Cathe Friedrich

Hi All! Just so that I don't forget to post again, let me post this check in early. If you have already done Disc 15, please share...we want to know what we're in for :eek:
Hello Cathe and Everyone doing STS..
Im just on disk 6.. and I was not checking in.. but if you dont mind, I will check in in here even if you are more far away in the program...

I did disk 6 yesterday and I really coudnt go up the stairs at work today! Working the legs is my favorite thing... Wonderful job Cathe..

I need some motivation tougth... Im felling soooo Lazy... I always workout at 4:30 am but lately I have been having extra rest days because it is so hard!
I'm a day ahead, so I did this workout this morning. I believe the ubiquitous comment written on my workout card is "tough!" Freak. It's tough. I started off strong with the back work. Stayed with my suggested 70% 1RM weights. Got to the bicep work. No....way.....could I stay at 70% for that! My biceps were pretty toast from the pull/chin ups (did some of each unassisted), the 4 sets of barbell rows, the 4 sets of one-arm rows, and the *&!#$ deadlifts! Good grief, by time I came to the deadlifts, my hands just gave up on me. I had to lower the weight just to stay hanging on! So, the bicep work was pretty brutal after that. I lowered my weights for most of the bicep work, but was still hitting failure at the right time, so I guess those were the right weights for me, regardless of what the card said I should be using. I find those preacher curls on the stability ball to be super challenging at the best of have 3 sets of them at the very end of the workout was just, well, mean :p.

I have a question: When we do the "to failure" sets, and people are going way beyond the 8 rep mark, doesn't that indicate that they were lifting too light to begin with? Or does it not matter, as long as they take the set to failure, even if it takes 25 reps to do it?

I have a comment: I'm noticing more definition coming through in my core, since starting STS. While I know the Ab Circuits workouts do a good job with the core, I think the real change is coming from lifting/rowing/pulling/pushing genuinely heavy weight loads, and requiring the core to stabilize me through all of that. In a similar vein, I suppose I'll mention that this evening my quads feel as worked as my back and biceps. Again, I think it was their role as stabilizers during the back work that contributed to that. It's all good, right?

So, since I wasn't able to do my bicep work at the 70% 1RM today, for next week I plan to stick with my 70% 1RM guidelines, and not go up. I'll stay with these targets until I can complete them.

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LOL! just wait, ya'll. it gets better. i just finished week 3 of meso 2. now, the legs today did not kill me like usual, but the upper body this week has relaly made me sore. i love STS, as i hav esaid a few time. i would love to get STS cardio, but i don't think my old body would take it. not sure how i'm gonna do plyo legs, don't know if i can do all th jumping. ya'll have fun.
Good morning all. I just got done doing Disc 15 and all I can say is OUCH!!! My fingers were getting tired of holding onto my barbell by that last dead lift but I made it. I'm finding that the weight on my card for the preacher curls on the ball are too high so I might go back and recheck my 1RM on that one. I must have been feeling strong the day that I did that one!

My favorite part of this mesocycle is that one minute in between sets because Cathe explains what our form should be which I really need. I was looking at my feet for the rows so now I know not to do that after today. When you're doing the set it's hard to be watching the tv to see what everyone's form is so having that minute is perfect! Thanks Cathe.

Have a good day everyone. I have a feeling we're going to be hurting tomorrow! WEWHEW!
This workout was the toughest yet for me. My forearms were on fire by the time deadlifts came around. I had to lower my weights for all of the bicep work just so my hands could hold the weights! But, like Cathe said in the last workout, my forearms are just going to have to get acclimated to the movement. I'll just keep doing what I can do and am looking forward to strengthening my forearms. I can't say it enough....Thank you Cathe, I am loving STS.
Great workout. My arms are floating. I really felt like I worked hard today and did OK with the targeted weight except for the barbell curls. I had to go lighter. The one arm rows I increased the weight and also on the seated alternating curls. The preacher curls always kill me so I was very proud of myself for getting thru that part even if I wimped out on the TF and could only do five reps. I too don't know about those pylo legs. I feel I am probably just too old for those. I actually remember when I COULD do them but I doubt if I will be seeing those days again. Anyway I love this series Cathe and feel like I am actually pushing myself to new levels--quicker than I thought possible. My legs are still sore from Disc 14 and I guess I will be adding my arms to that today.
I did this workout yesterday as I am not going to have time to do it today.
The back work was tough- those rows killed me and my forearms.
I thought I should be able to go up on the biceps for the preacher curls since I did not update my 1RM like I thought I did, but I feels DOMS in biceps today so the weight was plenty heavy enough.
My upper back has DOMS also- never had that before- ouch.
Wow ! Another killer workout !!:eek:

