Disc 3...the picnic is over
Well I'm sure you all now agree that paper plates are no longer just for picnics
Yowsa, the leg workout was definitely the hardest of the first three. But that doesn't surprise me because I usually always push harder on leg workouts.
Well this workout sure didn't waste any time getting right to the point with those walking lunges, now did it? But it did get the job done and make those muscles nice and hot.
The one leg touch down squats were much harder than they appeared. I had terrible balance

, perhaps from looking to the screen instead of finding a spot on the floor to focus on.
Next came the FIREWALKERS ....when on earth were we going to s-t-o-p ???? I was SO spent and kept wondering how I survived all those laps on film day because I know we had to redo that part that day? I cracked up out loud when I saw how small Cedie's steps were and shouted out "smart girl"
So now the program starts with weights...
One Leg Elevated Lunges just NEVER EVER seem to get easier. But they were just the warm up compared to the PAPER PLATES!!!
How did you like the slide back lunges and the side slide lunges with those paper plates? I actually filmed a segment on Cathe TV STS Check In after my workout and mentioned modifications for these. While I know these are probably a few of the hardest exercises in the whole leg program, I have to confess that since filming STS, I have been doing these paper plate exercises in my Wednesday morning lower body blast class so I didn't get as fatigued doing them today as I did the first time I ever did them (which I kid you not was five days of DOMS). But I will still most likely get sore tomorrow because of a few new exercises I haven't done in a while plus todays plate exercises required me to hold a much heavier weight than what I hold in my class.
How about the wall squats with the leg extension? Lifting that leg creates quite a balance challenge doesn't it? Wall squats in general feel hard. All versions are just plain evil, and there is no convincing me otherwise
I personally love the front lunge into the leg extention because it gets a nice quad contraction as well as adding a cardio boost to the exercise.
As for the bonus leg workout at the end, I was hurtin' on those leg pulses balancing the plate. I honestly haven't done those since we filmed that workout and my goodness now I know why

. That was insanely hard for me. The last rep could not come soon enough for me.
Overall, this workout flew by for me. I forgot how much intensity and variety we packed into this 53 minute workout. I enjoyed revisiting this workout and remembering the faces of the cast, especially the looks on the guys faces. At the end of our filming day, Stuart said "Cathe, I will NEVER look at a paper plate the same way again". LOL
The plate work is what gives this workout its "DOMS kick". By going down to this deeper level and then fighting your way back to the top from such a deeply stretched stance you are presenting your muscles with the ultimate challenge at their most exposed point in the movement. This is what makes the exercise very advanced. As I mentioned above, check out modifications on Cathe TV STS Check In (we posted a link in our other thread) if you are desiring a modification.
Well, it is getting late on this Friday night. I will still be zipping around the forums and checking out this thread but wanted to give you a formal goodnight before I signed off.
Nighty Night and don't let the DOMS bug bite....too late for that