STS first time!

Omg, just downed two mini Twix. So delish!
I'm with Marie--what on earth is galumpkis?
I have co-pay envy!
Bummer, Jean. I chew gum all the time. Actually, I was wondering if anyone knows of a gum that's healthy to chew? For years it has bugged me that gums list an ingredient phenylketonuric or something and it doesn't sound good.
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Holy toledo. That's a lot of ingredients! It must have been delish.
That's so neat dh is French.
I need a few-ingredient beef stew recipe for the slow cooker to throw together tomorrow morning. Found one.
Smart to send the candy away. I see it and then eat it.:mad:
Marie, snowflakes, I hear???
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Mmmm my gramma used to make those. We are Polish! She called them pigs in a blanket.

Jean hmmm yeah what is chalk paint then?

Betty- It has been misting all day. Fingers crossed for no white stuff yet.

I just ate a salted caramel dark chocolate square! I want another!
Good morning....I'm here....had an extremwly busy and stressful day at work yesterday....errrr!!! Hoping today is better!

Tonight I'm hoping to go to spin class....didnt go last week....

I will catch up today....promise....mst get Tim off to work and me to work....then I will be back!
Good morning. Rain is on its way. Dark and ugh. My exercise this morning was to prep the beef stew. Now I'm wolfing down my breakfast so I can walk the neighbor's dog and go to Whole Foods for veggies all before piano at 10:30, then sushi lunch with a friend I rarely see at 11:30, then work at 1 or 1:30. No wonder I woke before the alarm, anxious about how I would fit it all in.
Enjoy your day and I'll bbl.
Hi Ladies. Feeling lousy. Haven't worked out in 2 days. Went to the dr yesterday and I have bronchitis. Yuck!
Hello there friends....;)

I am sitting in my office with the lights off as I have a headache! :mad: Why is it...everytime I try to plan to do something body shuts down? Errrr..... Im still planning on going if my head lets up a bit....

Colleen...feel better.... I am battling sinus issues right now....but I hope to make it! LOL

Im ready for Friday at 5.... is all I can say! Tomorrow I have to work front desk..... so nothing to exciting there.... I think I need a month off...LOL

Be back later...hopefully after spin class!
Aww thanks Carolyn! It feels good to be back. Yeah leave that pose good!!!

Missy- Have fun at spin class. Wish we lived closer so I could join you!

Betty- Yum sushi! Hope it was amazing as it sounds!

Colleen- Sorry to hear about the bronchitis:( Feel better!

M2W4 Legs today. I was doing so good on legs once a week but skipped them for pretty much the whole month of October. Cardio is just so much more fun! My legs are definitely not as toned though so continuing where I left off. Next week will be plyo legs :)

Swim class this morning. B is so good at going under but today swam underwater for a couple strokes and then grabbed the edge. He is getting real good at jumping off the edge too. Proud mama!

He still hasn't napped today. We are relaxing and watching Curious George. We have to pick up my nephew at school in a bit and I'm scared he is going to fall asleep in the car in the way there. I have to go in the school to sign him out so this may not be ideal.
Oh Jean that poor dog :( That is SO sad!

Carolyn That salad sounds good but I agree I need protein to fill me up.
Hi guys! Wow, lots of posts!!! Awesome!

Colleen, how awful! Are you all right? Didn't bronchitis hit you last year too? Feel better. You need lots of rest. (Marie, what's the best home remedy treatment for this?)

Missy, how awful for you too! Are you better now? Especially now that it's Yabba Dabba Doo time? You two ladies need a mental health sick day, for sure.

Jean, poor dog! Is she one of your older ones? No wonder my Yorkie (over 20 yrs ago) had a hanging tongue!

Carolyn, stay away from the bike!
Yes, I was at my PA job. Not many hours today. During lunch ds texted to say his stomach was hurting, but then he decided not to leave; pain went away. I said, you better not be sick!
Wouldn't I love someone dropping me off some soup!

Marie, I should pull out STS! I never think to!
Swim class sounds so cute with B.

Better go do some laundry or something.
Dang, my screen froze and I lost my post!:mad:
I'm SO stuffed!!! My beef stew was good but missing some flavor besides salt. What seasonings do y'all add? I had salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Missy, did you make it to spin class?

Another leg workout for me tomorrow. Hmm, what to do? (Carolyn, you haven't said that in a while.) Should I do KPC??
Is XT the only series that the workouts end up on other dvds as part of the premixes? It's so awesome a feature! (I think CTX might be one but I don't have that.)

I better move around to digest more!
Good morning....tgif! Now if I can only make it to 5 oclock.....front desk today....errr!!!!

Last night....I left the office at 5....came straight home....did animal chores , showered and hit the head was pounding! Tim cooked dinner for me....Igot up...ate dinner and then layed back down till 8....omg....I felt horrible!

Hoping today is better....fingers crossed!

ill check in in a bit.....
Missy. I hope you feel better today.

Betty. I'm feeling not so great. Great memory. I had it two years ago. I remember the symptoms so got it as soon as I felt it was becoming bronchitis. I'm on antibiotics, decongestant, nasal spray and nebulizer. I think all the meds are messing with me I woke up at 4:30 and had a hard time falling back to sleep.

I had dd cinnamon buns this morning. Her favorite breakfast.

Carolyn that was nice of your friend. My DD loves to take baths. Too. Both my kids do. We've finally got DS to give himself a bath!
I sit here at the table with my oatmeal....and I think.....I'm falling lower abdominal area....hurts....right over the ovaries on both sides....why???? Why can't I just feel good????

Colleen....I sure hope u feel better.....we have been seeing a lot of patients with bronchitis, sinus infection, pneumonia, and yesterday we had our first flu test come back positive.....terrible....its the temps going crazy down here....cold one day warm the next.....

Looking forward to this I can stay home and rest and snuggle with mr boots under blankets while watching netflix! yep....that's my plans....with the exception of going to Tallahassee fl on satirday afternoon after tim gets home from work!

Off to work I go....bbl!
Good cloudy damp morning! I did ROKO, a shortened version. Oh, and STS Med Ball Abs!!!!!!!!
Ds1 overnighted here and took the car this morning to an interview. That kid runs the shower water for eons!
Running late. Have a fab day! bbl.
And yes, Missy, TGIF!
And Colleen, feel better, you poor thing.
And Carolyn, take it easy on your body!
Oh that stinks Carolyn. Yep. I have asthma. Typically just allergy induced but I always wheeze when I have bronchitis.

I am freezing today. It's so cold out. I've worked from home the last two days. Today I'm under two blankets and can't warm up.

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