STS first time!

Good morning! I had planned a rest day today, my hip/glute area are really sore, but I ended up not sleeping well anyway. Too many thoughts racing around my head.

I looked at those plyo pics, I don't think I can do those. I hate to buy dvds I am not going to do, and there seem to be more of those.

Betty, if you find a good deal on Hunter rain boots let me know!

Colleen, nice to hear from you. Wow, that sounds like it was a big promotion in June, good for you.

I am ready for some sunshine!
Yes, Colleen, that's a lot of people reporting to you. Congrats!

Mary, I'm told Hunter boots never go on sale so you just have to decide whether to go for it.;). I've never tried a pair before so I don't know if they're worth the money.
I totally hear you about thoughts racing through your mind and preventing a restful night's sleep.:confused:. How are you and dd doing?

Jean, that music sounds fantastic. Anything with piano in it really brings me to a happy place.
I saw what you mean about Garrett Hedlund (in Llewyn Davis).;)

Wet and raw today.
Food shopping for me.
Good Afternoon....last night I did CSS.... and then Tim and I went to firehouse subs for dinner....

Colleen... OMG....I would die with that many people.... I have 2 front desk girls, 1 lab tech, 2 nurses, and 2 doctors....and I want to pull my hair out from time to time! LOL

Im at work....and kinda tired! Its 83 degrees and warm....but looks like tomorrow will be a wet one with lots of rain ... cool front coming to cool of these south GA woods I live in....LOL.... sunday predicting 47 when I wake up...OMG...that's cold! Saturday predicting low 50's... both days 70's are the high... perfect temps for some outdoor exercising! Yippeee!!!!

Be back in a bit.....
Good evening fit friends.....first off....I went to gyn doc today as I was having some issues....come to find out I have an inflamated uterus full of I must take antibiotics for 10 days....

Carolyn....what did the MRI show of your utetus????

Next....I went to spin class tonight....I had a blast....besides ,my too too hurting......

Then I came home ate dinner and then read the bottle on my prescription and it said to take on empty stomach....what???? So now I have to wait 2 hrs after a meal to take pill...errrrr

Okay so on my tablet I can't see what smiley face....they all look like question marks in a box..... so not sure what smiley I choose???? Hehehehe.. :oops:
Gosh Missy, hope the antibiotics take care of it asap!
It's nice to mix up the routine with spinning, something you like. How fun!
The smileys are difficult to see on the tablet.

Has everyone been keeping up with the new updates? Jai looks gorgeous, as well as Cathe (always). Love their outfits! Yes, how on earth can their bodies sustain all the jumping they do??

Jean, you most definitely can wear a child's size, maybe 4? Read the reviews. Even on the Nordstrom site people write of doing that and saving lots of $$$. The kids' ones have reflectors on the back of boots though.
That is awesome that Lauren replied! Insert thumbs-up emoticon here!
Oh, I read large print books so would my page number match yours? I'm in the 3rd or 4th chapter.

Good night!
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Good morning!!!

I hate pills....I don't take any when I have to I absolutely hate it! :mad:

Wow....I had a blast last night at spin class....the reason I loved it was we were on/off spin bike....between spinning we did weights and cardio exercises.....hiit was an hour class....we got off bike 3x.... so much fun.... :cool:

Thankfully its Friday!!! :)

TGIF, friends! The sun came out and has already disappeared. November-like coolness we'll be experiencing.
I did TBT LB. Holy moly, I hated that!:confused: Too many lunges and squats--it killed! Unlikely I'll be pulling that one out again. Ugh.

Carolyn, funny I spent so much time yesterday trying to figure out how to private message! I had the same thing happen--it came up on the front page! And ironically, I usually never look there and would not have known it was posted for all to see! It appears that there's no longer a way to do it??
I'd like to see your info too, without posting my email address in the public though.
What will you and dh do together?

Missy, that class sounds like so much fun. Can't go wrong if you add weights to the workout. Burn, calories, burn!;) I'd much rather what you did than sit on the bike the entire time.

We had high school night. It was good exercise walking all over the school, and the night was not as bad as I dreaded. Other parents look so old!!!
Work soon.
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Ok, idiotic me--I left the gas flame on when I left for work:confused:. Since the flame was super low I thought I had turned it off when I removed my pot. It probably extinguished when I shut the door; that's why when ds came home 5.5 hrs later he smelled gas and promptly opened everything to air out the house. OMG, I could have leveled the house!:eek: Thank you, guardian angel!

Jean, you hit the Italics button on the top of your reply box. It looks like this: I

Oh, great, now I don't know how to shut it off.
OMG, I was having a banner afternoon! I was in my office and happened to look out the window and saw some kids steal a package from my neighbor! I considered opening my window and yelling, Put it Back!, but I realized they'd run away anyway. So I took down the license and called my neighbor! She immediately called the police, and one came, but the culprits tossed her package down the street, as she happened to be driving by later. It was meds, so ha ha to them.
Good morning. Just stumbled out of bed a half hour ago:eek:. So damp and raw.

Happy anniversary, Carolyn! Congratulations! Did dh take yesterday off because of that?
Come back after pickup and change into your jammies. It's a curl under blanket type of day.

