STS first time!

Oh, man, Carolyn. I am sorry about the things that are happening to you. I will say a prayer for you that everyone stays well and your stress is reduced. Can you buy a fruit salad, instead of making one? Is there any way you can contact the person who asked you to bring it to let her know you've got a child sick with a stomach virus? I know I would not want to consume food prepared in a house with the stomach bug going around. This sounds like a time where you really need to say no. You shouldn't be so getting so stressed! :(

Betty, I hope you are feeling better, too. There is so much stuff going around right now. It's just one of the many reasons I dislike winter.

ETA: I see you told that woman you couldn't bring salad. That's what I get for reading so fast. Sorry, Carolyn.
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Carolyn - I enjoyed back and triceps, (you're going to cringe when I say this) much better than legs this morning. I just generally don't enjoy lower body, I get tendinitis in my ankle and my knees pop (I'm too young for this!).

Carolyn - I had the same problem with the disk 4 workout card - not sure why. I'm going to have to go back and make sure I got all the 1rm tests. You're not alone on the pushups, I was definitely all the way to the table top modification by the end of that workout. Boo!:(
Thanks everyone!

I think I'll be buying it. That Walmart site looks like the best deal. Just wondering if it has a barbell rack...hard to tell from the picture. I think I'll post something in open discussion about it.

I did disc 4 today. Those pushups are INSANE! I was all over modifying them today!
What an awesome deal on that high step!!!!!

I need one of those much equipment needed. Thinking of getting the incline risers too.
I need to get a turbo tower and a weighted vest. I think my husband is going to kick me to the curb between all of the stuff I've purchased in the past few weeks and the fact my front room looks like a gym.

He keeps offering to do the basement up for me, but my basement is like Disney World for spiders and thousand leggers.
Hey Carolyn-

I started Monday. I really like it so far. It moves a bit fast in some places for recording weight amts. and reps *and* equipment set up, but I will get used to it.

I am doing legs later on today. I was looking at my workout card and I think I recorded some of leg 1 RM incorrectly. I have some really light amts for things like deadlifts and squats. I'm thinking I might have recorded the weight of one dumbell instead of the total. I don't why I did that. *derp*

What are you guys doing for cardio? Are you doing any LIS DVDs? I am doing some Shock Cardio, Ilaria, and older step DVDs from Cathe. I am going to purchase some downloads later today. I need to see how much memory I have left on my laptop, first.
Jen- I got a kick out of your comment about your husband kicking you to the curb for buying equipment. My husband does the same thing.....I keep telling him it's a great investment like you mentioned Carolyn, but he just doesn't buy it. Oh! He'll get over it :)

For cardio I have been doing an easier workout on upper body Step Moves, Rhythmic Step, or Athletic Step or nothing. I might start to substitute the HIIT workouts instead of the previously mentioned to decrease the time factor. Rebecca Small's step workouts are amazing too if you girls are into step...real complex choreography...super fun....I don't really work up a big sweat cuz they're not high impact but great for upper body days. On legs day that's all I do....cuz like you said I get enough cardio just doing that. On off days I do one of Cathe's workouts (Imax 3, Imax 2, Body Max (without the weight portion), or the Hardcore Extreme workouts are some of my favorites). I sometimes go the the today...I took this class called FIT (Functional Interval Training)- cardio and weights. The instructor is hardcore....reminds me of Cathe ;) I just might be putting my membership on hold though...lately all I do is Cathe, plus that might justify the money spent on equipment to keep my DH happy!

Tomorrow is the last upper body for week 2 and probably a HIIT workout. The biggest weights I have are 15lb dumbbells so I use those for squats. For dead lifts I hold a 15 and 10 in my hand.....hard to do, but I manage. Still haven't made it to get more weights, but I really need too.

I bought a turbo tower...super pumped about this purchase. It should be delivered in the next few days...YAY! I also am getting some risers from someone I found on Craig's list. He is selling 4 total risers and a step for 30 bucks...what a deal! Not that I need an extra step but might be nice to have an extra around in case my mom or a friend wants to join me. Already got one girlfriend addicted to mom is next :) I think I'm going to buy a 5-10 lb barbell....I've been reading on the forums and those seem to be the best.

Ok sorry for rambling on...I've been meaning to write back for awhile. I've been reading your posts from the app on my phone but can't figure out to reply. It's rare I log onto the computer but so far that's the only way I can figure out how to reply. Does anyone know how to reply from a phone?

Loving this group! Keeps me motivated!
Well I finished wk 2 with legs today. A bit more of a challenge than it should have been. Stupid me was wandering around the house in the dark for a glass of water the other night and I injured a foot. I can still do everything, but my foot swelled a bit so my shoes are uncomfortable. If you want to push your balance just do legs barefoot!
I think most of my weight amounts have been right on. Sometimes as I near the end of a workout, I need to lighten up just a few lbs. Also, I do chicken out occasionally when I see something like 35lbs on my sheet for squats or something, but generally if I lighten up the weight, about half way through I realize I could have handled the heavier poundage.

