STS- Not For Me?


That was really really well said.

(I don't really think theres any need for anyone to add comments about modifying as we already know thats an option, re the ball pikes And most, if not all of STS, many people are already planning their modifications.)

But I love the crew and their "look"

I really think it's odd that people are complaining about more options. I'm baffled. On one hand, people have complained about Cathe not offering enough options on prior videos and now people are complaining that she is offering more. It's like she can't win.
I for one applaud Cathe and SNM for the great products they put out, and this is definitely NO exception. If nothing else, this product increases the value and credibility that is
I'm not going to be ordering STS because I know I probably won't do it but I'm positive that those who do will get GREAT results.
And, I just wanted to add that knowing your one rep max is a vital part of gaining strength and actually 'getting somewhere' with lifting (I say this as a personal trainer and a MS in Exercise Science). Complaining about this portion of the plan is like complaining about taking your HR (to me).

Maybe I missed the part when people were complaining about having options. That just never happened. I understand that everyone can modify and can also use a dumbbell instead of a barbell. I read the blogs and am not a novice at working out. However, when I saw the pictures with many diff. pieces of equipment, it was/is a bit overwhelming.

The original question and responses to it were not meant to be a bash on the program. Of course those who use STS will have solid results. That isn't even the issue or a part of the question. On an "Open Discussion" board, the conversation is "open." Even if that means possibly not really get fired up about something Cathe produces (shocker!)

I believe forever39 said it perfectly.
"many diff. pieces of equipment"

Those are options. It seems to me that complaining about the array of equipment used is complaining about the options offered. As I understand the program, we have options in what equipment we choose to use. Complaining about that is complaining about the options.


ETA: I'm not meaning for this to sound like a negative post or an attack on you. I just feel that has put tons of thought/effort/research into this program and I feel that should be acknowledged. I also think the array of options offered in this program is astounding and has the capability to benefit those who have little equipment as well as those that have a lot.
I'm fairly new to Cathe and only started out with her Bodymax 2 DVD. I've picked up several more of DVD's over the last year or so and am loving them. They're not perfect but they are still worth the $$. I love this forum and visit it everyday, however, the tone of some of the comments is getting a bit ridiculous. Cathe is producing STS in the hope that there is a market for it. No one is twisting your arm to buy it. They are trying to provide you with as much information as possible in advance of them being ready for shipping. For this advance information and really not knowing exactly what you're buying you get a discount. Heck, they're giving you more information then the back of any DVD I've ever bought full price. (I have pre-ordered STS as it sounds exactly what I'm looking for. I had been thinking of P90x but I don't think I could take Tony everyday). The only thing I bought equipment wise was slanted risers. I had dumbells up to 20lbs, don't own a bar bell or squat rack or pull up bar. I bet for most people out there, they won't need all the extra equipment to reap the benefits of this program.

I love that I found other people so passionate about their fitness but I feel people are taking everything so personally. Sometimes I feel that there is a feeling of resentment here.

I know I'm probably rambling here and maybe not making much sense and I honestly don't mean any offense but some of these discussions really leave a sour taste in my mouth.

I guess I would just like people to really think first about their responses before they post. Just like in business, emails get sent out in anger these days, where in the past if you had to type a letter and mail it, the letter probably wouldn't go out.

Just had to get this off my chest this a.m.

I'm sitting here re-reading and re-reading, should I post or not, but what the heck you only live once!;-)
I don't blame people for their reservations on this new program. It is a rather large monetary AND time investment, and I think it is wise for people to assess whether the program is for them to the best of their ability. And if being able to do that means discussing it here on the board, I'm happy to see it.

I admit, I'm having some reservations about preordering as well right now. It isn't really the equipment or the options available that is getting to me. Like others have stated here, it really is the blog photos that are putting me off a bit.

I think what would help me right now would be a detailed breakdown of the workouts. I think I'm looking at all of these photos, and my mind (as SNM kind of alluded to above by pointing out the number of workouts here) isn't able to comprehend that these really are photos from 47 workouts and not just a few. If these were photos from six or ten workouts, they wouldn't be for me (I know that). But using paper plates in two workouts a week seems, well, pretty insignificant when looked at that way (at least to me).

So I'm going to hold on to my order for now, hoping for more information on how the workouts are broken down and what equipment is used for each workout. I realize with this many workouts, that may be a long time in coming. But I've always had good results from Cathe, and I have to believe she has put these workouts together with the home user in mind (at least in part).

But, again, I understand the reservations right now that some have. I think Cathe and SNM would admit, this isn't a standard home workout routine for many.
I certainly agree that everyone needs to think before they post anything electronically, but as we all know that doesn't happen.

