STS- Not For Me?

Yes, I know there's a forum specifically for STS, but I wanted to post here to get more responses. I'm also going to mention other instructors. As the blog pictures steadly come in, I am becoming less excited about STS (no flames, please)

I preordered at the initial presale price. At that point I had some reservations: I'm ADD when it comes to workouts; I have a hard time sticking w/a rotation for longer than 2 weeks. I do workout and follow the guidelines of setting up a rotation. However, if I want to B&G instead of GS Legs then that's what I do.

This program looks very long. After the pictures of the pikes, I'm worried that it might be too advanced for me. Pikes of any kind and I are not friends!

The equiment issue- We have a huge pull-up station, but no bench, no barbell, no PlateMates, etc. Just a large assortment of dumbbells, push-up handles, step, and bands.

I'm thinking I might like to have the workouts to use individually, but that seems dumb. They are made to use as a program, such as P90X., and that's a lot of money to just buy a bunch of indiv. workouts. I'm thinking of buying some other instructors' instead- some Amy, Jari, etc.

So, what are your thoughts on this? My husband told me at the beginning that I could get whatever I wanted, but that I need to be honest with myself on how I am about working (the changing my mind, getting bored, etc.)

Thanks in advanced.
no flaming here. i think its great that we all can see things differently. i think the workout looks great but honestly to much money to invest in a type of program i don't do very often.and most have the same feeling. if you are feeling no excitement then maybe its not for you. its hard to see from pics though how its really going to be. even if you decided you don't like them i am sure you can do ebay or even VF trades to get something else. just a few more things to ponder. i was no help was i LOL?


Depends on your goals and time frames should determine it. And, you can always modify anything that's too extreme. From my understanding, the whole rotation lasts 12 weeks BUT only for 3 days a week that leaves room for other workouts from anyone.
Yes, I don't have everything either. No pull up station here. My barbell and weights came from
I believe Cathe has done pikes in other workouts.
When the first blogs came out, I thought should I do this. Then, I read what STS was all about then I decided to preorder. The last cycle will be the most difficult for me.
Whatever you decide will be best for you. Read the material posted in the blog and STS forum that explains it all. It is alot of workouts/info coming all at once, and can be overwhelming too but the STS blog does help.
Oh, Kassia! You are always helpful around here! :) You just gave me some other options.

I am not even liking the gym feel, the set, the clothes, all of that. I guess, to me, if I wanted a gym-feel, I would go to a gym.

I thought the program was around 6 months long. I might be able to do 12 weeks.

I haven't ordered yet, but am going to. IF you do decide it's not for you (but the last post sounds like you're warming up to it), let me know, and perhaps I can send you the money and you can get the shipping address changed to my address?

It is definitely too advanced for me in some places, I'm sure; but I'll modify.

In the end, I think it will be a really good investment (although I too am lacking a lot of the equipment, not to mention room) at a good price.

Let me know!
I didn't preorder and was feeling bad until I did see more blog pics posted recently. It looks awesome, but just not for me. I like to stick with basics, and this just seems like too much.
I like to mix things up and choose what I want each w/o also but I think I can do 12 weeks also. I will definetly be modifing some moves here and there. You could do pikes on the floor with something to slide on instead of a ball for instance?
If it for some reason doesn't jive with me I'll be reselling it. I can't imagine not liking something from Cathe though. ;)
Personally I know that is too advanced for me but I have something to challenge me when I am ready. This is the one thing I love about Cathe what other instructor gives you a killer workout and pushes you to the limit and beyond OH MY GOODNESS AND WE COME BACK FOR MORE.
I will use the workouts individually until I am ready. I do not own a squat rack nor will I ever. I have dumbells as of today I just purchased my 20lbers no place weights or pace mates. but I do have wrist/ankle weights with the 1lb bars that i can use. I will buy Cathe's new stand. I know you stated that it is dumb to buy for just some individual workouts but you got them at a great buy so after you have reviewed them and if you still are 100% positive you will not do them keep the ones you want and sell the rest you will get a better price than what you paid for preorder.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
I'm just thinking that there are many things about it that I just don't like, especially all the equipment and little things needed, even paper plates. I'm all for incorporating new exercises and concepts, but it all seems a bit much. I'll prob. just keep them and see if I use them. I know that I will at least use them as indiv. workouts.

Thanks for posting your thoughts.
Besides some paper plates and a something to do pull-ups with (Elastic tubing will be fine and is a very cheap option) you can use pretty much use the same equipment you have always used to do our workouts. There really isn’t a lot of new equipment necessary for STS. Sure, we will show various options for equipment, but these are only options and not requirements. The idea that STS requires a lot of new equipment is simply not true.
I didn't preorder because I didn't feel that this WO was right for me at this time although it looks great. I'm just not ready to commit to it right now and THAT'S OKAY. We are all different people after all :)
>Besides some paper plates and a something to do pull-ups
>with (Elastic tubing will be fine and is a very cheap option)
> you can use pretty much use the same equipment you have
>always used to do our workouts. There really isn’t a lot of
>new equipment necessary for STS. Sure, we will show various
>options for equipment, but these are only options and not
>requirements. The idea that STS requires a lot of new
>equipment is simply not true.

Thanks, SNM. :D I'm so excited about it. I know it'll be a challenge for me right after having a baby, but I'm so looking forward to it!!

