STS legs and paper plate issues...


Help! I'm not sure if I like these... I feel that my form is ALL wrong, and I'm concentrating too hard on that and not doing the movement right. Anyone else feel like this? Any pointers or substitutes for these exercises?
I'm having problems too, and one of the reasons why is because I already have trouble doing lunges using proper form without plates, the plates just make it worse! They call for more muscle recruitment, so for the time being I'm not using hand weights because I need to concentrate solely on the moving leg. I don't need the added burden of having weights in my hands, which just throws off my balance.

I'll be interested to see if you get any tips on dealing with this issue.
How about just doing the move with no plate at all. For the reverse lunge where you slide your foot back, just step back. Or just step to the side for the side sliding lunges. Back lunges are one of my favorite lunges to do and you'll feel them just as much as with the plates.


Yes that is what I did today--tried the plates was having problems and just tossed them aside. I guess it is something I could work at but I don't know if I will. I never liked that move in other workouts either. It always just feels awkward for me.
I had problems with the plates too when I did my 1RM tests. Makes my joints feel like I'm really going to hurt myself, especially my hip joint on the side ones. I think I'm going to be leaving the plates out when I start STS.
Help! I'm not sure if I like these... I feel that my form is ALL wrong, and I'm concentrating too hard on that and not doing the movement right. Anyone else feel like this? Any pointers or substitutes for these exercises?

If you want to get use to using them (the added challenge can be rewarding).. Try using a stable chair on the side for balance and no weights or just one weight. This way you can stay focused on the proper form while feeling balanced. I had to practice several times this way once I saw the YouTube clip because I couldnt get it- now I'm OK as long as I dont go too heavy on the weights.
Help! I'm not sure if I like these... I feel that my form is ALL wrong, and I'm concentrating too hard on that and not doing the movement right. Anyone else feel like this? Any pointers or substitutes for these exercises?

We just released Cathe TV - Week #2 and one of our segments is on paper Plates. Let us know if this helps you.
My big a-ha moment in this week's CatheTV is that I'm not supposed to put my entire foot on the paper plate, just the ball of my foot. A-HA! Maybe that's why it felt so awkward. :D Thanks, Cathe, for the tip.
How about just doing the move with no plate at all. For the reverse lunge where you slide your foot back, just step back. Or just step to the side for the side sliding lunges. Back lunges are one of my favorite lunges to do and you'll feel them just as much as with the plates.



Gayle, I think I'll try this. Thanks, and thanks to everyone else for your suggestions. Hopefully I'll et it right w/ the plates in the future:) Kay
I watched Cathe TV and she suggested using a piece of carpet on the puzzle mats. Well, I had a light bulb moment. Since I have the puzzle mats down in the workout room what I did was use an old mat, its made of a cloth almost like felt material and I used the EZ moves on it and it worked great. Nice and smoothe.
This question is for fit44: do you find it harder with the valslide? I'm thinking about getting them. how well do they work on the carpet? thanks
This question is for fit44: do you find it harder with the valslide? I'm thinking about getting them. how well do they work on the carpet? thanks

HI Sheryl:

Not Cynthia (Fit44) but just wanted to chime in here... I have not used the Valslides, but just checked out the price! Yikes! I have to say that I am getting some GREAT results with the new furniture movers that I bought at Walmart. They were $9.99 and came in a pack of 4 - 7" round discs (kept 2 for STS and 2 as spares if/when they get skuffed on the bottom) and 4 smaller 3 inch ones... So, even though you buy a lot of them that you may never use for exercising, I have found several uses for the rest of these ~ under dressers, beds etc.. I work out on thicker, spongy carpet and these are GREAT! they slide when I need them to slide, and stick when I stop! They are in the hardware section... check them out... bet you won't be disappointed...

I would recommend trying this version first, as you can probably get them at any hardware store or Walmart, before paying over $35 for 2 disc and a band from Valslides... you can always keep your receipt and if you dont like them, return them and order the Valslides...

I have not attempted to do any of these plate exercises with weights yet, but will start with week 3 of Meso 1 next week and will start to incorporate DB's as well, now that I feel like I have the right tools...

just thought this idea might be a bit easier on the pocketbook :) and my 2 cents :)

PS>>> ETA: and with the larger "footprint" size of the Valslides, and the fact that in CatheTV's recent focus on the paperplates and Cathe stating that you only need to use the ball of your foot, I am wondering if having all that extra getting in the way or making it harder to focus on just using the ball of the foot?
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I use furniture slides

I bought some of those furniture slides for moving furniture around on carpets. You can get them at Wal-mart pretty cheap. They work way better than paper plates which just don't seem to work on my carpet.
I used fthe furniture slides and it wasn't easy! I really need to work up to this. But using them for the ab workouts was really funny--they just kept going. I could NOT control them at all and ended up flat on my face. I think I will try paper plates for the abs.
I have tile floors so the paper plates worked just fine. But I wanted to try the furniture movers, too. We found them by chance today at Harbor Freight on sale for $2.99! You get the 4 7" sliders and 4 smaller ones (can't remember right now what the size is).

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