STS January Check In - Welcome All!

My workout started with Rapid Fire 4, wu, boxing combos 1&2, and abs followed by STS Chest and back Meso 3 week and finishing with STS ended stretch. 590 calories.
Hi Diane - your eating habits sound spot on! I generally eat protein and veggies - simply because we try to be self sufficient - but not paleo, since I have legumes and dairy. (In fact my exciting news is that one of the goats is in labour!!! I think she'll kid later today - more goat's milk.) Your results are even more impressive since you're nursing an injury.

Yesterday was SuperCuts, today Cardio Leg Blast (which burned 550 calories :D)
Tomorrow it's LIS Afterburn. I think Cathe may be trying to kill me!

I decided to sort of opt out of the last mesocycle and start the January rotation. Instead of doing the Gym Style workouts, I added S&H and upper body from XTrain. I'm still going heavy, but wanted to add more circuit/metabolic workouts in. Justine - saw on another post that you are happy with results you've seen with this rotation thus far. I swear I have ADHD when it comes time to exercising! Hey, at least I exercise. LOL

Yesterday I did Afterburn. Today I'll be doing S&H Legs and Shoulders and hopefully an STS ab workout.

My family tapped maple trees on Sunday, so we'll have about 3 weeks of making maple syrup. We collect the sugar water using draft horses and manual labor, so that will be my extra burn on days I'm helping to collect!

Workout was Plyo legs disc 35, 49 minutes, 320 calories. I then got on the Tread climber but only stayed 25 minutes, 248 calories. I followed this with Ab Circuits stability ball abs 20 minute 102 calories and Les Mills Combat Stretch and strengthen 18 minutes, 75 calories. Total time was 1 hr 52 minutes and calories burned 745. There was only two dead lift segments on Plyo legs and I used the rebounder for some things like tuck jumps. I am trying to do all of my weight work at the start of the week because I will be out of Town Friday Saturday and one of my daughters and my granddaughter are coming to visit tomorrow and stay they night so I want to free up some time and maybe just do some short cardio and abs those other days. I figure that I will make up that Squat rack legs workout when finish or maybe Sunday if I am not too tired from all of the upcoming activity.

Lisa, I love maple syrup. A lot of the recipes I read call for Grade b maple syrup which so far I have not been able to find. I am not even sure what the difference is. Maybe more processing ??

Justine, dairy is not always eliminated in paleo. So many proponents have different ideas on what to use. In fact I just saw a recipe in one of my Paleo books calling for goats milk yogurt. I am not sure that I can find that here. I would imagine it could be made but then I am not sure about finding fresh good quality goats milk. I use a little grass fed butter and once in awhile some Kefir. One of my daughters bought 15 acres and are hoping to be pretty self sufficient. One of their cows is expected to calf soon. They have chickens as well and keep a large garden and freeze stuff for winter. They planted a bunch of fruit trees as well. I think that is the healthiest way to eat. Yesterday I cooked up a batch of bone broth which is really good. Sometimes I use it for soups but I have just been drinking it. We had a lot of soup bones when we purchased our side of beef.
Just a quick check-in to say I did Afterburn. I'll read all your posts properly later. After sitting up all night with the goat we had to perform an emergency c-section. The poor goat is not out of danger yet, and her kid didn't make it. :( There was only time for a local anaesthetic, so it was all a bit dtstressing.

This morning I did STS disc 33, 61 minutes shoulders, biceps and tricep, 300 calories. I then did Party Rockin Step 2 timesaver 1, 34 minutes 232 calories. Total time 95 minutes, 532 calories.

Justine, I am sorry that you lost the kid. I hope that your goat will be okay. That would be tough. How many goats do you have?
Diane - glad to hear dairy can be paleo :D In which case I'm paleo except that I sometimes eat peas and french beans, and sometimes canellini beans. Yum. I love bone broth, too. We quite often have lamb broth with loads of veggies in it. YUM

Lisa - I'm very jealous about the maple syrup. We can tap birch trees here, but it's nowhere near as delicious as maple syrup (my sister lives in Canada, so I get it as a Christmas present usually).

It's true that I am LOVING the January rotation. Probably my favourite yet. It really suits my body, and I'm enjoying the variety. Today it was 4DS kickbox - not one of my favourites, but I got a good workout. I need to figure out the 2 weeks of Low Impact Series which I'm due to start in just over a week.

