel a little foolish, but glad I kept digging. I went to the previews of Kick Max to see what type of workout I should be looking for and which segments of B&G I should use. I realized that the drills looked familiar, so I went through the descriptions of some of my compilation workouts and found the KM drills on Hardcore Extreme. Just thought I would share in case this info is helpful to anyone else. Thanks again for all of the suggestions.

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