Most times when there is a topic/discussion over something regarding Cathe that isn't "she's my hero, and perfect, and her workouts are the best..." people get angry and respond accordingly. When in reality the question and comments are ones the access if a certain workout (or even Cathe as an instructor) is a good fit for a particular person.

To make statements, well, assumptions really, that people (or I) am complaining is just not necessary and not true. This question was posed to try to get a grasp on if this program will work for me. That was what was stated in the original post.

So, now you can make the claim that I'm complaining- about people not knowing how to respectfully respond to posts in which they don't agree, and to make assumptions about someone's intent. Just seems pointless....pretty much like my rant has become!! :)
I think your post is far from fact I applaud you for stating how you feel!

Mutiple options and modifications to one person may be a positive thing. However, to some others it can be overwhelming and cause anxiety. Both groups can state their opinion....there's no right or wrong on whether SNM has produced something for everyone.

Agree with me or not, but I feel there's defintely a "pull" for some people here to be "just like Cathe"...use the same barbell, order the same workout clothes, inquire about her glasses, what she eats, how much weight is she lifting, how many push-ups did she do in the blog photo, buy products they already own that now have her name on them,....etc.....SO...when a workout is produced and shows Cathe and crew using this piece of equipment and that apparatus....the boards start buzzing about "where to get that" and "now I need that in my home"....and soon, what started out as an advanced HOME training system...has put an underlying pressure on many to HAVE ALL THE SAME STUFF so they will fit in with the masses here, regardless of whether they've maxed out their credit card or know they can't afford it.

In my opinion, SNM could have marketed this differently, but it was they that created the blog posts and pictures that hype all the different equipment which they are now getting into the market to sell. I'll be honest...that makes me sad.

I really like the way you state your points. You just said exactly what I've been thinking and it so much more eloquently than I ever could have. (even your point about the new crew members). It's always nice to know that someone "gets" what you're thinking/feeling/trying to say.
Clothesminded, I hope you don't think my post was directed at you. It was more a general comment to several post over the past few months and actually some replies to your original post.

I totally understand your thoughts regarding posts around here sometimes. I feel your pain! I don't like to post very often because of this, and I stay away from heated topics.

It's very frustrating when you try to simply ask a question and then feel attacked or words are put into your mouth. I think most of us have enough stress in our "real" lives, and come to this forum out of a shared interest. We def. don't need stress or fear of being bashed/attacked here. If someone isn't fired up about something Cathe creates, then it is everyone's right to RESPECTFULLY comment on that. I believe I did just that. I'm on "Team Cathe" myself, but I am also going to buy the things that work best for ME and if that means not buying something Cathe produces, then so be it. Having the forum to help make an educated decision is a good thing.

Thank you for your kind words, and your response to my question and the subsequent replies.
I think long and hard about how I am going to write something and get the "right" tone. It doesn't matter! People who adore Cathe will interpret your post as a negative, or as stirring. In actual fact, you (I) never meant for the original post to be taken in an negative way. So now, it takes a very very long time for me (reading and reading and hoping) to complete a post on the OD.

Its a very hard thing to post feelings and opinions in words and on this particular forum, I think its a real challenge.

However, that said and put aside, I agree with Forever39. That last post is exactly how I see it. (Apart from the crew they look good.)

>Clothesminded, I hope you don't think my post was directed at
>you. It was more a general comment to several post over the
>past few months and actually some replies to your original
Actually my original post was also not specifically directed at CM either. I was also responding to some replies that I thought were a bit harsh and whiny-sounding (as well as others posts). I want to make it clear that I feel everyone has a right to voice their opinions. I just felt a very negative vibe coming from a few posts (and occasionally I feel the need to stick up for people - in this case Cathe - even though I don't always get the same consideration). Like I stated earlier, I honestly didn't mean for my post to sound negative at all. If it came across that way, I'm sorry. All right, I'm done with this thread.

I just wanted to point out that IMO Gliding Disc use (or paper plates) are a very good way to work the legs. It's different than the traditional stuff and I find it to be very effective. I love my Gliding Discs. I started out with paper plates and eventually got Gliding Discs to use and now I can even do Gliding cardio once and a while to change things up. I love doing pikes with the Gliding Discs, and different ab work also. I'm glad Cathe is using paper plates. I'm surprised that more people aren't happy about them.....but maybe that's just because their not familiar with them??

I'm also glad SNM addressed the topic here, as I was stressin' over equipment and feel better now. I still have my biggest problem though which is needing a rack for my barbell to do chest I might have to buy Cathe's new piece of equipment since I work out in my living room and it would work well.

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