STS first time!

So excited to get new stuff!!!

Today I did hard strikes....for the squats I just didn't go deep....I really enjoyed it. It made me realize how much I missed my the workouts. I'm definitely getting back to Cathe.

Carolyn...I understand with rather doing a DVD than making up your own program. I sometimes do that and I always feel like its too much work!!!! Lol

Off to town....I forgot lettuce....can't make. Taco salad without lettuce!!!! Lol

Hi my friends,
Carolyn, I'd much rather follow a dvd too. I've tried doing printous and magazine-printed workouts and it doesn't hold my attention.
Awesome on MM and doms!
How great you and your family played Scrabble. I had packed a travel version for going to Quebec City and interested the kids in playing it on the way up but they didn't fall for it on the return trip. Teenagers are always glued to some (small) screen with headphones on.:mad:
What a vivid description of the rain cloud. You guys have some interesting ones. Remember last summer when you were on your boat?

OMG, Jean, that is less than a month away! I can't believe how close it is!!! I am SO excited for you!
Every year when I feel the humidity, I practically long for winter. Insane, isn't it??:eek:
I finished Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella. It was ok, not as great as I've rated all her other books. It kept me interested though, and till the end, I did not know how it was going to end.
You'll be doing UY in a month! Think of it!

I somehow ended up putting BB LB in yesterday instead of Core and kept wondering why it was so leg-heavy. When it froze 15 mins in, I gave up. I was so dang hot.:eek: My quads are achy though.
Hi Ladies!!!

We got home last night. Sorry I was Mia last week. The days just got away from me. We went to ocean city nj. It was so nice to unwind and enjoy the family. We did get a lot of rain so we only got 2 days in the beach. We saw monsters university and went bowling in two of the rainy days. I went for lots of walks, took a live barre and spin class. I also went for a run one day. Today I did afterburn. First cathe workout in a long time, well other than her spin ones.

I will be back later for personals. It feels good to be home.
Hello yesterday my knee was killing Tim was doing research on my bum limb....and he came across. Physical therapist on YouTube....she had all kinds of stretches and last night I did some of knee felt a lot better afterwards....I'm going to continue stretching every otherday.....

Today I did CSS...loved it....sure missed Cathe!!! But I'm back...I'm going to follow the lis program.

Colleen....sounds like you had a nice time. Welcome back!!!

Carolyn....this heat s awful...with all the rain we are getting it is awful...the humitity is.....well it feels like south Florida weather....nasty!!!

It raining again as I type this has actually rained everyday for over. Week....we have had tomatoes do no like the causes them to split or roat....rain go away!!!

After doing my stretches last night.....I have come to the conclusion that when I injured my hamstring months ago at boot has never healed completely.....we were doing stretches and I had no issues on my right....but my left I couldn't even do half of the stretch due to I'm focusing on stretches to help with the pain! But no running!!!!

Be back...
Good morning!!! Why do mondays come so fast???? I dont want my mini vacation to end....but it did...and back to work i go!

I did 45 minutes walking on treadmill this morning! Tonight is afterburn!!!! Im loving being back on a sched.....i wrote on my dry erase calendar in my entire months i walk in and it tells me what to do!!!! Love it!!! Im doing the lis going to follow it for a few months and ser what happens!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Good morning, girls! Sooo tired. I find it so hard to get up at 7 but not at 8. Just finished OP and am drinking my lemon water. UY or Cathe today?

My quads were killing me the past two days from BB LB, from 15 mins no less. Carolyn, I had used a computer to play it, but normally I play it with my DVD player no problem.
I totally agree about not feeling properly worked out if not getting a sweat, but that's not the case from Leah's LB. Not as much heavy cardio effect but my heart is thumping, my legs were seriously quaking, and I do sweat.
I saw an article on Yahoo this past weekend about cardio doing the opposite of helping you lose weight, and weight training being successful. Been trying to find it again to post link here. I suppose we all know the part of lifting to be true.
It is pure agony with no end in sight with this high humidity:mad:. Missy, I can't believe it rained so many days straight there! We need some here!
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Good morning ladies!!

Monday morning and back to it. I started the day off with cyclemax. My legs are sore from afterburn yesterday.

Missy, I can't tell you enough how important stretching is. Try some yoga too. It really does a body good. I rehabbed my knee myself with yoga, leah and stretching. Walking, biking and the rebounder for cardio. So glad you are back to cathe.

Carolyn, go ahead and do ll. Enjoy it.

Betty, isn't it crazy what leah does to your legs in a short period of time???

Need to catch up at work. It was a great vacation and I feel nice and refreshed!!

Have I ever said I hate chair poses??;) Well, I do.
I just finished UY Vitality, which is 70 mins long. I really don't know what to make of this one, but I continue to be awed by UY. There are a variety of easy and (somewhat) challenging poses. I count yogi pushups and chair poses in the latter category. God, I'm weak all over!:eek:
Travis' experience is interesting too. I like listening to his spiel. I believe the premise of this workout is to open your body to let the prana and vitality through. Colleen and Marie, if you have any insight on this one, I'd love to hear it.

Colleen, it's great to hear you are re-charged from vacation! The shore must have been gorgeous!

WTG, ladies, with your incredible workouts! I feel like I'm not doing enough high intensity and cardio by doing UY, but with this heat and humidity, UY works for me.
Good Afternoon! I went for a walk at lunch today....2 miles, and it was extremely hot!