It was probably fibromyalgia meds. Nothing like the 'contins.

Need to figure out brunch. Bbl.
Good morning! Yucky day so far.

Happy Anniversary Carolyn! Any special plans?

I pulled out muscle endurance this morning and did upper body and abs. I am going to lay off lower body for a while and try to do my PT exercises. I have not used a barbell in a while and I could tell, my forearms were killing me. Good abs section.

Betty, good for you for keeping an eye out for your neighbors.

We have plans to go out for dinner tonight. I think I will need a nap!
My quads and glutes kill!
I made light & crispy waffles, eggs, tots. Coffee and fruit always.;)
The disappointing part is that the license # didn't yield anything. I'm very certain I took down the correct one. Granted with the cloudiness it was dim. Dh thinks the real license was swapped, but I don't think so. Hmm, I'm going to text my cop friend...

Carolyn, I experience that all the time--remembering something keenly the day before, but forgetting it on the actual next day. Another part of getting old. Speaking of which, it's distressing to see the old lady skin on my neck.:(

Mary, good girl for babying your LB for now and continuing with your PT exercises. (I half-heartedly do my PT exercises--I'm so lazy!)
I love ME; it's one I rarely use though. Are there lots of dumbbell squats and static lunges on this one??
Hey :)

Just taking a quick break at work. I worked yesterday evening and then slept at the hospital and am here until 3:30. Then we are going to my MIL's for dinner. Love her but I hate having plans after work. I'd rather snuggle up with my boys :)

I haven't worked out in three days and I can tell. I woke up on Thursday with intentions to do UY but ds was crying so I went and snuggled him and we fell back asleep until 8.....felt so nice....much better than yoga ;)

Haven't checked in in a bit because I was having trouble with the tapatalk app. I couldn't get logged in for some reason. Eventually I figured it out obviously.

Carolyn- Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day :)

Betty- Yay fro sleeping in. It's a good day for it.

Jean- What a lovely day you had yesterday. Oh and Jai's abs...yes please...I'll take those and her legs pretty please ;)

Mary- Enjoy your dinner tonight and your nap if you decide on one :)
It's majorly humid inside my house. I don't know why. Windows are all shut and oven is on. I have a chicken pot pie baking simultaneously with a butternut squash roasting (as long as the oven is already on, ya know?). Waiting in the wings for the oven are the puff pastry cream cheese apricot danishes. We'll see how they come out.

Carolyn, I'd do the same thing if the place is closing soon;).
Yikes on the germs from dd and ds!:confused: Stay away!

Marie, I have no idea what this tapatalk thing is.
Mmm, snuggling with B? I'd take that any day!

I saw a KCM workout at the library but put it back. Don't even have time for Cathe!
Good morning, friends! The brilliant sunshine is plentiful. Oh, how I've missed it.
Carolyn, hang in there. You're such a trooper with your pain. I don't know how you do it.
Dh woke with a migraine and is trying to sleep it off with Excedrin.:(
I have a couple of windows open to try to get some dry air in the house.
Pretty much the same brunch as yesterday. I still have waffle batter.

Mary, here's a timely article for you about becoming a college mom:
Not lost on me is that the lady's name is Mary:D

Where are y'all?
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Betty- I'm with Carolyn---I'm coming to your house haha! Sounds like some tasty food you have cooking. That article brings tears to my eyes. I just can't deal with B leaving even though it's many years from now. I can't even imagine him going to kindergarten. I'm already looking into jobs where I don't have to work weekends. School RN would be nice although it's a HUGE paycut....maybe I could even be at his school. Oh my I have issues lol. Mary- I feel for you and hope you are doing well with this hard transition.

Carolyn- Good luck at your appt on Fri. Walk walk walk! Glad you had your sundae. I had way too many peanut M&M's at my MIL's last night. Man those things are addicting.

B got to pick out some pumpkins at my MIL's last night and when we got home we watched Curious Gerge before bed and he insisted on holding the pumpkin while we watched it. So sweet!

Happy to have no plans after work today and it is my Friday so I'm extra happy. I had 2 of the cutest patients today. One was a 96 year old lady. She picks up her sparkly pink iPhone off the bedside tables and says, "How do you like my new case? I just got it last week." So cute! I also have a 83 year old mentally challenged man and he keeps telling me how excited he is about his new dentures because he can eat more food now. Love it! He is not a big guy by any means...just enjoys his food :) I'm about to get an admit...a lady who had an allergic reaction to her Lisinopril....that med seems to cause lots of issues with people.

No workout today. Heck I didn't even walk on my breaks. I spent it in the's a peaceful room with all windows and lots of plants and comfy chairs.

I'm rambling....must be because I'm on my second latte of the shift ;)
Hi Jean- Just saw your post now. I love the movies you watch. I write them down every so often so I have options if I ever have time to watch a movie ;) I'm usually so tired by the time I sit down at night that I need something brainless to watch.

Working now but done at 3:30 and then home to snuggle my baby. Dh said he has been whiny and extra sensitive today. I'm sure he just misses his mama ;)
Jean, you've already passed me! I'm not that into it, believe it or not. Yet. I'm on Dec 1960, I think.
The 3 of us just walked for an hour+.
I cleaned small appliances and practiced.

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