STS first time!

Carolyn, we hear you. We can understand what you've gone through and have experienced. Take it slow and you will get to a happy medium.

I have to get used to going out in the dark nowadays. Food shopping, piano lessons, errands. So sad!

I just watched a great movie--Begin Again. The music was fab, the storyline enjoyable!
Good morning! The sun is finally back! Hallelujah! Yes, we start gaining a minute a day soon! Can't wait. What did you say you bought for the Yankee swap, Jean? I've never participated in one of those. I bet they're a hoot!
I don't really have any gifts to buy but hope to do Xmas decor and cards this weekend.
I did FT this morning. It felt good to do all body parts, but I sort of feel out of shape in my LB with all the sitting I've been doing.
I better get moving.
Hey hey :)

Lazy morning. Books, snuggles, playing....trying to get motivated. To do what, I'm not sure but I probably should workout today...something easy...I'm feeling lazy. Sometimes I wish I had an elliptical...just space out and read a magazine.

Carolyn I feel for you and your pain. It's so unfair! It really is!!! I just want you to be back to your old working out self. I feel like it will happen in time....just hopefully sooner than later. That's awesome that you're mother was a nurse. I think I remember that from a past post. What kind of nursing did she do?

Jean Glad you had fun at the cookie exchange. When you mentioned the lame gifts it reminded me of my friend's secret Santa work exchange. They were supposed to spend $25. Well she received a Ziploc with a Kashi bar, a couple milkbones and a pack of gum. I mean really, how pathetic. I might add that they were not required to participate so if this person couldn't afford it they really should have skipped. Why don't you burn candles? Cuz I'd the chemicals released. I'm addicted!!!!! I have an evergreen one going right now :)

Betty Good ol med terms....oh the flashcards I used for that class! Alright what is hematemesis? ;) Those poor patients :( I love market research. I had so much fun doing it yesterday. Love giving my opinions on new concepts. It's through Orman Guided Research....probably MN based.

Missy is still sick :( Facebook! She is missing her workouts :( Hope you better soon Missy. Especially for you it's hard to be down like that. You're always so busy.
Just finished Plyo Legs W2! Love those workouts! Still haven't done RwH. I like to wait on new ones like you Betty. Like KPC I waited forever. Still haven't done Lean Legs :/
I still haven't opened RWH--the cellophane is still on. I'm a glutton for delayed gratification.
Marie, you got me! I have never seen that word before. Something to do with blood??
I can't believe your friend's experience with the exchange. Cheap-o! Ruin it for someone, why don't you?
Ok, you need to wean yourself from candles! Who knows what kinds of toxins you're breathing in?? I am aghast at the Glade Plug-ins and such.
Poor Missy.
Settling down after a long week. I forgot to say TGIF this morning.
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Good Morning!

This morning I tried Lift it Hit it Back, shoulders and Bis. Now I am having trouble lifting my spoon to eat my cereal! There isn't much rest in that workout, and the finishers after every set really fry the muscles. I couldn't lift as heavy as Cathe and even had to drop down a few times. Great workout!

Have to shuttle the kids around today to various activities. I'll try to wrap while they're both out.

Betty are you done with your shopping or just not buying much?

Jean I have had bad experiences with yankee swap too. I try to get something nice, but one year I ended up with a big bag of walnuts, and another year it was nylon stockings. I think people use it as an excuse to get rid of things.

Carolyn, how is the pain after the shot? And when do you go back to dr?
Hi Mary! How hysterical to picture you unable to lift your spoon for cereal! Awesome! (Aren't we silly gluttons for doms?) I think you're first to try RWH!
I don't need to buy much at all. Hardly anything. We buy all year round, whatever we want.;)
Oldest dd must be finishing up first semester shortly!

Carolyn, that was a great way to have dh understand. Did you see the flicker of empathy in his eyes?
I was at a Pep Boys last evening and thought of you guys.

Jean, I made the overnight pancakes. I inadvertently left the batter out on the counter last night! Talk about exhaustion. We had coffee, blackberries, hash browns, Country Hen organic eggs (just to try for the first time--anyone have these before?).

At least there is some on and off sun today. I need it badly.
Good evening friends...I'm still sick...but I do feel a bit better today....but not that night is here....I am coughing again....this upper respiratory sickness is terrible....I've been sick since last Friday.... I've been working....but by the time I get home...I'm done....thankfully my hubby is very helpful....he has been cooking and cleaning! the cough makes my chest hurt....I haven't exercised in over a week....cause I can breathe causes my chest to hurt but it makes me cough really bad....

I just wanted to briefly check in..... I do miss my workouts for sure! This is the first day I had enough energy to get on the computer.....I can't get on the internet at work for a few computer is dying and I ordered a new one....hopefully it comes in soon..... I can't do much of anything without it.....

I'll check back to bed after I chug some helps me sleep due to the coughing....
Hi everyone!

Missy Feel better! Like Jean said sounds like bronchitis. Get it checked if you haven't already. At least you're not vomiting blood aka hematemesis Betty. You're got the blood part :) Carolyn Love how you described it to your dh....great comparison! Mary Yay for trying to love those arms DOMS:)

2 walks were my workouts today. Started in the cardiac unit and then switched to ICU for overflow medical.

