STS Rotation Question


Please forgive me if this has been asked / answered!

I'm wondering how many days per week I'll be lifting and how often to do cardio?

Thanks so much!
I'd like a sample recovery week, and also what about cardio? Do we use old cardio? treadmill/elliptical? kickbox? Will we be doing yoga or stretch one day a week? I am going to preorder, but I would like some more info about the series.
(I do like the info we have gotten so far:) )
RE: STS Rest Weeks Explained

There will be two one week active recovery weeks allotted during STS. The first “rest” week will occur at the end of week four which is the end of Mesocycle #1 (muscle endurance). The 2nd “rest” week follows the end of Mesocycle #2 (hypertrophy) which is just after week #9. So your two active recovery rest weeks are week #5 and week #10. By active recovery week we don’t mean that you lay around the house doing nothing, but at the same time you need to let your body and mind relax during this week. As Cathe says, “we’re taking a break – not a vacation”.

One of the hardest things to teach serious exercisers is that by taking breaks they will improve over the long haul more than if they had worked out nonstop. An active rest recovery week will also help to prevent overuse injuries and mind fatigue. During this week you might want to try something like a relaxing Yoga video or a Cathe stretch DVD. Perhaps you will want to do some outdoor activities like walking, tennis or hiking. Whatever you do it should be a light activity as you’re letting your body recover from the previous Mesocycle while getting ready for the more intense Mesocycle to follow.
RE: STS Cardio?

We will make recommendations in the STS Workout manual concerning cardio, but this is really going to be dependent on your lifestyle and the type of cardio you prefer to do. With STS you can use any of Cathe’s numerous cardio workouts or any other instructors’ cardio DVDs that you prefer. You can also use your treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical. We believe in “Balance” and always promote and encourage exercisers to choose various types of activities, but always make sure to include cardio, strength training and stretching into your weekly fitness routines.
RE: STS Cardio?

>We will make recommendations in the STS Workout manual
>concerning cardio, but this is really going to be dependent on
>your lifestyle and the type of cardio you prefer to do. With
>STS you can use any of Cathe’s numerous cardio workouts or any
>other instructors’ cardio DVDs that you prefer. You can also
>use your treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical. We believe in
>“Balance” and always promote and encourage exercisers to
>choose various types of activities, but always make sure to
>include cardio, strength training and stretching into your
>weekly fitness routines.

Active recovery. I'm just getting back to working out after my shoulder injury took me out for several months and cannot believe how much stronger I've come back. I'm running faster, longer; I was able to do much more on LowMax and messed up a lot less; and, for the first time ever, am sore as all-get-out from working out to GS Chest and Triceps. The time off has resulted in much better focus. I even used considerably less weight on GSCT but did the moves properly, feeling the action in my chest and triceps instead of my shoulders.

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