I've been thinking about getting a high step or the slanted risers, but I really do like doing all of the incline exercises with my stability ball. I don't know, perhaps I'll look at getting them as a reward for finishing meso 1. I did just get a medicine ball for Christmas though, and I am really loving that particular ab circuits workout.
For cardio I've been doing LIS. Mostly Low Impact Challenge and Turbo Barre. I especially like doing step workouts when I'm sore, it just seems to work things out nicely:D
Hello ladies-

Did legs yesterday and I am a wee bit sore in the hamstrings today. I don't know what I'm doing for cardio today. I might do a cardio premix of Drill Max and an Ab Circuits workout.

I don't have club step, I have been using my old Transfirmer step that you can put on an incline. However, when I did my 1RM for the straight arm rear flyes on an incline, it doesn't work. I am too close to the ground. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I already have a smaller club step and an old "fanny lifter", if I bought another step, my husband would probably file for divorce. I have been hinting about a turbo tower and he just ignores me. :D

I have all the LIS, except Cycle Max. Your list is good, Marie. I like Athletic Training, too.

Rachel-I like to do my strength training barefoot at times, especially lower body. There's definitely an additional challenge there.
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just ordered my slanter risers!

just saw the slanted risers on for $24.98!! comes in a pair. shipping $5!
I paid $40 something for mine! grrrr

Thanks for the tip! I just ordered mine for $30 delivered! This was one of the things I had always held off on buying, since you can do without. But since it was such a good deal, and I'm going into week 2 of STS, I thought it would be a nice addition.

And I've been creeping on this group. :D I might join in a bit, if you guys don't mind.

My latest tip... for anyone without the Turbo Tower. I bought mine from Walmart online, for about $88 including shipping and tax. And I love it, even after only 1 week using it! I was wanting it for a while, but it was so expensive. Then I read someone else's tip on the forums, and I jumped on board.

Disc 4 for me tomorrow! :) I did Slide & Glide "Double Trouble" premix + the Slide & Glide Abs today. That was perfect for day when my knees were hurting. 1 hr of cardio and abs. Perfect for an STS rotation, in my opinion. ;)
"Fresh air and bright sun" I'm jealous. As I look outside I see snow and cold. Eating my Kashi Go Lean right now and then headed to the basement for Hardcore Extreme High Low Intervals. It's going so fast. Can't believe I pulled out the second case of DVDs already.
Happy New Year!

Welcome, Leanne!

I'm doing Yoga Max later on today. My hamstrings are still sore from Friday. LOL

I am going to order the Turbo Barre from Walmart later in the week. I downloaded some Shock CArdio DVDs yesterday. Wow. I am loving the Workout Blender, so many possibilities. I think I will purchase them from here on out. I love that I can mix and match chapters from workouts so effortlessly.
I haven't read that book but should check it out. Overtraining may be the issue. Never letting your muscles have a chance to rest is not good. Of course I shouldn't talk, like I said when I'm on a roll I workout 7 days a week. Really hoping to see some great results from this program. I have never really been into lifting. Already I feel stronger :) Tomorrow my hubby wants to hit up the gym so I'll more than likely do the stairs or run on the treadmill. I did end up putting my membership on hold for Feb. Tue is back to STS :) Oh and Carolyn....our winter has been great so far too until last night so be ready ;)
Carolyn, are you talking about the New Rues of Weight Lifting for Women? If so, I have that book. I started it a few years ago, but I never finished, as I didn't have the required equipment at the time. Then, when I tried to do it at the gym, I had difficulty because the "juicers", erm, I mean the freakishly muscled young men who frequent the weights section of my gym did not understand the idea of "working someone in," so I stopped. :rolleyes:

I am a big believer in rest days, even though I do feel guilty when I take them. LOL I jacked up my right shoulder a few years ago from overtraining. I had to go to lots of PT (3X a week) and get ultrasound tx and stop my strength training for a good 6 weeks, it was such a pain in the ass.
I'm thinking the 72 hours of rest is really no work. But when we work back and tris in Meso 1, the other muscle groups are involved as well. So they are not truly at rest. For example, chinups, with your palms facing your body...that calls the bis into play as well. And all those pushups in the "chest" workouts...that is alot of back, core, shoulders, and triceps too. So the muscles aren't totally resting...they just aren't the focus of that day's workout.

We have to let our muscles repair in order to grow. We break them down when we lift hard/heavy. As they repair, they build sort of a scar tissue...that's the muscle growth. If we don't let them repair, they will just keep breaking down, and never grow/repair.

So let's stick with this, and see the results! :D
Running is great for cardio days! Most cardio works our legs, since the lower body stuff is really what gets the heart pumping. Just do what feels good to you on cardio days...anything to get the heart rate up and burn some calories. :)

Today is my cardio day, but I'm not sure what I'm craving just yet. Maybe Athletic Step.
ab circuits

I have STS Ab Circuits and I love it. The workouts are 15-20 minutes long, so I tend to use them on shorter cardio days. They are PERFECT add ons for HiiT days, or other 30-40 minute cardio days.

I try to keep my workouts right around an hour, since any longer seriously cramps my evenings. I am a full-time working mom of 2 kids...ages 2.5 and 7...and a 3+ hr commute 3 days a week (1.5 hr one way, on average, but it can quickly become 2 hrs with any sort of accident/construction/etc). Thankfully I work at home 2 days a week, so it helps "normalize" my commuting time.

I am whipped today. Pshew! Coffee and water, coffee and water... Come on Friday!!! Friday just happens to be my "off day" from workouts too. Much needed by then!

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