---<<<STS 6 month Alumni week of April 3rd>>>---

Kim, that was so nice of you and ds to go volunteer with the sandbags! Too bad you ended up not being needed! Easter shopping on your own is very nice, I had to do some creative hiding in the shopping cart so the kids wouldn't see what I am going to put in their baskets... ;)

Jo, I'm sorry you are hitting the migraine season, this whole week has been headachy for me too, hope it's not going to carry over into next week. The grumpies are still lurking around our house. If I didn't know better I'd say ds is hitting puberty, with the speed at which he can turn sour this week....:rolleyes:

The thing about spinning I think I read it in the open discussion forum, where Cathe was answering people's questions for a little about the new series. At least I think that's where I read it.

I splurged at Whole Foods and bought some chocolate covered Cocoa nibs, they are so good! I'm glad I didn't buy too much of it...

I am having fun with the Firm workouts, anything to beat the boredom of everyday tm! LOL! But I'm all excited about Cathe's announcement, so I'm easy to please right now, knowing something new is on the horizon! LOL!

Well, gonna go try and get some rest, I still feel rather tired ....
DD and I had the nicest girl's evening. We turned off the lights, turned on the fireplace. I had a glass of wine, she had a glass of 7-UP and we watched Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks in You Have Mail. I cried, and she made fun of me crying.

I sure hope you have a migraine free weekend Jo!! I did read about the cycling dvd, you have to read the whole thread to get info as Cathe was answering questions. The spinning dvd will be sold seperately, I wonder if I could use it on the tm, like a Cardio Coach.

Are the Firms like circuit workouts? Or are they all cardio?

How did the hair turn out Rachael?
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It's late and I'm so tired! Got through my test and now I just spent an hour messing around on the forum. I found the thread about spin and all I can say is YAHOOOOO!!! I can't wait until we find out what exactly is everything that will be in this series. Of course I'll get it all but isn't this just so exciting???? :D

Kim, thank you! I'm hoping no headaches too! Don't you love that movie? I always cry and I've probably seen it 50 times! LOL! How nice you and DD got to spend some good quality time together!

Cendrine, so we are sisters in headaches! Not a good relationship to have! LOL! I hope you are better this weekend too! You naughty naughty chocolate girl! I finally got back on track this week and no more sugar for me! I never was a FIRM girl but I have a couple I bought off of ebay (VHS) - I think one of them is the original (but not sure).

Rachel, happy day tomorrow!!!!

Okay, I have got to GO to bed!
Scheesch - ANOTHER headache this morning. I got up abort 45 minutes ago, took migraine medicine and have been sitting here with a cup of coffee trying to get rid of it (it's working). I have a couple of different migraines and this is actually one that if I sit up it feels better - where the rest of them I HAVE to go to bed and lay down. Weird huh? These sit up ones though I can always get rid of. I was going to get up and go spin this morning. Boohoo!

Anyway, just waiting so I can get on with my day....
Good Saturday.
I have already had a full day. Sorry no check in yesterday. We got really busy and I just never got back to the computer.
It's gotten really hot here so we decided to go ahead and shave the dog so that was todays chore. And let me tell you it is just that. First you have to bathe and then get him dry which is a feat in itself. That took forever and then time to shave...So all in all about a 4 hr process and now I am beat. He got to come in and my other one is outside somewhere and I feel guilty about her being out still but I just don't feel like giving her a bath now.:rolleyes: So don't tell her;)

Jo-I feel so bad about your migraines. It is terrible that you have an actual season where they are worse than other times. And I guess it would have to be the spring wouldn't it?:confused: When everything is getting so nice outside you get stuck with that. Yuck!
The impromptu hair was because I forgot to make an appt. and I had to get squeezed in. I am normally a morning girl when it comes to those sorts of things so it is really not like me to be getting my hair done at 5 in the afternoon.

Kim-The girl night sound great! I wonder if your dd will always be less sentimental or if we get more sentimental as we get older. I don't think I was very cryee when I was young but I am horrible now. It must be our hormones. You will have to remind her of this one when she gets older! LOL

Cendrine-I am glad the Firm workouts are breaking up the monotany (sp) of the tm workouts. It is nice that you found something you can do and it does not effect your back.How did the "girl scout" interest meeting go? I bet dd is excited about having activities like ds. You are going to be really great at all the crafty things. Are you going to run a troop?

OK I better get the laundry going. Its hot here today!
Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about your ongoing battle with migraines! I woke up with a headache as well. This one seems to be caused in the back, brainstem area, and it's super sore to the touch, but I get some relief if I do pressure points on it, even though it hurts. Have you ever had anything like it? I wonder what people do to get rid of this one long term? Sure would be nice to know. I made myself do a workout, sometimes the blood pump helps, I did a short firm cardio and then added on circuit max minus the high impact cardio, but I did do three of the lower impact ones, and was feeling very well worked out.
I have a couple of VHS FIRM workouts as well, but I can't get into them, I have some of the more recent ones, although by now they are probably considered old too...LOL! But at least they are on Dvd.
Kim, most of the Firm workouts I have are a combination of low impact cardio with high impact options alternated with weight work, some four limb work to pretty much keep the heartrate up. Nothing as fun or as varied as Cathe, but it works for every once in a while...

The dog grooming chore sure sounds like a chore! That's a lot of time! And now you still have to do it with the other one? Wow! No wonder you feel beat!

The girl scout meeting was informative. They pretty much were trying to get me to volunteer to run a troop, but I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment... I'll definitely be involved, but I kind of don't like the responsibility of running the whole thing, because I'm so maxed out with homeschooling it does not give me much time for organizing and planning all that would be required. So I'm hoping a stay at home mom will volunteer for the main title, and I'll be happy to co-lead or something. Of course if push comes to shove, I'd rather lead a troop than not have dd in a troop, so we'll see.

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