STS January Check In - Welcome All!

Justine, sometimes it is just the time to give up and know that we will be ready and pumped for a great workout later. I have started workouts and just decided I was not feeling it.
I am sure that you will have a great time with your daughter. It would be interesting to hear the guy skiing time out together.
This morning I did T25 Gamma Extreme Circuit, 29 minutes, 249 calories, avg hr 131/max hr 160. I then used the Tread Climber, 30 minutes, 342 calories, avg hr 151/max hr 170, 2.:07 miles. I finished with Calorie Blast Yoga Strong Body Strong Mind segment, 20 minutes, 66 calories. Total time 79 minutes, calories burned 657.
Yeah it's the weekend and March 1. So far, in like a lamb. But this might be the calm before the storm (again). We're supposed to get a snowstorm tomorrow night into Monday morning.

Yesterday I did UY Strength and HardCore. Strength does work/strain the rotators a bit - at least I'm feeling it this morning. Mesocycle 2 is officially done! I did Disc 24, Back and Biceps this morning along with CycleMax Express. I was feeling a cold sweat while doing that one, so I hope I'm not getting sick. Saturday is the only day I exercise in the morning. Although I'm an early riser, my body doesn't like the early workouts at much. I guess I'll rest up in case I need to do some shovel max tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!

This morning I did Low Impact challenge timesaver #3, 40 minutes, 338 calories. I then did Tracy Anderson Total Body Mini Trampoline using the trampoline front and muscular structure segments, 39 minutes, 300 calories. I finished with Les Mills Flow, 20 minutes, 62 calories. Total time was 99 minutes and calories burned 700.

Lisa,, nice work finishing up Meso cycle 2. Which lower body workouts are you using on Meso 3 ? Snow is coming here too. I could do without it. I am ready for spring.
Morning ladies.

I lost a week between a nasty GI virus, and then catching my son's cold. Guess immune system was weak after the GI thing.

Decided to repeat Meso 2, Week 3 - so today was Chest Shoulders and Triceps, Disc 19. My tri's were fried from the chest work, so it was totally reaching failure with lighter weight there. Had to skip the last exercise as I was out of time.

Have a great week!
Spring seems to have arrived in the UK - at last! It makes me feel so much better.

I had a great weekend. NOT at all clean / healthy :eek: I had a massage, though - does that count?

Back to it today - I'm on January 2014 rotation - started with Afterburn (I'd had 5 hours in the car, so needed something).

Crazysoccermom - sorry to hear you've been so ill. Winter makes patients out of all of us.

Take care,
Today I started Meso Cycle 3 disc 25 chest and back, 69 minutes, 462 calories. I then did Ab Circuits weights and plates abs, 19, 98 calories and finished with STS extended stretch 16 minutes, 40 calories. Total time was 1 hr 44 minutes and calories burned 600.

Crazy Soccer Mom, I am sorry you were so sick. I hope recovery is quick.

Justine, lucky you with spring :) It snowed here yesterday and was degree outside when I went out with the dogs.
sts January check in

I did meso 2 disk 19 today too Crazysoccermom and I know what you mean by "fried" Even shoulders required stepping down in weight and crossbody tri's were ugly! I think I may supplement those later in the week...if I'm still alive!!:eek::eek:
I did meso 2 disk 19 today too Crazysoccermom and I know what you mean by "fried" Even shoulders required stepping down in weight and crossbody tri's were ugly! I think I may supplement those later in the week...if I'm still alive!!:eek::eek:

Yup - and chest is so sore today. It's a good feeling, but wowsers.

This morning I did Shock Cardio HiiT 40/20. Took some extra 'catch my breath' breaks, but added on 3 intervals on the end. Plus some ab's while I was waiting for hubby to get out of the shower.

Also yesterday I fit in an elliptical workout at lunchtime - 45 mins.