Ok so I think I need this. Someone posted something in OD about this. Looks fabulous!

Marie, that's with Vytas and I saw him on Survivor--he's part of the Udaya family with Travis. His practice is more advanced but I'm always pulled in with interest in it. I can't do a lot of that stuff!:confused:

I was Googling Bikram earlier today and came across this:
. I only watched 5 mins though. The instructor doesn't ever pause!

Jean, the pancakes were no different tasting than others I've tried, I'm sorry to report.
Do you mean yo found White Christmas dull?
You'll be happy to know I got a few Xmas decorations out.

Oh, I need to stretch tonight! I was very bad all week.
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Hi all. It's sunny at least. Doing household chores and such. Nothing exciting.
Carolyn, congrats on ds' goal. Proud mama!
Religion is not my thing either, no offense.

Jean, I can't really understand why that movie is a Christmas one.
Did you see any meteors? We have such bright street lights that shine right in my eye when I look up:confused:. So annoying when trying to view celestial objects.
I've been at work for 15.5 hours. One more to go. Needless to say, I'm working a double. Started on a medical unit and now I'm on cardiac. It's been so busy which makes it goes fast but now I'm exhausted. I did get in my breaks though :) I'm a stickler for getting them in. 4- 30m walks was my workout :)

I have a 408 lb patient. My goodness. She is as nice as can be but I wish she would take better care of herself. She is 66 but looks 86. Her medical and surgical history is insane. I've never seen so many things listed. Crazy!

Playdate tomorrow at 9:30. Really hoping to get up early to get a workout in before the little dude wakes up but that means no sleep for me. I know it will be worth it though. Like they say, you can sleep when you're dead.

Betty- Thanks for posting that yoga video. I'll have to check it out at home. Don't have access at work. That's cool that he was on Survivor.

Carolyn- Yay for ds's goal! How exciting! Wish you could have seen it.

Hi Jean and Missy!

I'm with you ladies on the religion. Not my thing. My nieces go every Sunday and they really don't like it. I don't have a opinion towards it when they complain about it though because they're not my kids and if their mom wants them to go that's up to her. I agree about the musicals too. thanks!

Ok come on time....go faster. I'm tired!
Marie, 15.5 hrs! Kudos to you! When do you eat?? You need your sleep!
That's so sad about your patient! She must know she's killing herself.

Missy, I hope you're being treated for your URI. That sounds so painful. Eat garlic by the tonful.

Carolyn, how are you? Don't let your condition get you down.

I did AB this morning. My goodness, I skipped over 6-8 mins of floorwork! Burpees, mtn climbers, spidermans, dragging planks, etc. Those routines are killer! Without them, AB is very doable.
Carolyn, I meant to say be careful doing the rink! You should have opted out due to injury. Your family would have understood. Try a heating pad on the soreness.

Jean, go and use your reformer while you are keening for a treadmill. Our spin bike has been gathering dust since summer.:-/ I feel guilty about not using it but it reminds me too much of getting utis while using it. Yesterday I was mentally getting my brain used to the idea of using it again, soon.
Tammy was not as obnoxious as her previous roles. Do you know she and her husband (who played the chicken restaurant mgr) wrote this movie?
Thank you for your kind words. I have flab from middle age and sugar:D!

Work's phone calls were spread out enough that we were able to catch our breath.
Hmm, what to make for dinner..... I always think soup.
CSS this morning. Playdate was fun! I didn't sleep enough though and ended up napping on the couch for an hour while B watched George. Problem is now I'm not tired.

Betty Love AB! Good job! I've probably done that workout most out of all my Cathes. That yoga looks awesome! Mark these words, I'm doing yoga once a week starting the first of the year. I know, I know I've said it before ;) I eat while I chart (least favorite part of my day)....although I do enjoy the eating part :) We have three computers in a room down each hallway. The med machine is in there too.

Jean I agree about the treadmill. It's totally not worth it without a nice one. At least you have an elliptical. I love my mom's!

Carolyn Yoga sounds good tomorrow. That will feel good! Bored stiff...yup that's my nieces!
What, y'all busy with Christmas or something?? Sheesh.

Jean, I watched If I Stay last night.

Marie, for me, AB is a least used. This morning I was going to reach for CSS or AT, but came across AB. I never remember it.
Good morning. It's dark out--what else is new??

Carolyn, good luck with Travis. As I did when I had frozen shoulders, only do the parts you can. It will feel fantastic, the stretching. You will also tune in to your body more, for the moment.
Your research into Bikram has made me learn SO much about yoga, particularly the poses in this practice and how they affect and benefit one's body. I am so much more enlightened. (Pun or double entendre!)

Jean, I don't have that book.
Wow, what a fabulous looking recipe! Let us know how it comes out.
Good morning....still alive...but not 100%....I haven't exercised in almost 2 last night I did a 30 min walk/run.... we shall see how I feel later today.....

I took an allegra d yesterday
....and they wire me....I could not sleep last today I'm running on 3 hrs....this could be bad!

I check back later.....have a great tuesday!

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