I have a question. I didn't do 1RM (somehow) for the preacher curls, so I was just guessing what weight to use today.
Did most of you stay the same weight from the alternating curls to the preacher curls.......or did you have to drop down ?
I did alternating curls with 16 pounds and started there for preacher curls and kept dropping down and down and down........until ...:eek::eek: I was using 10# (which I thought was pretty low).
I dont' know if it's because it was the end of the workout and I was just burned out, or something else.....? I do seem pretty weak anyway in preacher curls for some reason, but 10 # seemed very low .

I know we aren't supposed to be competing with eachother, but I am just trying to figure out if that is so unusual have to drop so much lower for those.

I loved the workout....I feel really worked out and yes, my legs are STILL sore from Wednesday!!!:eek::eek:

TGIF !!!:D
My IRM is lower for the preacher curls, so I think that what you experienced is normal. Also, I find that as I move through the workout, I´m able to lift less than I normally would, simply due to fatigue!
I'm a day ahead, so I did this workout this morning. I believe the ubiquitous comment written on my workout card is "tough!" Freak. It's tough. I started off strong with the back work. Stayed with my suggested 70% 1RM weights. Got to the bicep work. No....way.....could I stay at 70% for that! My biceps were pretty toast from the pull/chin ups (did some of each unassisted), the 4 sets of barbell rows, the 4 sets of one-arm rows, and the *&!#$ deadlifts! Good grief, by time I came to the deadlifts, my hands just gave up on me. I had to lower the weight just to stay hanging on! So, the bicep work was pretty brutal after that. I lowered my weights for most of the bicep work, but was still hitting failure at the right time, so I guess those were the right weights for me, regardless of what the card said I should be using. I find those preacher curls on the stability ball to be super challenging at the best of have 3 sets of them at the very end of the workout was just, well, mean :p.

I have a question: When we do the "to failure" sets, and people are going way beyond the 8 rep mark, doesn't that indicate that they were lifting too light to begin with? Or does it not matter, as long as they take the set to failure, even if it takes 25 reps to do it?

I have a comment: I'm noticing more definition coming through in my core, since starting STS. While I know the Ab Circuits workouts do a good job with the core, I think the real change is coming from lifting/rowing/pulling/pushing genuinely heavy weight loads, and requiring the core to stabilize me through all of that. In a similar vein, I suppose I'll mention that this evening my quads feel as worked as my back and biceps. Again, I think it was their role as stabilizers during the back work that contributed to that. It's all good, right?

So, since I wasn't able to do my bicep work at the 70% 1RM today, for next week I plan to stick with my 70% 1RM guidelines, and not go up. I'll stay with these targets until I can complete them.


I wondered the same thing about TF. What a good question.
Did this Wednesday. Good workout. Missed lifting heavy for biceps and back, typically two better performing muscle groups for me, particularly back, so I was in the zone and feeling strong.
Still had DOMS from shoulder work on Monday, but in general a good workout.
Definitely built up a sweat and was pleased I was done with week one of Meso 2 on wed night.
I don't have my workout card in front of me otherwise I would give more specifics.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Good morning, everyone :).

Cathe - Another winner :D!!!!!

Becky - I use lighter weights on preacher curls. I can go heavier on the one arm preachers (although still not as heavy as the alternating curls) than I can the double arm preachers, though.