>Besides some paper plates and a something to do pull-ups
>with (Elastic tubing will be fine and is a very cheap option)
> you can use pretty much use the same equipment you have
>always used to do our workouts. There really isn’t a lot of
>new equipment necessary for STS. Sure, we will show various
>options for equipment, but these are only options and not
>requirements. The idea that STS requires a lot of new
>equipment is simply not true.

I understand what your are saying, BUT it has been stated that in order to have the best possible program for STS, we should know our 1RM. If this is the case, then having the equipment we have now isn't going to be enough to work to our potential...that is if we really want too.

In my case, I would need a squat rack, more plates, something for pullups and definitely hand weights higher than 35lbs. The number one reason I joined the gym, was so that I wouldn't need to store this stuff in my home. I already have quite a collection of equipment and fitness accessories.

I didn't realize that STS was only a home version and that there was a STS gym version coming out later when I pre-ordered. I don't want to give up my order, in case the gym version doesn't happen or isn't what I expected. And, then I have to factor in the cost of needing the gym version for the cycles I would need.

I really do think this will be a wonderful program, but when meso #3 comes around, the equipment I have at home isn't going to be enough.
The only thing you really need for meso #3 is some slightly heavier weights. You don't need a squat rack. The squat rack routine is optional and we expect 95% of our customers to use the main non-squat rack program. Most users will not need hand weights heavier than 35 lbs. If you have been doing our other strength Training Programs like the Gym Styles and Pyramids you should have been using weights in your 70% to 80% of your 1 RM range anyway. We just make you more aware of what your correct weights should be with the STS program. You can do about 90 per cent of the entire STS program with the same weights as the Gym Styles and Pyramids.
OK, please correct me if I'm wrong, which could very well be the case.

For STS you really need- soem sort of sliding device (paper plates, etc.), bands, heavier weights, pull-up bar or rack thing, two sets of hand weights (see current blog pics), a bench, barbell, and possibly a squat rack???

I guess it just sounds a bit overwhelming. Sticking to a workout routine is almost impossible for me anyway, but to have to now have more equipment and drag it out, would make me want to just go back to the basics. Upping your weight and varying your routine will still give you great gains, and seems like a lot less hassle.

It was good to see SNM chime in here.

"You can do about 90 per cent of the entire STS program with the same weights as the Gym Styles and Pyramids"

So, what is the difference between Gym Styles and Pyramids and STS? I asked a similar question early on,and quite frankly, I was not satisfied with the answer, I still felt a ittle confused.

I loved the photos of the all the leg workouts and the abs. I thought, "I will buy this series its fantastic" But, I have changed my mind again. (The ball pikes totally put me off {but thats not the reason}) I do not want to spend this money when there is no guaranteed results. I am going to wait to see if I get the results from all my other cathe weight workouts.

I totally agree with the comment, "If I wanted to workout at a gym, I'd join a gym."

All that said, STS looks like its a great weight workout.

The problem is you're confusing options with what is required. In STS you can use dumbbells to do a chest press or a barbell and a bench press - the choice is yours and we actually show both methods. In all of our other workouts we have done in the past you also could have done a chest press on a bench press too, we just didn't show this option.

As we have said repeatedly, you don't need a squat rack to do STS. It is only used in the optional workout for meso #3 and we really don't expect very many people to use it. Even in the squat rack version we show options without the rack.

We have always used heavy weights, bands, dumbbells, barbells and a step for a bench. This is nothing new. We could always go back to the days when a strength training workout for the home exerciser consisted of dumbbells with a maximum weight of less than 5 lb's, but this is not something we're interested in doing.

When you look at all the pictures on the Blog it may seem like a lot of equipment, but it really isn't. You have to remember you're really looking at nearly 47 workouts when you look at pictures on the Blog. If we were to post pictures from our previous 47 workouts for the last decade or so you would also probably feel that all the equipment is overwhelming .

We don't use equipment just for the sake of using it. We realize that dragging equipment out can be a hassle. But when the benefit of the equipment to the exercise exceeds the hassle we feel it should be used.

Our goal has always been to bring the home exerciser a health club quality workout into their home. True, the workouts may not be easy at times to do, but hard work does have its payoffs.

Again, you really don't need a lot of equipmentl for STS. Some paper plates and a pull-up option are really the only new things you will need besides perhaps some heavier weights
Hi there--

I'm really excited for STS. All I really need to buy are some heavier dumbells and I will splurge on some pace weights to get really exact.

Some of the exercises look too advanced for my increasingly injury prone body(I'm thinking of some of the lower body moves that look hard on the knees) and I know that I won't be able to do the one leg pikes--I can't even do the two legged oned, but that being said, I'll just modify, which is what I always do.

I have no advice really--you have to do what's right for you, but I think STS looks like an awesome system. I can't go to a gym right now (6 kids and another on the way) so this is exactly what I've wanted for some time. The more blog pics I see, the more stoked I am.

Best of luck what ever you decide.

Here's MY opinion.....

I'm SO glad I did not order this now.

SNM.....I don't think people are confusing options...they are just overwhelmed by what they see in the pics and feel like in order to do this "like Cathe and crew" they need to have the same equipment.

Knowing Cathe users...we all like to try to match what Cathe is doing and have similiar equipment. Using bands is not going to feel the same to me as doing a true pull-up like those in the video.

If anything, I think you have confused people by mentioning squat rachs, and offering new pull-up bars for sale.

The program is pricey and the "optional equipment" adds to that.

For me...the pictures are intimidating (upside down on a ball?? Not for me!) and do nothing to motivate me. Personally I think the extra's in the crew look to "model-y" and plastic.

I'll stick with my Gym Styles and Pyramids.

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