--->STS 6 Month Alumni<---1-03-10 WoooHooo

Good morning!!!

I did 40/20 this morning and only fell 1 1/2 times!:p:D Once was on the straddle toes taps and the 1/2 time was on the last one where you jump onto the step wide and then jump down. I think both times were from being very tired! I am so glad that you have done all the Hiit's , Kim, and informed us that this one is the hardest!Because it was certainly hard for me. Remember before we got these and I was saying something about supplementing some extra stuff on these days because of how short the work outs were...well nevermind:p:D
I did like it though. I think this is the first time I have done this type of work out and it was very straight forward and just good hard work. Not to mention that is only 29 min long so at least I feel like I get rewarded with a little extra time!

Jo-I figured you meant 40/20...I am glad I was not the only one that thought it was tough. I thought I was really out of shape but I guess I am just not in that shape yet. SO my goal is when it comes around again to be a lot better.
LOL on the wii asking you if you trip a lot. I am sure if I ever try one out I will have similar responses. I have done a brain age test on one of those hand held games and I think it came back in as 100 and some thing so just think how I felt about that. :eek: I was trying to rationalize it to DH...that I just had slow reflexes:p It sounds like DH got yall both a Christmas present...Did you get him something that you could take away from him?;)

Kim--41 is all I can say. Here I am complaining about 16 degrees! I do not see how yall manage. You must have a closet the size of a bedroom to house all the parkas!:D
I find it amazing how much energy kids have. DD doing Insanity and Hiit on the same day! I wish I had that stamina back!

Cendrine-Yea , I am so glad you have been OK'd to start up slowly again., and that you sent you story in! I am trying to send you some lucky vibes.!
I am the same about caring what people think. I really try not to but on something like this I feel that I name gets smeared in here with this incident even though we have plenty of good credits behind us. Like you said though, one day hopefully we can get there!

Well I used up all my extra time and then some...I am off to turn water into wine or poop into chocolate or saltines into french bread! See yall later


Here I am a literal blast from the past!! You have all been in my thoughts and it's good to hear that you are all staying in contact. SHAME ON ME!!! I have no excuse. I hope you will pardon my absense, and let me peek in every now and then. Like some of you, I started Cathe's 3 month rotation yesterday, and will be doing 40/20 tonight. I did this workout last week, so I hope I am better prepared for what's to come this evening. I was doing some major air sucking the first time through, so it's got to be a tab bit easier the 2nd time.

My posts may be brief, but I will make a point of stopping in to say HI. I love the encouragement that you give to each other, and I need a little of that to follow through with this rotation. As Cathe says "IT'S GONNA BE A GOOD ONE!!" Have a good day!

Hello Mary! GREAT to hear from you! Yes, please feel welcome to pop in whenever you have a chance - you are always welcome! And, good to know you're still around!! :D

You will all be VERY proud of me! I had an early meeting this morning (well, early for me! :p) so instead of getting up at 7:30 as I've relaxed into doing since my hours were cut, I got up at 6:00 and got my workout done! Maybe I can get myself back into going to bed earlier and getting up earlier...we'll see. Anyway, I got disc 2 done! Again, I'm struggling with the weights a little and had to drop a couple from my original workout cards so I'm hoping I'll be back on track next week. I think my body is going through "didn't work out over Xmas shock!"

Rachel, I love all your phrases! That gave me a good chuckle! I know, it's amazing how 30 minutes can WIPE you OUT! LOL! I had thought about supplementing the cardio a little myself; of course now I can with the WII! But, we know Cathe will "get us" every time!

Hi Kim and Cendrine! Talk to you later!
Jo, it sounds like the Wii is doing a good job at insulting you!!!! Gain weight, aged 74? LOL! I wonder what it would have to say about me! For what it's worth , I don't think a BMI of 22 is ideal! Wouldn't you agree?

Are you sure dh didn't get that Wii for himself?:rolleyes: Dh here is the same way, but he admitted from the beginning that he wanted it as much for himself as he did for the kids!!!!:rolleyes: I figured you would think it's fun but doesn't stand a chance of taking up a Cathe workout spot. We might get it for the fun aspect of it.

Rachel, I cracked up when you asked what Jo gave her dh that she can take away from him! LOL!:D Of course your 1 1/2 falls cracked me up too! Good work getting it done, and I have no doubt you'll find it easier the next time around!

I walked again today, increased my time and skipped the stretch except for legs and am feeling good. I might increase incline tomorrow if chiro approves. Things are looking good!

