Cathe Friedrich

Hi All! How did you do with this workout?

I have a very busy long weekend ahead so I may not post my feedback right away. But I will first chance I get. Keep up the great work everyone.
I just finished this early today and really loved it. I met all the target weight (except for barbell curls--don't know what I was doing during 1RM as they are all too heavy for me by about 8 lbs.) and completed the 8 reps. I really felt like I worked hard and pushed myself to do the last rep. This was a great workout and I like knowing what to expect--8 reps with no "bonus" extras. This way I can really handle the heavier weight without worrying about what is coming at the end of the set. Thanks Cathe for a program truly well done..
Hi Fellow STSers !! :D

I loved this workout . SOMEHOW I got through it feeling strong and I had a horrible night's sleep last night. Somewhere in the workout Cathe says something about wanting to do this workout after a good night's sleep and that was NOT the case for me ! I wish it had been, but somehow I got through it just fine.

I was surprised by some of my weights and how strong I felt doing the reps.
Triceps are always hard for me and they KILLED today but I did them !

Concentration curls I had to drop down but only one pound. That made the difference for me . I would not have been able to finish with that extra weird as that sounds.

Great workout !

Hi, everyone :)!

I did this workout Tuesday (in place of legs) and I gotta tell you - my triceps are STILL talking to me :eek:! My weights weren't spot-on like they were for disc 25 but I was thrilled to be able to go up on a lot of the moves over what I had written down! There was only one I needed to decrease on.

Yet another great workout! I am definitely loving Meso 3 :D!!
Yet another awesome workout! I did Disc 27 early this morning, as usual I was scared looking at the numbers then after a fantastic warm up I was able to do everything! Truly amazing program! Everyone has noticed the change in my body which is soooo motivating.:D:D:D
I really surprised myself with shoulders, in Meso 1 & 2 I was not able to keep up with my target weight, but here I am right on. That was the fuel I needed! I think I heard Cathe say something about really focusing on the muscle you're working and that made all the difference with the incline curls and then on the kickbacks. (I truly had to focus since my 3yo DS was HELPING)
Disk 27

Great workout! Met all target weight, even had to increase on several. :D Very happy about that. My arms feel pretty pumped right now. Bad storm's coming in so gotta run, going to lose my connection. Good luck everyone!
I did this workout yesterday. It was just as Cathe promised: shoulders, biceps & triceps, 8 reps straight up, heavy. Felt great. In M2 I lowered some of my 1RM, and found that they were much too light for this cycle. So, I upped them again. I'm not sure what that means about anything. For the last few reps of the last round of concentration curls I had to spot myself, and some negatives.

As with the other 2 STS workouts from this week, I don't feel domsy today; just some fatigue in the worked muscles.

Today I did PowerMax, as per the cardio rotation. Apparently, according to Cathe, I looked "hot" :p. I know this workout better than I know the wrinkles on the back of my hands, so to give it a novel flair I did it on the BOSU. Now that was a challenge. I love using the BOSU for step. It requires some modification in places. Today I had to do some of combo#2 on the floor: the hop kick repeaters and pendulums.

Did Cathe ever tell us about her leg workout this week?? I'm still very curious as to which one she did, although my money's on the plyo. Or maybe she skipped it this week?

I'm following this rotation along with all of you, just haven't been posting. So far, I am loving Meso 3. Disc 27 was awesome! I can't believe how much stronger I have become. Thank you Cathe :)
Good evening Cathe and STS warriors!;)

My knees are not happy with me after yesterday's workout. I don't want for their to be a more serious injury to my knees that could require surgery so I'm not going to do any running workouts for a couple of weeks. I can do power walking either with Jillian Michaels Lose Weight iFit cards or use Cardio Coach on Treadmill and just walk maybe add some light hand weights to increase intensity, plus I can still do cathe stuff thank goodness!

STS-Meso 3, wk 1, Disc#27 Shoulders,Biceps, Triceps= 67 min
Calories burned= 549
I really loved this workout this it seemed to really fly by and seemed to go faster than Monday's workout. I liked doing 4sets of each exercise. I didn't seem to feel that the weight was too tough, but was comfortably challenging. I do feel like I'm stronger now than I was and love seeing results in my upperbody. This was fun Cathe, thanks!