The bad news: due to lack luster eating, and a week of exercise loss due to sickness, I doubt I'll reach my weigh in this weekend. But I'm giving it a go. Weigh out by the 11th - need to be down 4.2 pounds. Not likely. But my final goal by June is the biggie - I need to reach the May cut off to be elligible for the June Jackpot. I forget what my baseline is, though.
Gym Style legs today - not a fan of the floor work, so I was a bit lacklustre for that. Still haven't got my mojo back. Perhaps Flextrain tomorrow will help.

I'm cutting back on the exercise for a bit (not doing doubles, just walking and than whatever the rotation says). Hopefully that will get me more enthused.

I hope none of you mind that I'm still checking in even though I've finished STS?

Diane - still snowing? Is that usual for this time of year? I hope you get Spring soon.

Crazysoccermom - you never know re the weigh in - when I don't exercise I lose weight at first (obviously not in the long run though!)

Today was cardio and yoga. I started with T25 Gamma, Speed 3.0, 28 minutes, 307 calories. I then used the Tread Climber for 25 minutes, 248 calories. I finished off with Cameron Shayne budokon flow and flexibility, 40 minutes, 217 calories. I had to do some of the moves more slowly because of the knee. I was extremely slow on getting back up from the judo rolls. Total time was 93 minutes and calories burned 772.

Justine, we generally do not have that much snow. Usually by March we are done. I think we may get some more tomorrow. I am hoping that forecast changes. It was warm for a bit and my roses started sprouting and trees looked like they were budding. We have crazy weather changes here. I will be doing Gym Styles at the end of this mesocycle too. I guess maybe we are doing the same rotation :) I sure don't mind you still checking in but, I haven't been here that long myself.

Crazy Soccer Mom, sometimes the scale can surprise you. I have had times where I would be away from home and eating out and w family and was so sure I packed on the pounds but was pleasantly surprised when I did a weigh in.
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Diane - are you enjoying the T25? I've been wondering whether to buy....

I'm doing the Bodybuilding rotation - is that what you're planning on?

I did Flextrain+ leg conditioning from Kickmax. I'm going to continue taking it easy for the rest of the week, then may ramp it up next week (I see X77 on my rotation :eek: )

The weather has been good enough to begin doing a few hours outside every day. Yippeeeee! I didn't think it would ever stop raining.

Hope everyone's well,
Justine x
Hi ladies!

Turns out the cold sweat I had on Saturday while exercising was the start of a nasty cold/flu virus. I'm finally starting to feel better and hope to do some yoga later today. Not as 'active' of of recovery week as I had planned. Looks like I may have to travel for work next week, so a little setback in my rotation. I'll get back on track.

Nice to know others are seeing some nicer weather finally!

Today I did STS disc 37 week 1 meso 3 squat rack legs, 408 calories. I was surprised how strong my legs are despite the surgery. It has been 14 weeks since the surgery. 85lbs for squats today :D I am hoping to progress a little more but, with good form and safety in mind. I was getting ready to do some yoga when the realtor arrived and said she had some people that wanted to look at our home this morning again. I had to stop and rush to the shower and get things together. I need to go back to getting up earlier.

Justine, yes, I am planning on doing the bodybuilding rotation. The only thing that may cause a setback is when and where we move. We may be staying with family for a bit till we find a place to live and storing things. I think I could still manage if I take my Bowflex select tech weights with me and a few items. Enjoy getting outside.

Lisa, I am sorry that you were sick. Those viruses can come quickly and really zap the energy out of a person. I hope the yoga goes well and am sure a little set back will not stop you.
Justine, I forgot to answer your question yesterday about T25. I only purchased the Gamma set. I really do like it a lot. I have found that most of the BeachBody workouts I buy I start with the bonus or extras and like them so much that I go back and buy the rest only to find I like the bonus ones the best. Still I am not sorry that I have most of them now.
Diane - thank you for the info on T25. Another one for my list. So many good workouts, so little time. I'm thinking of trying the Kelly Coffey-Meyer 30 mins ones, too. I try to limit how many I buy per month, though!!!!

