Hi girls!!
Sorry I wasn't around this weekend. It's been a crazy busy few days. Friday was my rest day, and after work I judged the High School Mock Trial Tournament. It was lots of fun!
Saturday morning I got up and went to Burn class at the warehouse/gym. The instructor set up 7 stations. 3 rounds, 1 minute at each station for a total of 24 minutes. Tough stuff! After that, we played a tennis ball game. Basically, the instructor has a bag full of tennis ball; an exercise is written on each tennis ball (crunches, jump squats, push-ups, etc.). A class participants starts at the far end of the warehouse, runs to other side, grabs a ball, throws it back to the instructor who yells out the exercise. Then the class does that exercise until the first participants runs back, tagging the next participant who runs for the next ball. The class keeps doing the first exericse until the instructor yells out the next exercise, so you are moving the whole time. I hope that makes sense, lol! Overall, I loved the class! After class I went to the Cincinnati Childrens' Museum with my sister and nephews. The drive alone is an hour and a half, so needless to say it was a long (but fun) day.
Yesterday I took it a little easier with Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior. I'm so glad
Wendy convinced me to get that DVD. It might be my favorite yoga workout! I also went on a walk yesterday after lunch with DH, played outside with my MIL's dog, and practiced my markmanship a bit. Most of yesterday was spent cleaning, doing laundry, groceries, etc. The usual get-ready-for-work routine.
Wendy: Yay on the move to accounting!! You should get one of those hand-held fans that spritzes water every so often to stay cool.
Are you excited about Vegas??? I'm excited for you!
Way to rock your internship interview!! I'm sure getting another perspective will be super helpful. Oohhh I love this morning's mish-mosh. You are the mish-mosh queen!
I'm sure you'll get the hang of the sales end of things soon. You're such a smartie, a few more practice sessions and voila!
Wiggie: Oh my goodness I forgot about your upcoming run! How long is that race again? You are going to do fabulous, i'm sure.
You've been doing some killer workouts lately. Imax 3 makes me shudder.
I also enjoy TBT Lower Body split. It's a nice change from some of Cathe's longer lower body workouts. I love finding good deals on workout DVDs! $5.00 = awesome!