STS-Ab Circuits-Weights & Plates= 19 min
Calories Burned= 117

Ok, that's it for me. Great workout today ladies, bravo!!! Seeya at tomorrow's check in.


I did this workout yesterday morning and my triceps are definitely talking to me today. I had to go down a pound on a few of the cross body kickbacks and one arm extensions because I knew that my form was awful. I tend to try to use the weight listed on my card even if my form isn't great so I'm working on getting better at that. One of the many things that I love about STS is the pointers that Cathe gives us during the 1 minute rest periods. I have found that to be invaluable. I just got done watching this week's Cathe TV and that was great for the forearm exercises. I plan to use the ball that we got at the RT last year to strengthen mine. Thanks Cathe. And by the way, your hair looks awesome!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Did this on Saturday. It was a good workout for me. Weights were pretty much on target; the bicep exercises felt a little too heavy. By the time I got to the concentration curls, I was spotting by the 4th rep & failed after the 6th or 7th. On some of the triceps & shoulders, I probably could have go slightly heavier. I'm feeling mild DOMS today (biceps mainly). Look forward to make needed weight changes & trying again next week! :)
Cathe, I was wondering, how did y'all rehearse for STS? I can pretty much figure out how a rehearsal would go for a step workout, but was rehearsing for STS just basically having your background exercisers learn the basics of the program and then just do a whole heckuva lot of lifting?

And just one other question not related to STS, but I really would like to know: I absolutely love your circuit workouts, but I'm not sure of what the goal of them is. It doesn't seem to be cardio, because the heart rate fluctuates so much. It doesn't seem to be strength, because putting in the cardio takes away from building strength. Is it just straight up burning calories using both strength and cardio together to get a synergistic effect? And if so, is the EPOC effect greater than a regular cardio workout because the strength is in there too?

Thanks- loving Meso 2 already after only one workout! Reminds me of a faster Slow and Heavy workout- and that series is my favourite for heavy lifting!

Ps. Sorry about all the questions and I know how busy you are (filming STS Cardio:eek:), so if you don't have time to answer them, I understand.
Hi All. Posting late due to a long weekend of events. I enjoyed reading all of your comments. Yes, this workout is deceivingly tough. It usually takes me until almost the last set of each exercise in the first exercise grouping to really get cooking and then every exercise after that starts to layer with burn and swell to the very end :D

Meso three upperbody workouts will not vary much at all but you WILL get stronger. Eat clean too and you will see those muscles appear before your eyes in their truest form.

Tomorrow we start week!
I'm not sure why, but I really liked this one. Not too much scurrying around to change the equipment, and the rests weren't too long or too short. I found that my weights, as usual, were either way more or way less than my STS card, but that's standard for me in all my STS workouts. My biceps and shoulders are definitely stronger, my triceps less so, but still coming on. My left bicep is almost comically weaker than my right bicep, especially noticeable on concentration curls- had to spot my left for about half of them. I really like lifting heavy for 8 reps, rather than 15 or 12. Although I'm supposed to be a Meso-Endo, or Endo-Meso, depending on the test, I think I may be more meso than endo really, given how quickly I can raise my weight levels. I just like to eat a whole helluva lot!
Just finished disc 27

Really pushed myself and that last rep was a struggle but I did it. I had to do the cheat on the last rep for the last 2 sets of concentration curls on the right arm (which is weird, I'm a righty). Anyway here's my #'s

Barbell curl:started:25, now:37
Flat bench tri ext: started:8, now:15
Standing bb front press: started:20, now:31
Seated lat raise: can't go heavy on these, use to be 5's now: 9
Incline Curls on ball:started:10, now 16
Seated overhead ext: started:8, now 12
Seated rear delts: can't go heavy on these, use to be 5's now:9
concentration curls: started:12, now 15
X body kickbacks: started:8, now 12

btw, I burnt 514 calories.
Happy with my progress. And all week I've noticed my biceps even if it wasn't a bicep day...:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Thanks Cathe - Autumn

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