STS New Years Challengers...Week of April 25th

Good Morning.

Slept better last night thank goodness.

This morning's work out was Booty Barre (approximately 30 out of 40 mins of the lower body portion), cardio only from BBC Butt and Legs and the abs and stretch from Booty Barre to finish it off. My legs are still feeling the work out plus TTOM came so now I have cramps too. BLECH. But atleast they waited until AFTER my w/o to arrive!

So based on the scale as of this morning and my WW weigh in day being tmrw, I seem to be in line for a .5 pound loss this week! Makes me very happy considering the weekend I had! :eek: I was prepared for no loss or maybe even a slight gain so I'm ecastatic! :D

LaDonna:: Good job with Disc 39. You are almost done! Have fun with Kickboxing today!

Katie:: Keep working at the weighted gloves-you'll get better at it! I recall having trouble the first several times I used the weighted gloves because my shoulders were not used to the extra weight. I had to build up the endurance for it. Even now, after using them for quite a while, it can still be quite a challenge not to take them off during some work outs because my shoulders are so fired up and fatigued! :eek: I love it though. ;)
Today I'm up in the air on my cardio again (what is it w/me lately?) :rolleyes: I have KPC planned on my w/o calendar, but I'm thinking of doing a HIIT. :confused: Ya'll know I love my kickboxing since it gives me an excuse not to work abs (or at least in my mind it does) :p I'll have to confirm later what actually went down, but it is a cardio day. Speaking of, I did get an extra 20 run on the elliptical last night while DH was down there lifting. Once I got dinner in the oven that's all the time I had left before he was finished. But, since it was extra, I wasn't complaining (plus I think it just equaled out the 2 scoops of ice cream I ended up eating after dinner) :eek:

Wendy: Yes, I did read your post, after I'd posted! LOL I had started my post earlier that morning, walked away, forgot about it, and then came back and hit send. THEN :eek: I saw that my girl/slave master was back on the J-O-B ;) ! That's what I'm talkin' bout. I knew you couldn't stay away for long :p

Tracy: WOW on all your w/o's y'day! :eek: Glad your STS workout was a bit better than the 1st. :D Yeah, just remember what Wendy said, and what I mentioned to Katie in last week's thread. It WILL all come together, no worries. ;) I think everyone has some issues getting it right the first few workouts, but since Meso 1 is endurance based, you have a lot more leeway w/hitting the right weight. Just keep writing it down, and putting it into the workout manager. The workout manager will adjust accordingly. If your supposed to be doing 12 reps, and at the end you can still do 6 more, do them, then jot it down. Put what you did (18 reps at whatever weight) into the workout manager & let it auto adjust it for your next workout. Same thing if you can only do 8. That's the best part about he W/O manager, it will tell you based on what you DID, what you should be able to DO. So just do your workout, go as hard as you can, and input it. And one day, the magic will just happen. I remember being SO happy the first time I did a workout, and didn't have to write down ANY adjustments :eek: This time around was a lot like that. It was great just printing out my w/o card and getting to it! Anywho, off my soapbox :rolleyes: , lol, as far as not being able to do pull ups, why not sub in another back exercise instead of pushups? ;) I understand that you wanna get better at them, but since it's a back workout (and pullups are a major all over back exercise), maybe incorporate more back exercises, so as not to create an imbalance? Just a thought.... :D

Katie I love that MMA boxing too. The last time I did it, I used the weighted gloves about half of the workout.:cool: Mine just feel too gaudy, idk, they annoy me after a while, cause I just wanna get into it, lol. But I like to throw them in for extra shoulder work (my shoulder's are always lagging behind, so they need all the help they can get)

LaDonna: Good job on the getting in your workout despite the crazy busy day it sounds like you had. Hope it slows down a bit for ya today. When does your school year end?

