STS January Check In - Welcome All!

This morning I did STS disc 36, shoulders, biceps and triceps, 375 calories 61 minutes. ( I think it was longer than that but that is what the workout card says). I then did URX-MT Keli Roberts Maximum Metabolic Interval, 49 minutes, 351 calories. Total time 1 hr 50 minutes and calories burned 726.
Thanks for the link - they look exhausting! And I'd need to empty my bladder first :eek: I hadn't thought about doing anything like that - I'd just assumed that any rebounder workout would be just bouncing. I may well invest!

I love that balanced bites website too. I make quite a bit from there.

I don't know how you managed a metabolic workout after STS. I can only ever manage a quick cardio.

I've done the final Gym Styles (BSB) - I think my shoulder stength has improved very slightly, which is great, since that's always been a weak spot (all other muscle groups I can go heavier than suggested - shoulders I do exactly what Cathe says to!)

Low impact series tomorrow. I start with Trisets. Not one I've done very often, so I'm looking forward to it.

Today I only had time for a quick workout so I did X10 Low Impact 25 minutes, 187 calories. Afterward I helped my husband load the pick up with boxes to take to our daughter's storage. We were away from home most of the day. I think I will do some more of the URX-MT workouts and maybe check out some of the other Urban Rebounding compilation workouts. Really the only other one I had tried was hip hop bound. It was really short and not something I really enjoyed. But , when I tried core bound I really did like it. Then reading some of the reviews on Amazon I decided maybe I should try them out. From what I understand most are not as intense as URX-MT. Then I will be ready for Gym Styles the following week.

Justine, I understand on the bladder emptying. If I have too much tea or coffee before I start, I have to keep the remote handy so I can pause to run to the restroom. That is when I am glad I am not in a classroom setting :p Rebounding is supposed to be good for the lymphatic system from what I have read. I have quite a few different websites that are paleo based that I use. I have the Practical Paleo Book which has some really good recipes. Also I downloaded The Food Lovers Kitchen on my iphone and ipad and they carry a mixture of recipes from different sites. The soup recipe is also in this app.
I am sure that you will enjoy the Tri sets if you have not done it a lot. I have done it quite a lot myself :)
Today I did the Greg Cook workout that I just purchased on it's own. I really liked it. It was URX Extreme Conditioning, 56 minutes, 491 calories. I then did Great Glutes Timesaver #4 minus the warm up, compound, gliding disc, and bonus chair. 40 minutes, 241 calories. Workout was 96 minutes, calories 732.
you're right - I'm loving tri sets. Very different from other weights workouts. I like higher reps on the stability ball. I did the upper body premix. Not too difficult, but I felt it everywhere. I was looking at all the pre-mixes - what does JFO stand for?
I've also done Afterburn this week. I love that one - although I didn't at first. It's just the spiderman mountain climbers that I struggle with.

I'm going to have a good look at which rebounder dvd I want. I'll just get one to start - see how I get on with all that bouncing.

I'll have a look at the food lovers kitchen app. Not seen that one.

Have you decided how to do Gym Styles yet? I'd be interested to know
I started with X10 Step, 26 minutes, 208 calories. I then used the Tread Climber for 32 minutes, 328 calories. I finished with Lean legs and abs abs only, 10 minutes, 50 calories. 586 total calories 68 minutes.

Justine, I forgot what JFO means. I remember someone saying once.
Justine, JFO means Joint Friendly Option :) I need to remember that. I have done it. I asked once in the past and someone had told me. I just went and did a search. Some of the rebounder workouts have enough on and off the rebounder work so that you are not bouncing non stop. The Greg Cook I did yesterday has floor cardio, rebounder cardio, weights, and non weight strength work. I got it on Amazon by itself. I can give you a link. I have been working on typing up the breakdowns on the different URX workouts to help when I choose them. If you want a breakdown of the ones I have done recently I have them broke down pretty well. The JB Berns one is on the rebounder throughout if I remember right. A lot of them add 1-3 lb sand weights which an be substituted with dumbbells. Most have ab work and strength work in them with the cardio. Some have you jumping on and off the rebounder. My preference is just on the rebounder. I am a little careful on the ones jumping off.
Today I did URX-MT Gay Gasper Total Body Metabolic Strength Conditioning, 51 minutes, 401 calories. I then did T25 Gamma RIP'D Up, 29 minutes, 217 calories. I finished off with The Art of Flow Yoga with Zuzana Flow segment, 16 minutes,90 calories. Workout was 96 minutes and calories burned 707.
A-ha! Joint friendly option. Makes sense (I was trying to think of Just For something) :)
Thanks for the info on URX. I guess I like the idea of being on the floor some of the time, plus some weights, and I certainly don't fancy jumping off the rebounder onto the floor (even though I use a plyo mat). I have quite a low ceiling in my workout room (a converted stable) - I'll have to bear that in mind too! I'll see what I can find on Amazon and try one out. Mind you, I still have a few KCM still in wraps - and even a couple of unused Cathes. Perhaps I ought to do those first!!

I did LIS Trisets lower body today. I didn't enjoy it as much as the upper body split. I then started on Turbobarre leg conditioning. I gave up after 10 minutes. I find it just too dull. So not a great workout today. Oh well.

