STS questions- compilation thread


There are some good questions popping up and it would be easier to find all the answers in one thread. I thought it would be nice to start an STS questions compilation thread. (Here are a couple of questions I've seen.)

The new workout plan sound great. Will it be as easy as popping a DVD in and pushing the play button. Or will I have to pick and choose which exercises and reps I'll do for each muscle group. I don't understand the workout blender idea.

Cathe how much longer will be each workout?. I Hope it will be 45 minutes. sorry for my english

A couple of questions: will you be including new cardio workouts in this system? And what will become of your earlier plans to film the boxing series and updated SH series? Also, you mentioned you would like to film another step workout if you could fit it in. Just curious: are any of these still in the works?

Is there any chance that you will include non-traditional, standing weighted core work in the new STS Core DVD? I have really enjoyed how you've expanded beyond same-oh-same-oh supine work over the years, and I've seen a lot of standing weighted core work in the gym that I know you could fashion into a killer core routine. Any chance at all of this?

Also, will the new series have an option where you can play it in black and white, like your promo picture? THAT would be coQuick question: Will the option for cardio (greater fat burning focus) be discussed or advised? Or will the DVD compilation be strictly weights and stretch/flex? (Perhaps Lower Body may include some form of plyometrics?) Would cardio be addressed in the lines of: "add steady state of choice", or "add HIIT of choice" on such and such a day during a particular focus of the periodization?ol!

If you don't mind, could you add your questions & answers :) ,

Jordan thanks so much for starting this.

I have a question: All of us are used to following along w/you Cathe re weight training on the dvd. With this new periodization program will we be able to go at our own pace using our own weight selection? That's really the whole point of periodization. I'm a little leery to start this Cathe. When I did P90X for 4 rounds my arms had gotten so big it didn't look attractive on me. I put on muscle easily. I'm wondering if you could appease my concerns about this & fill us in on a little more detail if possible.

Also in the premixes are they basically going to be the same exercises as in the originally filmed program but with a twist? And how much of a twist are we talking about?

Aside from this, I'm VERY EXCITED but I'm having a lovefest w/the 4DS right now! Thanks for taking the time to respond when you can.

Take care, Kathy:D
Thank you Jordan -- you're on top of it as usual :)

I was wondering if the meal planning software was designed by a registered dietitian or someone with credentials in nutrition.

This new training system sounds awesome and very well thought out :)
Yes, Jordan, thanks for starting this thread.

My question for Cathe is ...

So it looks like from the description on the blog that each week will consist of at least 3 days of heavy weight work using the Lower Body DVD, the Back, Chest, and Shoulders DVD and the Bi's and Tri's DVD along with the Ab Circuit DVD.

So does that mean we could use it like a 3 day split OR double it up and do an all heavy weight rotation of 6 days heavy weight?

And if we use it as a 3 day split would we then be able to add our own cardio and stretch where needed?

OR does Cathe have a particular rotation these workouts should be used for maximum benefits?

OR will there be several different rotations to maximize different areas of benefits?

Thanks for answering all of our questions! :7
While I am super excited about this, will it make the weight DVDs I have now obsolete?

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