Oh! Another funny story...So yesterday, I'm talking to DH and DS about something that had happened to me. I guess I was talking pretty animatedly (as I often do, flailing my arms all over the place as if it helps get my point across :rolleyes: ), and I notice them both staring at me w/kinda a dumbfounded look while I'm talking. I assume that maybe they're no longer listening to me (happens often, their eyes start to glaze over, letting me know it's time to shut up :eek: ) , so I stop talking and said, "WHAT?!" :confused: DS looks at DH, and smirks, and then back to me and says, "Mom, are you flexing your muscles on purpose?" :p I was like, "um, no I'm trying to tell you a story, but I guess I'll take that as a compliment?" And they both shook their heads, "yes" :D DS was like, "man you are so 'swole' " :eek:

(FYI: "swole" = slang for muscular, i.e. "swollen" lol)
Kiki:: I have done that-started a post, walked away, came back some time later to finish and ended up having my post be all out of whack b/c I missed stuff in the meantime. LOL I almost ate icecream last night too! I have snickers icecream in the fridge for my DH. I was low on my point count y'day after dinner so I was "weighing" my options for desserts-plugging in stuff I don't normally eat to see what the WW point values would be. I could have indulged in a 1/2 cup of that icecream (for 5 points :eek:) and I only got over my dail points by 1 point. It was exciting enough just to know this and so I put the icecream back. LOL Actually the truth is that I would have LOVED to eat the icecream but I refused to use another WP after the weekend I had AND knowing the weekend I have coming up in NYC with DH!!!!:eek: I am STILL earning back the WP's I used last weekend with my AP's from exercising all week and sadly am not even close and tmrw is weigh in day so it all resets. *sigh* So after checking points on 3 or 4 desserts I ended up eating a dark chocolate square for 2 or 3 points and was a couple points shy of my DP goal of 29 for the day. I was full though so it was fine by me. :)
Today I did BM2. My plan was to do the whole thang, including the upper body, but after all that cardio and yesterday---I was just plain too pooped to pop. So I only did the cardio and lower body weights portion and called it a day, skipping the upper body.

fit mommy: congrats on your .5 pound weight's better than a kick in the pants!!!

kikster: thanks for the advice. I prob. should work my back more specifically, I just don't know what that would be besides lat rows. I guess I could stop being lazy and look it up!!! Congrats on your unconscious:eek::p gun show!!! I look forward to the day. Right now I am working more on this stubborn 10 I have been carrying around for years.

hope you all have a good day. I have much housework to do, shopping, since I am having people over tonite. bye!
OMG! Reading Tracey's post made me realize...

I can't believe I forgot about the GUN SHOW! :D

Kiki! That's awesome! Love it love it love it! :):D:):D

Take a bow! Be proud! ;)

Tracy:: I rarely complete the Body Maxes in full myself so don't feel bad. BM2's cardio kicks my azz for some reason too which makes it even tougher to finish it all. Have you ever done the Double Upper Body Premix from BM2? OMG! That is one TOUGH u/b work out!:eek:
HA HA!! The Gun Show! Aw man, where were ya'll when I needed a quick comeback yesterday, lol.

Tracy: yeah, I def wouldn't feel bad about not finishing a full Bodymax! :eek: For some back exercises you could try any kind of rowing motion: pulldowns w/the band, bent over rows (barbell/dumbell/band), seated rows (barbell/band - unless you have access to cable rowing type unit , you could use that), one arm rows. Here's another link I just found real quick that shows even more options: just make sure lats and middle back are checked in the filter, and you should see quite a few...
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Hi ladies!!! It has been a busy week. I've completed Disc 23, another kbell workout, and S90 Tabata Inferno plus Shaun T's hip Hop Abs.

My baby had her 2nd round of immunizations y'day and has had a rough 24 hours. I'll try to catch up later.

Toodles for now...
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Fit mommy: never have done the double UB premix. Don't know if I ever will:D...

kikster: thanks for the link. I went and looked on it and it looks like I will be having a row-fest while the pull-ups are going on.

Concerning the gun show: my son gives me one every so often. One thing he does that is hilarious is he holds one cupped hand in front of him at about chest level...then he says "You know what this is?" And usually, people don't know ...he then puts his other elbow in his cupped hand while flexing his bicep and declares: "It's a gun rack." (with a very straight face.)

