I'm not doing STS they way it's designed for a different reason. Both Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove (authors of The New Rules), as well as virtually all the writers over at FigureAthlete.com (and many at T-Nation) have cited studies that indicate Full Body workouts are infinitely better for fat loss than splits. In Cosgrove's article "Hacking Your Strength Training" (T-Nation.com) he cited a study that indicated working muscle groups three times per week (using far fewer exercises) vs. once per week (as in the 3-day split) resulted in 62% greater strength gains. I posted about this over on the STS board. I've had my greatest success ever since switching from a 3-day split to full body workouts (after pre-ordering STS...) and I just can't go back. Thus, I'm looking to take the STS workouts and turn them into full body workouts. I know this is not what Cathe intended and I've really agonized over this. But the studies are pretty definitive and, after several years of trial and error, I know what my body responds best to now. But, in the end, I doubt there's much in STS I won't use. The moves are tough (I'm sore from all the 1rm testing... those plastic plate moves... and I have, indeed, been lifting way too light!) and I feel I can take the workouts as presented and combine them to create many new, innovative, and interesting ways to get what I need. I even plan on working my favorite other workouts into my rotation (Muscle Max, AOS Providence, Amy Bento).
I was wondering if anyone here is planning on doing likewise? I won't exactly be freestyling-it but will definitely be approaching STS differently, and I think I'm going to get great results doing this. Anyone?