When do you think you'll be moving? Have you had an offer on your place yet?

Lisa - sorry to hear you weren't well - probably best that it happened during a recovery week. Hope you're completely over it.

Today was Gym Style Chest and Triceps. I was shaking! Totally different feel to STS. I go very slightly heavier than Cathe (only because my dumbells are in kg, so instead of 20lb I have to use 10kg=22lb, I don't have a 9kg). Boy was I struggling. I'm loving this rotation, though, and my body is responding already. It must be the change of routine. Mind you, I have always looked my best on lots of MWT.

Even though I feel I have my energy back, I'm not going to do a double yet - next week, I think.

Today I did Party Rockin Step #1 timesaver 1, 35 minutes, 214 calories. I then used the Tread Climber for 30 minutes, 320 calories. I have checked this out and generally the met value runs 9.5-10 for me when I keep it at 4-4.5 mph. I then did Amy Bento Step Challenge 3 abs #1 with the kettlebells, 14 minutes, 98 calories, and finished with Jillian Michael's Yoga Inferno Workout #1, 33 minutes, 218 calories. Total time was 1 hr 52 minutes and calories burned 850. BTW, did I mention how sore I am from these two workouts I have done from Meso 3 ? My chest and back are still sore from Monday. I was foam rolling and stretching last night before bed.

Justine, the realtor said that there were two different lookers that she expected to put in an on our house. We have only had it up for sale for about 3 and a half weeks. I was surprised that we had so many lookers with the snow and ice that we have had. I was really expecting it to be spring time when we had the lookers. I have lot of Kelly Coffey workouts. I am kind of wanting her new weight ones that she is working on now. It is nice to have a variety of instructors and workouts. Cathe has always been my favorite though. When I started getting on her forums she had 200 posters. That was years ago. I learned about her through the old Firm workout forums.
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Diane - great news on the house - amazing for the weather. In the UK the peak buying season is March-May. Any favourite Kelly C-M workouts? I'm tempted to buy one or two, and if I enjoy them, then go for the pre-order. Having looked at the clips, I think I'd rather KCM than T25 (but I'd like both!) I love the way you mix up your workouts - you make good use of the pre-mixes. I must start doing more of that.

I did Cardio Core Circuits today - for some reason it really got my HR up (average 144, max 169, burned just under 600 calories). Usually I don't struggle too much with that one. I've been outside in the sunshine all afternoon - gardening. Glorious. I'm going to sleep well!!
This morning I only had time for STS disc 27, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. 67 minutes, 380 calories. My main computer quit working this morning. :( Hopefully it can be fixed. Nothing at all on the screen. The fan blows and that is it. It is an all in one computer.

Justine, I have always like Kelly Coffey's 30 minutes to fitness Musscle Definition. I go back to that one a lot. I like to use that one to get everything in with the full body 77 minute compilation. It gets a pretty good calorie burn as well. I am liking her Shape up one. It is the one done in tabata style. The step tabata work is about all it does for lower body though then the rest is upper weights but it is pretty tough. Actually I like all three of her newer ones but I tend to really want to do Shape up. Your Best Body is good. It has cardio and weights or the premixes of just lower or just upper or cardio and legs or cardio and upper. Circuit Burn is good. If you are looking for just cardio I like Cardio Blast. The nice thing is she does give premixes that can be used along with other workouts. I like a lot of variety so that makes it great to be able to mix and match workouts together :)
Hi! I've ordered Muscle Definition and circuit burn - simply because they were available in the UK!! I had to choose somehow!

Today I did Gym Style Shoulders Back and Biceps and then Step Moves.

I struggled with the shoulders (as usual).

Diane, I hope your computer fixes easily. It's only when they're broken that you realise how much you rely on them!

Hope everyone else is well

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