Cathe Friedrich
Hi Carrie! So glad to hear you took full advantage of focus and organization this week. Also glad that you and DD are doing th med ball abs together 
Good evening everyone! I finished Disc 7 and Med Ball Abs about an hour ago. I really liked the band work (incline hammer curls, bow and arrows). All of those push-ups were tough. I am still at a max of 10-12 on my toes. I modified where I could to knees or did them at a 30-45 degree angle on the steps.
I was much better organized for this workout and didn't have to pause the dvd at all. Before my workout, I wrote down what combination of weights, plate mates, and weighted gloves I would need to make the odd weights. It made the workout run much smoother. I have now done that with the next two workouts for this week.
I also did the med-ball workout (including partner with my 10 yo DD). That ab workout was a lot of fun. My DD wanted to do it again!