Hi my wonderful workout buddies
I’ve been busy catching up on my STS rotation doing 4 of them in the past 4 days! I think that is why I fried my triceps & couldn’t do all the reps in the 2nd round from holding that heavy barbell and in assisting the other exercises in the prior 2 days.
I am loving my glute and hamstring doms today. Could it be cuz I did Squat Rack Saturday then Pylo yesterday…2 days later?! I think it shows me that I need more lower body workouts in the week which I am intending to do after STS. I loved week 3 of Pylo! No 180 squat jumps! But there were other killer moves! This wasn’t any easier by any means! I enjoyed the new variety…but oh my, one legged squat thrusts?! I should have been recorded and entered into America’s Funniest Videos for that performance! Lol. She burned my quads in this w/o.
Nancy, AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!! Yippee and congrats on accomplishing your first round of STS!!
First, because even if you move on, I
know you will return for another round again. Take your rest, it is well deserved!
I am ending up with the same results. No change in weight (although I was up and down a few pounds throughout, but my overeating got the best of me). However, like you, my strength has vastly improved and I swear I am sporting more upper body definition! And I also now understand what it means to lift to failure…that alone was worth it!
Dawn, once you do a pre-sale you kinda get hooked on em fyi

I ordered too. It is so much more exciting to get the updates and anticipate the delivery when you pre-order. Usually, you got the best deal on them, but now with her daily deals I can’t say that. You and Nancy bought STS for less than what I paid in the pre-sale.
You and Nancy both have mentioned Gym Styles. I am looking forward to trying out GS Legs. I have it in my lower body rotation. Can you believe I have GS, PS, S&H, and Pyramids but never tried them?! I think I was afraid to lift heavy or thought I already had to be able to lift heavy to do them. Not now after STS! I look forward in the months to come to give em a try. Any favorites anybody?
Pylo takes a toll on my back too. But you are right, it has gotten better with being stronger. And you are not messing STS up. I think it is very forgiving to tailor it to your needs. Your plan looks good to me!
Natasha, I liked your upper body premix you did the other day. I’ll have to keep that one in mind. There are so many options for workouts that I go crazy trying to plan mine cuz I wanna do them all!
I was horrified about that Colorado shooting. Did you see him in court yesterday? He even colored his hair to look like the Joker. Some joke. So devastating and unnecessary. My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved.
Justina welcome to recovery week. You will come to appreciate them once you return to STS. Your body will be ready to go!
The stability ball chair idea is good. I keep reading how any extra little activity is best and I think that qualifies as you need to keep your core engaged to balance! Who cares what anyone else thinks?! It is doing your body good!
Anybody do any running for cardio? I started a run/walk program to do a 10k. Im not crazy over running as it is always my last choice for cardio, but for some crazy reason I keep thinking I want to do our local 10K Peace Race through our beautiful park in the fall. Crazy because I don’t run much nor very fast! I did do a 5k a few years ago, but then I stopped running after that.
Ok, enough for now! Whew, that'll show me to miss a day or two...