STS & equipment question


Hi everyone,

I wanted to invest in STS, but unfortunately under tight "budget" circumstances, I am not able too. With the program itself and ALL the equipment needed, it seems to me like I would have to take out a small loan just to pay for it :(

For future reference, I would need:

1) dumbbell's (over 15 lbs+ for meso 3)
2) barbell
3) turbo tower
4) slanted risers
5) stability ball
6) step

Am I missing anything? Is all that equipment necessary? Has anyone successfully completed STS with less equipment? I don't want purchase the program and skimp out if I need the equipment to get results.

Any advice here?

Hi Natasha. I don't have the step and risers. If you have a weight bench that would be fine. At first i didn't have the turbo tower. I used my weight bench in place of the step and risers. I also was using the cords to do the pullups like Cedi. After i did a round of STS i invested in the Turbo Tower .
I would also search Craigslist. I've gotten some awesome deals on dumbells that way. You could search for benches and racks too. Last time I searched under weight bench there were several pages of stuff (depending on where you are). Anyway...good luck!

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