STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars Are Now Back In Stock

I didn't take the O rings off of mine, yes they smell too, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able
to get those back on correctly. I put a small bowl of baking soda (not wet) on the floor
close to them last night. Although they still smell too, they didn't smell quite as bad this
No one has it around here…. I will just keep trying Febreeze….box is gone, so I guess
I’m stuck with the smelly things :). No seriously, I like them, but this smell is awful
and I don’t feel like I can fool with them, so takes away from the excitement somewhat.
Doesn’t appear anyone else has the problem.
No one has it around here…. I will just keep trying Febreeze….box is gone, so I guess
I’m stuck with the smelly things :). No seriously, I like them, but this smell is awful
and I don’t feel like I can fool with them, so takes away from the excitement somewhat.
Doesn’t appear anyone else has the problem.
Except me. I haven't been downstairs to check on them since I sprayed them this AM but I'm hoping to be able to use them Monday - I'll check them tomorrow AM & finish the assembly. I've used that Zero-odor stuff for decades for cat smells in the house. It is rather expensive but it worked better for me than Febreeze.
Heehee, I was including you! :). I went downstairs and took em off again, sprayed with
a different Febreeze that’s not an aerosol, so they will probably be all spotted up, I’ll
see what I have in the AM. Maybe they will disintegrate! :). I just don’t know if you could
use the bars without them.
I haven't sprayed mine. I have the knobs and the bases with the feet on my sun porch to allow the items time to 'off gas.' (They're not exposed to sunlight at all . )
I'll check them tomorrow.

P.S. I'm not familiar with Zero odor but I have had great luck with Odo-ban. If necessary , then that is what I will use. Febreeze never works well enough for me.
I have left the O rings on, the funny thing is that they don’t seem to smell that bad any
longer…I have kept a dry bowl of baking soda near the bars downstairs, gonna get more
baking soda too!
Mine still smell but it doesn't permeate the air as badly (no headache). I think they'll be OK for standing barre work, but I may have to spray them prior to use for pull-ups/chin-ups for awhile. Maybe I'll get an extra box of baking soda for the room.
Yeah, I am going to Walmart & get couple boxes of baking soda & something called
Odor Genie. It has charcoal in it and says it eliminates a lot of odors, like paint, smoke
pets, etc. you just lift off the cover and put it where you want it. Walmart had vanilla
lavender scent which I love, so worth a try. Might get baking soda spray for shoes too,

for chemical smells on rubber, I keep seeing baking soda & charcoal
Yeah, I am going to Walmart & get couple boxes of baking soda & something called
Odor Genie. It has charcoal in it and says it eliminates a lot of odors, like paint, smoke
pets, etc. you just lift off the cover and put it where you want it. Walmart had vanilla
lavender scent which I love, so worth a try. Might get baking soda spray for shoes too,

for chemical smells on rubber, I keep seeing baking soda & charcoal
Haa! We have one of those Odor Genies next to the cat litter box ... gonna get another! Thanks for the tip - hadn't thought of it!
Ok, I spent $15.00 on supplies….got 2 odor genies, trying one downstairs now, if it
doesn’t seem to help, might return the other one, got something called FunkAway
odor eliminating beads with charcoal, same concept, open lid, pull off covering &
replace lid, and sit wherever, says it’s guaranteed to work (right) I will try that next.
got 2 boxes of baking soda…. I wonder if washing them in Dawn would help,
it takes the grease off that little duck on tv :)….. I have some Dawn Powerwash, that
you spray on, let sit a bit & rinse. Might try that….after that I’m done….
I briefly thought about adding a little Dawn to the baking soda water - "like dissolves like" from basic chemistry - but forgot to. Maybe I'll re-soak the caps - they're the worst!
I just did use Dawn & water…..let them sit a bit, individually wiped each one with the
soapy water, rinsed, air dried a couple min & then dried each one individually & put
them downstairs with odor genie & baking soda. We’ll see….this wasn’t exactly the
way I thought I would be fooling with them!!
I didn't realize you had the problem too, Lady Vol Fan!
Well it was enough that I noticed it and so I have just taken the precaution to let them off gas outdoors.

I don't know that it would be enough to cause headaches if I left them indoors but I just decided it couldn't hurt (especially since I hadn't really planned to use them right away ).

The actual bars didn't have an odor and the knobs don't have any odor any more after being outside. I can still detect odor coming from the rubber feet on the supports so they are still outdoors for now. I'm not spraying or fooling with them yet
I've been reading about how to speed up the off-gassing of the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds - bad stuff!) from rubber products .... outside in the sun is best! Altho it may take hours to days to weeks! May also try soaks in solutions of water and vinegar or baking soda or lemon juice. Or use some peppermint essential oil to try to cover up the smell - I'd rather get rid of it. So tomorrow I'll be placing the feet end-caps back outside in the sun!

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