Right now I am just avoiding doing all the work I need to I'm going!
OMGosh!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

Tracy, you had me dyin, literally on the floor laughing!!!! So hilarious! DS and DH are looking at me like, what in the world?!..... I just told Hubby, and he loved it! He's all, " I GOTTA use that one" ROFL
OMG have you all checked out the pre-sale info??? I'm so excited i'm bouncing in my seat here at work (well, the cup of coffee I just drank could be contributing to my bouncing - haha)! TEN new workouts - step, weights, yoga, barre - ALL low impact. AND they all just sound like so much FUN! :eek:eek:eek: Okay, i'm calm I promise. :)

I'm loving all the gun shows going on around here!! Anyone selling tickets? :) Seriously, that's fantastic Kiki! Way to go! I was reading through the check-in on my way to work this morning (DH was driving) and as I was telling my DH about the gun shows I kept saying "I want to have a gun show - I want to get muscles like that, etc. etc." After about 5 minutes of listening to my whinning, DH responded "well, are you just saying you want it or are you going to work for it?" Ahhh, true love.

Oh man ice cream - my summer weakness for sure! It's only 9:00 am here and i'm craving ice cream already! Maybe i'll eat some grapes instead...:)

Wendy: Yay on another .5 pound weight loss! Maybe weight watchers was just the ticket you needed to shock your body. Keep it up girl!

Ladonna: Great job getting your workouts done!! I know how tough it can be when life gets in the way.

Kiki: What cardio workout did you decide to do yesterday?

Tracy: BM2 in its entirety is tough stuff! Like Wendy, the step portion alone completely wipes me out! I'm working on that stubborn last 10 pounds too. I swear its latched onto my body and REFUSES to let go- like a squid...hehe. How did your get-together go last night?

Autumn: Awesome workouts!! I think I might pick up S90. For that price, why not!
I'm sorry to hear your little girl is having a rough time with her immunizations. I'm sending healing thoughts your way!

Oh yeah, my check-in. I almost forgot! Today is my rest day, so I got to sleep in until 6:45 this morning. I love Fridays! Yesterday I did Disc 3. I tend to despise leg endurance workouts, but this one wasn't to bad! I only struggled with the wall squats with the ball -going down to pick up my weights hurt my knees (once I passed that 90 degree angle spot). I have bad knees already. :sigh: I think i'm going to modify that move from now one.

Happy Friday!
Good Morning Ladies.

This morning's work out was Cardio Core Circuit. What was I thinking!? :eek:;):p

Leaving for NYC mid morning tmrw so I may not get back here again until Sunday after today.

Speaking of work out agenda for the morning before we leave....STS M2 DISC 20/LEGS! :eek::eek::eek: Then I get to walk around the city all day! heheh I actually planned it that way on purpose! I'll bet it helps the DOMS as opposed to sitting behind a desk all day. :rolleyes: Sure does sound like torture right now though! :p

Katie:: Ok, step back away from the computer. Now take a deep breathe! LOL ;):D:p Thank you for the heads up on the new series info. I totally missed it! :rolleyes: I love the sound of this new series. She has a few work outs in there that sound like they will really add some vaiety to how we train. Very exciting! :) YAY for getting to sleep in! This is one of many reasons why I take the majority of my rest days during the week! Sleeping that extra hour is a real treat when you get up BEFORE the chickens to work out! :eek:

Autumn:: Sorry your babe was fussy after shots. Hope she's feeling better now. :)

Tracey:: Awww come on! Don't let me scare you! Try that BM2 premix! It's awesome! :D

Guess that's all for now. I'll stop back in later today if anyone's around. If not, have a fabulous weekend if I don't get here tmrw morning before I leave! :D

Hey you know Kristin is back from vacation but hasn't checked in at all! I may have to go over to FB and "poke" her to get her back here with us. :)
Good afternoon, well so far it has been quite a day...and not going terrific. However, last nite was great...had about 10 ladies over.

Anyway, got up and started STS 1.3 Legs while one of my girls started getting in the shower. I was about 15 min. into the workout when she came in and told me there was no hot water. So I had to stop for about 10 min. to address this, call PG & E and then tell her to take a cold shower. Then I finally finished my workout...I thought it was going to be tougher....I really did. I am not that fit, as I am sure most of you are more fit than me. Don't get me wrong it was tough....the wall squats were killers... So I took a cold shower:eek:

Was going to take my girls to lunch since this is the last day of their spring vaca. but they started fighting about where they wanted to go :mad: so I said forget it.