Our goat is doing well - she's so brave. Doesn't flinch when I inject her antibiotics. We just have 3 goats - this was going to be a herd expansion :(
Hopefully we'll fare better with the sheep in the next few weeks. Lambing time = exhaustion!

Take care everyone
Diane, I'll have to ask my dad about the different grades. I'm sure it has something to do with how long it is cooked, the color, and sugar content.

Justine, I'm so sorry to hear about the kid. My brother, niece and nephew raise goats and they seem to be temperamental - a little more prone to diseases. I hope the mother makes a full recovery.

My exercise yesterday consisted of helping to collect the sugar water. I only fell on my butt once, so not so bad. The woods is a muddy mess this time of year which makes walking a challenge, lone enough trying to carry a bucket or two up/down a hill.

We didn't have to collect today, too cold. So I did Flex Train plus Kick Max leg conditioning drills. I bought the Beachbody 21 day fix and did the lower body fix as well. Flex Train was during lunch...I just love that workout. Cathe perfection IMHO. After work, the other 2.

I really think that I'll like the January rotation as well, even though I modified it!

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No workouts today. I got up and visited with my daughter and granddaughter. My 6 year old granddaughter and I finished a necklace that we started yesterday.
This afternoon was spent with my husband cleaning out things in the garage and garage attic. We rented a trailer to put things in our daughters storage so that was my big activity for the day. Honestly I have had some really bad neck and shoulder pain the last few days. I think a couple of days off will be good. I tend to have headache and neck pain. Sometimes just sleeping in one position and sometimes over stressing the area.
I am sort of in the mood to do a URX-MT workout but I doubt it will happen before Sunday or Monday. Anyway Monday will start week 4 of STS meso 3.

Justine, I think fresh peas and French beans would be okay too. I believe that the premise behind grass fed dairy is the nutrients that you can attain from it. That is why some is allowed in some paleo circles. I think the idea of fresh food that is not altered is the best way to eat. It sounds like you do well. I am sorry the heard didn't grow yet. I am also glad that the mother is brave and doing well. I know listening to my daughter, that they have had to learn a lot. They are talking about starting to keep bees. Their neighbors do this but, I also gather that there is a lot of work and money involved to start.

Lisa, it will be interesting to find out the difference on the maple syrup processing. I got the impression that more nutrients were left in grade b.
I tend to get ADHD at times but I can also get really focused onto a rotation and I will stick with it throughout no matter what. Sometimes it is a relief when I am done and my workout choices are more relaxed for awhile. Those times I just pick what I feel up for and do plenty of weights, cardio and flexibility. But then I want something focused again. I am hoping to complete the whole bodybuilding type rotation but with moving I am not sure how it will work. At least I will finish STS and try to keep going. I am looking forward to Gym Styles again.
Lisa - I love flextrain too! Really get my shoulders and triceps. Less so legs, but that's OK

Diane - great that your daughter is thinking of beekeeping - it's the most awesome thing ever. It IS expensive to begin, but we got all our kit secondhand and bit by bit. Do ask if there's anything I can help with, if she has any questions etc. Local non-heat treated honey is amazing stuff.

Gym Styles for me today - chest and triceps.

Got my daughter home from uni for a couple of days :p yippee.
3 days off of working out so today I got up and did URX-MT Patrick Goudeau Extreme Metabolic Training, 45 minutes, 370 calories. I have to get out and clean the shelter out and prepare for house lookers that are coming tomorrow.

Justine, I think local non heat treated honey is the best there is health wise too. My daughter has neighbors that have helped them get started with their cattle, and chickens and they keep bees. They gave them some honey and have explained a lot of it to them. I did hear that it is expensive to get started. I have an aunt in Oregan that has kept bees for years. She has sold lots of honey. I love good honey :D
This morning I did STS disc 34 chest and back minutes, 434 calories. STS , Ab Circuits, Yoga inspired abs, 15 minutes, 48 calories,. Z Cut 1 power yoga, 18 minutes, 96 calories. Total time was 1hour 41 minutes. Calories burned 578 calories.
Today I did URX-MT Gay Gasper Cardio Metabolic Intervals, 53 minutes, 424 calories. I then did P90X+ abs/core plus, 22 minutes, and Yoga Shatki, core/abs, shoulder openers, and lunge segments, 22 minutes. Total time 97 minutes and 661 calories burned. Lots to get done here. People are coming again to look at our house Thursday and that is our 41st anniversary. The plan was dinner and a movie later. I need to clean and prepare today as tomorrow is my grocery and errand running day.
Not posted for a few days, since I've been busy helping my friend with wedding plans (her family are in Texas). It's getting close.