Loved the workout! But I will admit I was getting downright thankful when we skipped the 3rd set of 8 and went right to TF on some of them :p. And I was very thankful that there were no curls with the band ;)!
I don't post often on this check in, but I just had to say I love Meso 2 so much!:D
I LOL when Cedie and Robert where having some sort of competition going. It really put a smile on my face and almost made me forget how sore I am going to be from this WO!:D
Hi Everyone! I squeezed this workout in so that I could get Cathe TV finished up for you. I have a feeling I will have to do my third workout (in this mesocycle Back and Biceps) on Thursdays so that I can get Cathe TV to you on Fridays without all the crazy rushing.

Well, how about opening up that Back routine with THREE sets of Pull/Chin ups, hello!!!!

I was fried and felt just as winded as I sounded there on the disc. Only difference is I TALKED through one of the sets on the actual disc and WORKED through ALL of the sets this time. YOWSA!!!

The one arm row felt fabulous....loved the swell and power in the back. The barbell deadrow was hard to squat down to pick up because my legs were tender from the previous LEG workout. Same goes for deadlifts. My hammies are tight. Thankfully I only needed to do a quarter deadlift (bar to the knees or just above if range of motion isn't there) in order to target the lower back. Going deeper wasn't necessary as we didnt need to stretch and work the hamstrings with this workout.

Biceps always work me hard but some of those super slow reps on the failure set were SUPER HARD!!!! The preacher curl really got me good too. That exercise was the hardest of the three for me.

I'm looking forward to a weekend of rest as far as weights go. I already feel my biceps are tender and guess what? My chest and triceps are still very slightly tender from Monday's workout :eek:

Looking forward to reading about how you did. Btw, Cathe TV should be uploaded shortly. :D
Sure Blessed, join us whenever you want to. There are no rules for the check in. Just come in and say hi if you want to. Glad you are enjoying the workouts. Anytime you start a new program, your body works extra hard to learn the ropes. This can be exhausting. Just do what you can and if you need an extra rest day here or there, take it. I think you'll find your STS groove in about three more workouts and then you'll get through them with a little more snap. Hang in there :)

Hello Cathe and Everyone doing STS..
Im just on disk 6.. and I was not checking in.. but if you dont mind, I will check in in here even if you are more far away in the program...

I did disk 6 yesterday and I really coudnt go up the stairs at work today! Working the legs is my favorite thing... Wonderful job Cathe..

I need some motivation tougth... Im felling soooo Lazy... I always workout at 4:30 am but lately I have been having extra rest days because it is so hard!
I did disc 16 2 days ago and LOVED it. I really enjoyed my first week of Meso 2--I think I have some new favorite Cathe workouts. I had just the right amount of DOMs--soreness to tell me I had worked hard, but I wasn't incapacitated. :eek:

The deadlifts KILLED my forearms, and I could really feel them work my lower back. I think I have been going too light on deadlifts until now.

Biceps work is my favorite, so I really enjoyed that. Those preacher curls are like no other.
I have a question: When we do the "to failure" sets, and people are going way beyond the 8 rep mark, doesn't that indicate that they were lifting too light to begin with? Or does it not matter, as long as they take the set to failure, even if it takes 25 reps to do it?


I would say if the "to failure" set were truly easy, then you may be going too light (like if it took 25 reps to get there). But I would think that anywhere up to 20 or so reps is reasonable. I'm sure the "too failure" sets will vary for us from day to day, as some days we feel really strong and it takes a lot to challenge the muscles, and otgher days we're more tired.
Totally shaky at the end... unable to lather up in shower... hands shaking while putting on makeup (fortunately it doesn't show!) LOL Definitely a thorough workout. I failed with the preacher curls at rep 5 on the first set so I reduced down quite a bit and still barely got in the reps! Crazy stuff. I also dropped my deadlfts down as my form was majorly suffering and concerned about throwing out my back.

Question: I still am unable to do pull ups or chinups. What is the best way to build up to body weight? I've been standing on my chair while doing them trying to put as much weight on the move as possible and still get the motiion going. The truth is that there is an awful lot of "assist" that way. I'm thinking that I should go get some of the Cathe bands so that I can use them on the door. I'm assuming that would be easier, right? Is what I'm doing going to help me move along?

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