sts @ the gym, anyone do it?


So i am pretty sure i am gonna buy sts as a download. I have done some work outs with cathe at home. But i find it hard to get a full hour to myself with kids. So I like going to the gym to make sure to get it! I have done her high reps and power hour at the gym just listing to her and its been great! Just wonder if anyone has done it and like it???? thanks
i think Mesos 2 & 3 may be a little easier to do at the gym, but only because M1 moves so much quicker & more equipment to get out, put back in a shorter time (30 secs b/w exercises). you could still do it, but try to set up as much as you can, and maybe go at an "off-time" if you can. i have done STS 4 times thru at home, but this go round I'm going to do M3 at the gym & see how that goes. my barbell is the main reason for this. i have one that has the threaded ends & it's a pain to change the weights. i think you will find that each time you do the program you will become more familiar w/ the exercises, rep patterns, etc, even from week to week. you will get more efficient w/ the flow each time. i absolutely love STS, it is worth every penny!
My hubby and I have even just taken the print out sheets to each workout with us when we have been on vacation. If you are familar with the moves, this is second best if you don't have an ipod/laptop with you. Plus, for Meso 1, you can make time to grab what you need. Just an idea...
Not STS, but just downloaded High Reps and worked on my shoulders and biceps last night at the gym. My shoulders and biceps are slightly sore today so I think the workout did its job.
My hubby and I have even just taken the print out sheets to each workout with us when we have been on vacation. If you are familar with the moves, this is second best if you don't have an ipod/laptop with you. Plus, for Meso 1, you can make time to grab what you need. Just an idea...

I was planning on doing this myself; great idea!
I've done STS in hotel gyms a fair number of times - I took the DVDs and ran them from the drive in my Powerbook (I don't have the downloads), but I know Melissa Day has actually run the downloads from her ipod in gyms when she was traveling and just hearing it was enough to let her know what to do.

You have to be SURE to pack your resistance band and a sliding disc of some kind - I've gotten caught several times with nothing that would work as a substitute disc - and sometimes it's hard to find something to use in place of the step for leg presses or plyo leg type moves. But the STS 3 workouts generally work great, and Meso 1 legs worked great as long as I took a resistance band and one of the sliding discs along. Every gym seems to have a stability ball you can use.

Hubby and I have done Mesos 1 and 2 at the gym. We take our workout cards on a clipboard with us - the clipboard we have also has a compartment that I can keep my band, firewalker loop, gloves, etc in.

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