Hey ladies! Thought I'd pop in and say hi! I've been following the forums via phone mostly, but finally got a quick minute before DS is up and about and ready to start school.
My workouts haven't been anything too exciting, last week was PS w/MMA boxing, and 2 elliptical sessions in between. I'm able to go a little longer and harder on the elliptical each time, so I'm hoping that's good news. I'm still coming up w/new and inventive ways to modify stuff (although I was praying that I wouldn't still have to, or that the new series would be here, but- oh well - I'm making do.
DH started M2 y'day, and as predicted, he HOOKED! YAY! I knew if he could just grin and bear it through M1, he'd actually start to like it. He was actually supposed to start today, but was chompin at the bit all last week about "recovery week nonsense"
and was ready to hop back into it before losing momentum. He's already asking the famous question...What do I do
after STS? LOL I told him, "um...honey, I think you're becoming a 'Cathlete'
" IDK if he liked that one too much...
Bridget: 8 days in a row! Whew, girl, you could use a break. I think its safe to say that you're all caught up from your Irene-induced missed w/o's
BTW, congrats on starting M3, and upping those weights again.
Wendy: Staying in bed til 5:30, wow, what a rebel
LOL. Sorry (umm..i think...lol) that your DOMS didn't show up yet, maybe next time
At least you still got in some good w/o's in
addition to all the stuff you got done around the house, instead of subbing out one for the other (which I'm often guilty of
Katie &
Kris! Hope ya'll had a good weekend!