My forearms hurt from Upper Body Trisets. Weird place to get DOMS! Mind you, I'm doing step tomorrow, so a rest for my UB.
Justine, I still have Amy Bento Ross latest step to master. I have done the warm up and first combo but that is it. It seems I have had so much going on just trying to get in a workout that one with harder choreography has just not been something that I want to go for. Generally I love working through them and feel a sense of accomplishment and most of the time have fun with them. I don't think the URX will be around much longer though. Most places seem to be limited on what they have for individual workouts. The Greg Cook latest one was only 12.99 on Amazon. If it were not for these I would have had no idea that a rebounder could be such a hard workout. Most of these have quite a few changes to keep it interesting. Cardio with some strength training is good.
Talking of having to master a step routine - I did LIS Challenge this morning. I tried my hardest all the way through, but it was a mess. Only 440 calories burned (about the same as my daily walk :eek: ). Oh well!
I'll get a URX before they disappear.
This morning I started with X Train Cardio Leg Blast, 56 minutes, 387 calories. I then did Lean legs and abs, compound segments and chair firewalker, followed with Great Glutes floor work, 37 minutes, 216 calories. I then did Amy's Kettle Bell Dynamics abs and Step Challenge 3 abs 1 with the kettle bell along with the stretch 35 minutes. I like the stretch on step challenge 3 Total time was 2 hr 8 minutes and calories burned 784. Tomorrow I will be rushed to get anything in. The house inspection is at 8 am. I like the stretch on step challenge 3 Total time was 2 hr 8 minutes and calories burned 784. Tomorrow I will be rushed to get anything in. The house inspection is at 8 am.

Justine, when I am trying new choreography it always seems that the calorie burn is lower. I think that when I do the Extreme premix I get around 500 calories out of it. Still 440 is a good burn. Particularly if you enjoyed it.
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Today I had to split my workout since we had an inspection for our house sale. I did Kelly Coffey 30 minutes to fitness shape up workout #2 and added the 1st tabata cardio from workout 1, 36 minutes, 262 calories. Later I came back and did Shape up weight only up to the point where I started workout 2, 17 minutes, 109 calories. Since there is not really any biceps in this workout I did Kelly's Muscle definition biceps only and abdominals, 24 minutes, 104 calories and finished with Chalean Extreme Recharge for a stretch, 21minutes, 89 calories. Total time was 98 minutes and calories burned 600.
Diane - How did the house inspection go? Good on you for fitting a workout in as well.

I'm pleased with today's efforts - Cardio supersets with step bonus (about 600 cals) and KCM Muscle Definition w/o #1 (which I did later in the day). Including my dog walk, I burned over 1500 calories :D Plus I feel worn out (good worn out).

Although Sunday is usually my 'rest' day (just a 10 mile walk ;)) I'm going to try to get another w/o in tomorrow, so that I can have next weekend off. I may regret the descision......

This morning I did URX-MT Amy Bento Kickbox Metabolic Interval, 52 minutes, 437 calories. I then did Urban Rebounding Compilation 2 Dance Bound, 31 minutes, 251 calories. I finished off with Urban Rebounding Compilation #1 Abdominal Bound 20 minutes, 56 calories. Workout was 1 hr. 52 min., 744 calories.

Justine, the home inspection went well yesterday :) I keep trying to get in some extra workouts. I am not sure myself how it will work when I am staying with family while we find another home or build one.
Diane - good to hear the house inspection went well. I'm interested in you saying you might build a house. I'm intending to do that one day (my parents own a house building company). I've always lived in old houses though, so it would be a real change for me. (We live in a house where the oldest bit was built circa 1600!)

Today I did about an 8 mile walk and then Slide and Glide. Always gets my inner thighs and hip flexors. Not a bad thing!
Justine, wow, on the Circa 1600 oldest bit. Ours is at 72 years old. In great shape though. My husband did remodeling homes for awhile between his other jobs. He is good with it. He has several home plans drawn up but that would also depend on purchasing land. We will see how it goes. You are lucky that your parents do what they do as they can be a lot of help with building. My daughter's home that is on the 15 acres was built up from a barn. It was sort of built into the hill. Someone else started building a home out of it. My daughter is a dermatologist and has met the people that have been part of it so has the pictures as it made a transformation into a home that looks nothing like what it started as. There is an old cistern (sp) Hand water pumps. I love it. You can sit in the pool and look up the hill and hear the cows and chickens. Just awesome.
Today I started with Gym Styles, chest and triceps and added on the shoulder, 59 minutes, 359 calories. I then did Urban Rebounding Box and Bound from Compilation #2, 28 minutes, 271 calories. I finished off with Core Max #3 with the medicine ball, 18 minutes, 107 calories. Total time was 1 hr. 46 min., calories burned 737.
Today I did Party Rockin Step #2 Extreme 8 combos with finished, 61 minutes, 430 calories. I then did Gym Styles Back and Biceps, 35 minutes, 224 calories. I finished with Zuzka Power Yoga Series #1 using only 3 minutes of chair series (as my knee was not liking the burpees into the jump) , balance and plyo, warrior and cool down, 20 minutes, 108 calories. Total time was 1 hour 55 minutes and calories burned 762.
Been a bit hectic with a wedding coming up on Saturday, so haven't checked in that much.
Did Athletic Training yesterday - that is such a fast paced workout. Maybe because I've only done it a few times, but I struggle to get the right equipment out in time.
Today was Lower Body Trisets + KCM Muscle Definition w/o #2
I need to think about how to do 4DS next week.

Diane - your daughter's haouse sounds idyllic. You must look for a plot if you have the ability to self-build! It's such a dream of mine. Best of luck

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