I've done Gym Styles back shoulders and bis, Crossfire and Plyo legs since last posting. Some of my favourite w/os! I always hit a wall going into that final tabata during crossfire. 50 mins seems to be my limit!

I also tried KCM's Muscle Definition, and loved it. I used the weights she suggested for 'advanced' - but could go heavier for most exercises (thank you Cathe). Shoulders were about right - my weak link. I love that she has some totally different moves which I've never tried before. I also like raising my hips off the bench during presses and flies.

Diane - 41 years is wonderful. A rare thing these days. Congratulations. Best of luck with the viewings. I couldn't agree more about good honey. It's an amazing medicine (and a very tasty one ;) )

Off to do GSChest and Tris
I started with STS disc 40 legs, 62 minutes, 437 calories. I then did 20 minutes on the tread climber, 220 calories, and finished with STS extended stretch, 15 minutes, 52 calories. Total time was 97 minutes and calories burned 709.

Justine, KCM Muscle definition is one of my favorites of hers. I have to go out and get some more honey today. My husband had someone that keeps bees give him some honey recently but I sure went through that one fast. I need to go to the nutrition store I guess. I bought some raw honey from here in Oklahoma at Walmart but every time I get it is turns to sugar.
This time of year is alwys bad for honey crystallising. You can always warm it (no more than 38C) and then stir - it shouldn't then re-crystallise.

Gym Style Legs for me today. I shook! That one is deceiving - it's not very heavy, and not super-high reps, but it gets in there!

I'm going to try more KCM tonight. I think I like her almost as much as Cathe. It's also good that she's taller - her pace and range work better for me.

I'm going to be sorry to end the January 2014 rotation on Saturday.
Today I did URX-MT Greg Cook metabolic Interval and Circuits, 49 minutes, 430 calories. I then pulled out some compilation dvds that I got when I ordered URX-MT and the rebounder. I have had these not work in my dvd players and decided to try again. Apparently this player worked fine and I did Core Bound which was 37 minutes and calories burned 149 calories. I liked this. It was more yoga piates and some strength with core emphasis. Total time was 86 mins and calories burned 579.

Justine, I will have to try that. When I want to cook with it I have put it in the microwave for a bit. I really do enjoy KCM and it is nice to have someone different once in awhile too. What is next after Gym Styles? Is it 4 day split? I guess I could go look :)
It's 2 weeks Low Impact Series after this - THEN 4DS.
Microwaving honey will reduce its antibacterial properties - so only do that with caution.
Someone gave me a rebounder a few weeks ago, and it's been sitting in the corner of my workout room - was wondering what to do with it. Am interested in the dvd you mentioned.
Tabatacise today! Loved it.

Hen night tonight, then, if I can manage it (!!!) the last of my Gym Styles tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly this month has gone by.

Take care
No workout this morning. I have been coughing like crazy and did not get much sleep. I will do my last STS workout tomorrow. I made a large pot of Smokey Tortilla-less soup today. It is from 21 day sugar detox book. They have some of the recipes on the website.

Justine, thanks for the info on the honey. I won't stick it in the microwave anymore. I have been putting some in herb tea the last few days.
Here is a link to the set of URX-MT workouts that I have been using. There are 14 of them. When I purchased it was from the Urban Rebounding website. Amy Bento did two of the dvds. I got the compilation dvds free when I ordered the set and rebounder. They carry the compilation dvds on Amazon. I did core bound from compilation 2. It is really amazing what you can do with the rebounder.
Also I just purchased URX- Extreme Conditioning with Greg Cook from Amazon. It was made a little later. I previewed an will do it next week. It appears to be some rebounding work, some floor cardio, and weight work intervals. It looks pretty good.
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