****>>>STS 6 Month Alumni Mother's Day Week<<<****

Hi girls!! I'm writing from the salon getting my hair cut!! Cendrine my gf had husky and she was very playful but I wouldn't say puppy . She calmed down. But even Ibo has puppy moments . Her dog was very femine and cuddly!!
Evening All

Just a quick hi before I join DH for some t.v. watching. Friday's are my rest night. I'm thinking of taking Slim n 6 series to the cottage tomorrow as it's quite portable and I don't have weights there. If the weather is nice I'll workout on the deck.

Kim - that's too bad about the Coyotes. I know you were getting excited at the thought of them coming back "home". we just had a major thunder and lightening rain storm now. :( Weather isn't as warm as I'd like it. I did wear open toed shoes today though for the 1st time so it's getting there. I think there was only 2 days of sunshine in April and not a heck of a lot so far in May - but I can't complain compared to what you guys are experiencing.

Jo - yep I've been on 2 RT - last 2 years at Glassboro. I was very close to going to the Disney one but the long weekend just doesn't work for me here. Plus her Glassboro is during DH's b.day and since he turns 40 this year and didn't think I could get away with not being here:p You'll be looking forward to Cathe's new spin dvd I'm sure. I can't stand cardio machines. I did the spin class at the RT last year and once was enough for me:p Pay attention to your hairdresser and stop texting - you won't want to come home with a botched job b/c you didn't catch her b/4 she did something drastic! :D I only say that b/c I came home a little toooo blond from my last visit there.

Cendrine - I'd say we've been with Cathe for the same amount of time. I discovered here just after I had my son. Homeschooling - that's really become popular I see that last few year. Will you do it up to high school entry and even at that level?

Off to watch Shark Tank - its fun to watch inventors and entrepreneurs (sp?) pitch their ideas.
Good Morning!

How exciting to have a new member and one that has been on 2 rt's no less! Kind of feels like 6 degrees of separation. LOL

Well I started a post last night and then I accidentally hit tab, I think, and then it was gone and I did not have the mental energy to start over so here I am again.

My real name is Rachel (not FourAM :p). I live in TX, so I will be complaining about the heat pretty soon and am in ahhh still of how different our weather is from everyone else here. I don't have any children until they start letting me claim my animals as dependents. I work with my DH installing commercial flooring so I am in a mans world all the time and that is yet another reason why I love our little checkin!

I am just killing a little time before I go workout. Todays is 4DS kick box. I am not sure if it was supposed to be the entire thing. I will have to go check that out when I am done.

I just watched the funniest/saddest video from the Dallas morning news. They were opening up an In and Out Burger and people had been standing in line since Monday...I think this was Wednesday that they opened. :rolleyes: When they showed a close up of a guys food it looked like it had already been eaten once. haha Then there was this girl that was crying and thanking the lord jesus. It was just crazy. LOL

Cendrine-I am glad you do your research. It drives me crazy when people see a puppy or dog they like the look of and just rush out and get one without considering what that breed might need. I am a laid back kind of dog owner myself. I know I would not need to run out and get a border collie just because I like that they are smart because they are also super energy dogs and need stimulation all the time.

Jo-How did the hair cut turn out? I survived Friday the 13 but stayed clear of the stairs. LOL

Kim-It is totally shocking to me that your Canadian hockey team was sold to AZ. That seems ridiculous to me. :rolleyes: Sorry about the weather but I am sure nicer weather is just around the corner.

Ankle Update- haha well there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is crazy that I know I have had a far less severe fall in the past and it has swole up like a balloon and here I almost die :rolleyes: and it is just a little sore. Didn't stop my workout though;)
Now I am off to kick soms butt. TTYL

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