I think I need to go away by myself for a few hours.

ricklyk1: hi! I have done BM2 all the way through before, and I certainly felt it the next day.

kikster: I am glad I can make someone laugh today ( or yesterday), not very many happy people here:rolleyes: ( mostly because I took their DSi and computer privileges away...I will allow them to eat and use the restroom though... :D)

Fit mommy: I hope you have a great time in NY. I have never been there but would love to go, especially after a great workout:)
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Hi Everyone!

Today, I did Disc 33. Tomorrow is HIIT 40/20, a toughie.

Katie - I really like MMA Boxing. I use the weighted gloves on all the MMA workouts. I love the boost in intensity. I saw the presale info too this morning. I am so excited!

Kikster - Our last day is May 13th. I am ready to wind it down. DD has spring fever, so I think she is ready too. When does school end for you?

Autumn - When is your last day of school?

I am ordering my Mothers Day present this weekend. I think I will get the bundle without the spin DVD. I don't have the equipment, and I am not planning on getting one in the future. Is anyone else ordering?

Have a good weekend everyone!

Hey ladies! I just realized that I hadn't checked in today :confused: . I came on earlier this morning and got all distracted by the presale :p. Sooooo, what have I done? Oh, yesterday I decided on HIIT 30/30, and I'm feeling Wendy, "what was I thinking?!" Not sure if that was the wisest move to make just before my leg day :rolleyes: today. So I was dreading legs today, but I got it done, and felt great. But I gotta tell you, this last week of STS kicked my butt!!! I'm sore EVERYWHERE! Foam roller, here I come...

Katie: speaking of foam roller, I realized I never answered you about mine. FWIW I tried the ones that Target carries (GAIAM-purple one- and some other brand-the green one), and they were not firm enough, and I had to return each after only a week or two of use, because they were already losing their shape. I've heard that you need to find one w/a PVC core to help avoid this, but I'm not sure where to get them. Also, though I thought that I'd be fine w/the shorter length (maybe 16-18 in?), I discovered that I actually wanted the longer one (36-in), to roll the length of my back, plus DH found himself wanting to use it, and would be more comfy on a longer one. More recently I just ordered one off of amazon instead, using the reviews there to help me. I decided on this one

Wendy: Enjoy your trip, and the DOMS!

Tracy: Hope you get some alone time over the weekend. ;)
Have you ever noticed how taking their things away punishes YOU? :confused: lol

Have a good weekend everyone! :D:)
Ugh, I went WAY overboard tonight on dinner. I had FOUR pieces of pizza. Granted none were huge..but still, FOUR. PLUS a chocolate chip cookie. Seriously, what was I thinking?!?! Oh well. :) Back on track tomorrow...

Wendy: Have a wonderful time tomorrow in NYC!! New York is one of my favorite cities. :) Great job with both CCC and Disc 20. CCC is so tough but so much fun! I hear ya on rest days during the week. That extra hour and a half of sleep is amazing on Friday mornings (which is my rest day 99% of the time).

Tracy: I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough day. (((HUGS))) I agree with Kiki that a little alone time might just be the ticket. Those wall squats are definitely killers in Disc 1! Our first week of STS is already over. WOW!

LaDonna: I've got 40/20 scheduled for tomorrow too! We can suffer together. :eek::eek: :) I'm definitely ordering the new series! Start the countdown until August 31st. I've actually already put the date on my calendar...haha!

Kiki: Thanks for all the awesome information about foam rollers. I know if mentioned a thousand times already, but i've got bad knees plus a bad lower back and i'm hoping a foam roller might help these problems. I know I tend to ask a lot of questions...sorry about that! :) Even though i've been a regular exerciser and working out with Cathe since last October there is just soooo much I still don't know about exercise, nutrition, etc. I'm like a sponge..always soaking up new info!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Well, since I am going to be waiting at home ALL DAY for the PGE person to come deal with the water heater, I decided to do a long workout! So I did 4DS HIS with all upper body. It was great and I really enjoyed it.

