STS/LIS 3 Month trans/Sub for STS upper body


I just recently purchased the LIS dvd's and LOVE them. I do not own any STS and wonder if anyone could comment: Could I sub any heavy upper body dvd (eg, 4-D-S) for the STS upper body and still see great results from Cathe's STS/LIS 3 month transformation rotation.

Thank you for any advice,

Thanks so much for your reply.

Are you currently using this rotation/have you had good results??

Hi Cyd,

I am so sorry, I misunderstood your question. I thought you wanted to sub for STS Total Body (LIS/STS TB 1 month rotation) not the entire STS series upper body. With the LIS/STS 3 month rotation, you have all three Meso's from STS incorporated. Meso 1 is light weight/high reps, Meso 2 is moderate weights, Meso 3 is heavy weights/low reps (more along the lines of 4DS). Of course you can still do the rotation with 4DS UB/LB if you prefer, I'm just not sure if your results would be even better including lower weight/higher reps.

I unfortunately do not have experience with this particular rotation, as I just recently acquired STS and STS TB. I did however do the Nov LIS rotation & Dec hi/lo and got great results, losing inches and lbs.

I also have 4DS and love it! Using heavier weights has given me some nice muscle definition :)

Perhaps you can ask your question in the STS forum, where people have done this rotation as well as the STS program.

Good luck!

Cyd I am no expert on this topic but I just completed STS for the 3rd. time. I would think you could get some decent results by using what you have. Meso 1 is around 15 reps per exercise. Meso 2 is between 10 and 12 reps and Meso 3 is around 8 reps. Of course each Meso your weights should get heavier. If you go to the workout manager , click on STS , you can look at each individual w/o and see how many reps she is doing for each exercise. The only thing is each Meso has a different rest period between each exercise. I would reccommend no longer than 60 seconds between each set. If you have slow and heavy , that would probably be good for Meso 3.
I just started the 3 mos. LIS/STS rotation. I think the slide /glide exercises hurt my lower back . I say go for it and lift as heavy as you can for the reps required using what you have. It certainly won't hurt.


Natasha and Jean,

Thanks so much - that is great information that I was not aware of!! I will try to adjust accordingly.

Thank you,


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