Carolyn...that is too cute! Tiny!!! At one time...I thought about putting an aquirium up in my house with fish....but Tim and I had a gold fish once and he was so messy....always cleaning that stinky tank!! So I always stray away from it...but I still want a big one, one day!!! But not today!!! :eek:

As for doing what workouts make you happy.....I am 100% on board with that! Thats why I am back to LIS....I just love those dvd's....they are my fav out of all Cathes DVDs.....;)

But, with that being said....I am really excited for the new ones....cant wait to get them!!!, do what makes you happy....a workout is a workout, right?:eek: I know we all love those sweat soaking workouts, but we cant do that every day! Our bodies need rest...yes I said it. I have learned the hard way!

Back at back soon!
I totally agree. Do what makes you feel good. Thats why I love leahs workouts because they work for me!!

Carolyn Good job on ll today. Too cute on turtle. Dd won a gold fish in may at her spring fair at school. The kids named her goldy. The darn thing is still alive. We have actually gown fond of it. We got food for it that you put in the tank and it breaks up to feed the fish while we were on vacation. were nervous she wouldn't make it but she did!!

Missy good job von the walk.
Colleen.....The gold fish we had "Mr Fish" got at a local fair when he was a young boy....he won 2 of them...1 of them died within a week....but Mr Fish moved to GA with us...and he lived for 4 years afterwards....he was OLD.....he came with Tim.... when we got together....I remember going to his parents house when we were dating and I would always feed him....and then we moved him to our house and then moved him to GA and then to our rental house and then to our home we bought.....he was staying with us forever...and then when he died....we cried and cried....he was a member of the family!:eek:....FYI they can live along time....but I did learn they dont like cold weather....when we moved to GA we had to buy a heater for the tank. You may want to research that before winter!;)
Hello ladies!

Trying to catch up after a nice long weekend. It was so humid this weekend, I couldn't take it. I don't ever remember being so hot at the Cape day after day, and unfortunately the water was too cold to go in past my ankles. Betty, were you at the Cape as well?

I went for an early walk one day, but it was still difficult. And the walk seemed to aggravate my hamstring, right up where it meets my glute. It even hurt to stretch. Carolyn, did you have this? How long did it take to heal? I did UY detox another day and then took it easy.

So this morning I got back into it and did CSS. I tried not to go down very low in squats and lunges. I should probably take a break on lower body but I don't know how I will do it. I can do upper body weights but I need cardio for my stress.

DH and DD are in NYC looking at a couple of colleges, we'll see. I hope she realizes we have the same great schools in Boston.

Betty, when I was doing UY regularly I loved Vitality. It had some great moves but was not as tough as some of the others.

I agree that we really should do the workouts we enjoy, otherwise it starts to feel like a chore.

Missy, glad you are listening to your knee. And Colleen, glad you enjoyed your vacation and feel refreshed!
Mary, I was at the Cape too. The humidity was wicked:mad:. I feel it's way more humid there. It was relentless. I had awesome sea breezes most of the time. With humidity like that, as long as you don't move, you're fine. Once I started doing anything with exertion, I was bathed in sweat.:mad: SO uncomfortable. But the temps were not as hot as Boston for me.
I'm so excited--it looks like the humidity might end on Friday!
Great job doing Detox! I brought my dvds, but didn't do UY. It was waaay too warm. Plus no yoga mat, no exercise clothes, blah blah blah.
Let me know what dd thinks of the schools she visits.

Jean, I just remembered you said it took you over 4 hrs to clean your oven. Omg, that must have been hot! I've never gone longer than an hour to clean the oven in that manner before giving up, and have always wondered how long it actually takes! Yowza! I can't believe your oven looks like new. Sounds like magic!

Missy, you had such a loving home, your goldfish didn't want to go!
Our neon tetra fish finally went a month ago or so and we still haven't cleaned the tank. Gross. But I think there are still snails in there. We have just a 5 gallon. Now I would like built-in bookcases in that space for all my books. Please, dh??;)

It's such a hot day and I made soup. Can you say mental??:p
I made 17-bean soup--I add broth and mirepoix, and everything else comes dry in a bag at Trader Joe's. Delish.
I think all this talk of ME & MM has made me want a full-body lifting workout soon.

Colleen, I hope it's just normal doms!

We watched Zero Dark Thirty. Has anyone seen that? It was good, but very long.
I've not seen Under the Dome. Not interested in getting hooked. How are you liking it?
Good night, friends!
Good morning! Up and walking on the treadmill!!

Last night I rocked afterburn!!! Oh yeah...i forgot how much i love those dixie cups!!! And they didnt bother my knee like normal lunges do! Thats a major plus!!!

Tonight we are hoping to take the bikes out....if its not raining....last night it stormed once again!

My dreams have come true....All my children is coming back!!!! Omg....i am super excited!!! Hehehe

Colleen...i hope its doms...if so congrats!!!

As for the humidity....its absolutely makes me misrable...nothing worse! was nice outside. Or so i thought..meaning maybe 83 or so...but after being outside for a few are drenched....pure yucky!!!

Be back.....
Good morning! I did TBT Upper from LIS this morning. I love how the core gets worked during the other exercises on that one.

More rain and humidity on the way today, yuck! I don't even like to go out in this weather but I like to get away from my desk during lunch.

Missy, is AMC coming back on regular TV?

Happy for all of you who have Doms, it means your bodies are working hard!
Crap. Just was typing up a post and I lost it. I got a new phone last week and I'm still getting used to this one.

I just have good ole DOMS. No workout this morning as I was to sore. I thought about yoga but decided to sleep in instead.

Mary good job on TBTUP. I've been wanting to do that one as well.

Carolyn the stuff adds up fast. We've spent a small fortune on goldy too. We just have a one gallon tank but we need to upgrade soon as she is getting big. How did tiny fare last night?

Betty how did the soup turn out?

Missy, good gob on your cardio this morning. How is your knee feeling?

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