The workout mgr said I burned about 800 cals. but I am doubting that.

kikster: whenever I discipline them, I do feel like I am the one who is feelin' the pain they are inflicting :p Of course, my sister reminded me just this morning that we used to fight like cats and dogs. And here all this time I thought how wonderful we were ;)

ricklik1: yipee!! we finished STS week one. I really am liking having a regular structure and then filling in the other days. What about you? What have you really liked so far? Is there anything you thought could be changed, or bugged you? Listen, I can relate about the pizza. I love food. I would love to lose my last 10, put the problem is I also love to eat!! I have already lost 15 though!!!! (over the last 6 months.) Remember Scarlett O'Hara when you overeat, that is, after the crime has been committed: Don't think about it now, think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day!!!

Fit mommy: thinking of you in the Big Apple as I sit over here by the city by the Bay (SFO). A funny story: I have a girl friend who went to New York last year with her son. She was on one of the more affluent shopping streets walking and window shopping. She has long blond hair and was wearing an all-white outfit (white jeans, white shirt) with heels. She really is a well-dressed, well-kept woman. Well, an obviously very wealthy older woman with slicked back hair and dressed to the nines was driven up to the curb and got out with a younger woman, who was either her protege or personal assistant. This wealthy older woman took one look up and down at my friend (with her blond hair and outfit) and turned to her PA or protege and said two words in a very haughty and condescending voice:
"West coast"
meaning it was a bad thing. I suppose if you live and NY and really love it, it would be a slam. My friend loved it and thought it was the funniest thing that the woman knew where she was from. That woman sure knew people!

Have a great day everyone!
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Hi ladies!

I finally did my 40/20 + SJP step only mish-mosh today. Wow, that was tough! I still modify 40/20 by using 3 risers when Cathe and the crew uses 4 risers. I subtracted one "met" in the workout manager to account for the modification. I also tacked on Ab Circuits - yoga-based abs at the end of my cardio hell. :) I love that abs routine!

Tracy: You're NYC story cracked me up!! Being from Kentucky, I have a definite southern accent and any time I visit a non-south city I either get the "you're a dumb redneck" look or the "awww that's sweet" look when I talk. Neither are honestly flattering but I really don't mind. I'm loving STS so far! The structure rocks - i'm all about planning ahead (yep - i'm one of those people - haha). I also like the workout cards - it tells me exactly what weight I need to lift which for some reason I find extremely gratifying. My dislike....I know this is going to sound crazy, but I don't feel like I worked my back enough in Disc 2. I think it's because I'm using the band for pull ups/chin ups and, even though I got medium tension, I think I need more tension. Instead of buying another band, I think this week i'm just going to work until failure on those exercises. What do you think so far??? CONGRATS on losing 15 pounds already! That's fantastic!!! I've lost about 12 pounds and would like to lose about 8 more. Like you, I LOVE food too! I think it's all about finding that happy balance. I tried to eat super clean for awhile and was just miserable. I'm thinking STS is going to shock our bodies so much the fat is going to start falling away. :) :) :)
OH, I forgot to add that I submitted my pre-order today! I debated for hours about Cycle Max. I finally decided not to get it because I know it will be at least 3-4 years before I could consider getting a spin bike. I'm sure by that time I can find it on Amazon for a good price. :) I decided to also get Cardio Fusion (so I could get free shipping). I've wanted Cardio Fusion for awhile anyway, and now that i'm trucking away with STS I need more cardio DVDs!
ricklik1: I understand the back thang. I also have one of those pull bands and I can't seem to get my back into it either. It just isn't challenging enough. I have decided, complements of kikster, to just do extra lat rows in place of. I am a bit miserable too when I have to eat only healthy food too:D. But one thing I have come to reason with myself about is, and the way I lost those 15 pounds in the first place is, that to lose weight I have got to be ok with and get used to being hungry. It seems that everyone wants to tell people that we can do this diet or that diet or whatever and we won't have to be hungry. But the bottom line I have discovered is, that no I won't starve, but yes, I must understand and live with being hungry if I want to lose weight. PERIOD.

I really like the structure of STS as you do, but one thing that does bug is one of the guys with all his face drama when he lifts weights, or maybe it's just his face I don't like.:confused: Am I mean? maybe. Also, I wonder why they had the guys shave their pits??? I don't know if I like this or not. My husband thinks it emasculates them a little bit :p. Is that too gross or intimate on the details? oh well, I yam what I yam.

have a great rest of the weekend.

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