Disk 16 CS&T

Well, my triceps and shoulders most certainly hit total failure today! I hadn't looked at the workout card until right before I worked out, so I didn't realize we were going up to 75% :eek: What a difference! Again, the side lying tricep extensions got me real good from get-go. I couldn't finish all 12, but I kept the weight and just did as many as I could for the entire round. Had one heck of a time with the front shoulder press. Yikes! Chest was fine for me today. So, time to hit the shower (if I can raise my arms to take off my shirt :eek:) Good luck to everyone!
This is my second time doing this disc. I decided to repeat week 2 because I thought I did poorly on the chest work (due to the excess weight). I almost ordered the sguat rack but realise that my barbell was too short :mad:

I was careful with the heavy weight for the bench press and did so much better. I am loving meso 2:D

I finished disc 16 this morning. I was feeling strong to start and didn't have any problems until we went to the flat bench chest press. I'm not what the issue was - but my arms just were not going for it. I really did need a spotter today. (I don't have a rack) I had my barbell at 50#'s and had no issues on the incline - but flat bench killed me. I was getting frustrated because I wasn't able to do all of the reps (like I sooo wanted to!) Then when we moved onto the tricep work I had the same issue - I think my weight was too heavy (or my arms were just weak). DH kept saying "keep going - you still have two reps left!" - but it just wasnt happening. We will see if the DOMS pop out tomorrow or not. I know I should be happy that I did what I could today - but part of me is disappointed in my weakness! Oh well - It was a tough workout AND I am only one pound away from my goal weight for the month! Tomorrow will tell....
I finished Disc 16 a few hours ago and m chest, shoulders and triceps are talkin'!!

I was able to bump up m weight for all exercises and eeked out all the reps except, for some reason, the shoulder presses. For the first set of 12, I could only eek out 10 reps. I had to assist again with the side lying tricep extensions but I got it done! Instead of doing using a barbell for the lying tricep extensions, I did each of the examples Cathe showed in the "tv" episode. I found the ones where the palms face down HARD!!! They were the hardest of the three.

I am looking forward to legs on Wednesday...I am! Really!

Hi Cathe and STSer's,

STS- Chest, Shoulders, & Tri's Disc 16= 64 min
Calories burned= 524

I loved this one. The back off sets felt really weird like the final set my arms felt like they were floating, no effort at all. I did notice that I felt like I could have lifted heavier but I was afraid that I might overdo so I stuck with the weights the workout card had calculated for me. I feel good after this workout, I'm not experiencing any DOMS but then again I've noticed with Hypertrophy that you can feel it the next day even if you feel fine the day you do it. Its sneaky! All in all this was a fun new surprise to start the week off with.

I think this is the funnest workout so far of the STS Strength with the exception of Leg work, I always love that.

Thanks again for a great workout as per your usual Cathe. Good work today everyone, Bravo!!!

Heather, that's so awesome on your amazing STS results so far, hugs!;)


I really enjoyed this one too. I'm loving the more leisurely pace, plus my weights are lining up better with my barbell/dumbbells without too many strange combinations of gloves/wrist & ankle weights! I felt a little DOMSy yesterday, but interestingly enough not too much today (although I KNOW I got a fantastic workout). I worked to failure in all sets, finishing early on some, but that was ok.

I too was thinking I need to get a rack, but I really want to wait for the pull up tower so I've been holding off. I hope I can hang in there until then!

I realized this weekend that I have quite a bicep developing. I had my hand over my bicep as I flexed (can't remember why) and was shocked to feel such definition! Talk about exciting when you start to see such results. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a real difference already, but feeling the muscle in action somehow was more fun. LOL

Thanks Cathe!
good workout.
backoff sets really made my arms feel like they were floating....
DOMS today in shoulders...
Worked my triceps to failure (quivering like jello during the workout), but no real DOMS today.
Similar to week one, I feel like I could have gone heavier on chest and I upped it from last week .... I think those pushups in Meso 1 really upped my threshold - at least I know the program is working lol
This workout was definetly super hard. I kept hitting failure in my chest exercises earlier than I wanted. But I kept my weight and I will continue to use the same weights next week or until I feel ready to progress higher.

Finally posting!

I am going to catch up on my check ins from this point forward.

I had to reduce the weight on chest work again. I am still wondering how I possible did those 1 RMs?!?!?

Anyway - I totally dug those back off sets. What a great way to trick my muscles into working hard! The odd thing is that while regular set pounds for chest were a bit high, the last lower weight set was too low. Weird...

But I made my adjustments and had a great workout!

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