Hi Mary! I was just thinking about you the other day and smiling about the spunk you always had in your posts, like your major air sucking... such a funny way to describe it! Welcome back! Pop in whenever you need a little boost!
Any hockey fans out there? We're busy watching the last few AMAZING minutes of the Canada vs USA gold medal hockey game.
Sorry Kim...not a sport fan in sight here;) I love to go in person but never get the chance.

Good morning all!
It was disc 2 for me this morning and it was a burner! Normally back workouts are easier for me, I guess cause I am always breaking my back at work:p, but today I was feeling every chin up, pull up and row! Maybe I was really concentrating or something, who knows!

It is supposed to get really cold here the next few days so we started preparing the dogs to come in. They do not smell the best in the world right now so I went to the pet store after work yesterday and got some dry shampoo. They are too big to bathe inside so during the winter we just tough out there stinkiness :p, but since they are coming in I want to try to at least make them smell like stinky berry!:D I guess I will just have to light candles:D I think they are anticipating it. They are so smart. They know if it is really hot or really cold they are coming in so yesterday they were so excited but they have to wait until tomorrow. I am trying to put it off until the real cold comes in. They are predicting single digits! Burrr...For us anyway:rolleyes:

Kim-How did the hockey game turn out? I am not a fan but I like a good sport story and movie too!

Jo-Way to go on getting up early. It is hard to get back in that groove for me too if we are off a while but I find that after about a week I am back to it!

Cendrine-BLENDER!!!!!! I hope it comes early enough for the green smoothie today.
I am glad that you are getting your walks, I know it feels better when you get to do something!

Mary-Heyooo! Come check in anytime! We are always here!:D

I think I have found my goal for lululemon! When I have to repeat 40/20 at the end of the month, I am striving for a way better outcome so if I am satisfied that I have improved I am going to treat myself to something!
Have a great day!

Sorry guys I came downstairs to post after TBL and the boys had the hockey game on and I started watching that instead. Now I have to run to work so very quick post for me.

Cendrien Glad that the walking is going well! That's a good sign.

Jo Ignore that nasty Wii!!:mad:

Rachael You guys (USA) won the game (only the second time every) in sudden death ever ending the Canadian streak of 5 gold medals in a row:(. The US was winning 5-3 with only 5 minutes left iln the game and Canada managed to score 2 goals to time in up and take it into overtime.

Welcome back Mary!
Sorry I'll try and catch up tonight after I try MMA Boxing for the first time:D
I loved MMA Boxing! The one good thing about these type of workouts is you can pick up the workout quickly and don't feel cheated because it's your first time through! But, with that said, the core work was super challenging! I've definitely some work to do! So tonight I'm going to preview Step Moves (even though I don't do it until Friday). The step workouts always require a couple times through to get them down! But, I'm looking forward to some new step!

Kim, I'm SHOCKED the US won! What did you think of TBL? It's going to be a great season! I hope you like the Boxing workout too! It was just a perfect blend in my opinion.

Cendrine, I'm so glad you're walking! Yes, BMI of 22 is more than I like and if I gained 21 lbs...since it mostly goes in my bottom half, I would go up about 2-3 pant sizes! That would not be a pretty sight!

Rachel, oh those lucky lucky doggies! LOL! Single digits??? Are you kidding me? Do you have a warm enough coat? Oh, and I had DOMS on the outside of my hips from 40/20 - I'm not sure what move created that but it felt good!

Last night DH and I ordered a dehydrator. I've been wanting one for a while and so does he. Do any of you have one?

Jo, a dehydrator is next on my list!!!! Great minds think alike! Which one did you get? I haven't made up my mind yet. And I need to do more research, but I already have probably 20 recipes I want to try even though I don't have one yet!LOL!
Let me know what you make with it!

I was getting sick of powerwalking on the treadmill, I find it tougher than running, so I just decided to do inervals today, walking and running, and I did ok! Yay! I am now down to seeing the chiro once a week, she said this weekend I can start running longer periods and after another week of this I can start lifting light weights! I'm coming back!

Kim, sorry the US won, that must have been disappointing for you guys! I never follow games, just could never get into it for some reason.

Rachel, stinky berry, that was cute! If we do end up getting that puppy for Guide Dogs of America, I will have to talk to you about tips and all in terms of training and raising and keeping dogs! It's the stink I am not particularly looking forward to. And these puppies have to be inside all the time since that is what they will be trained for.

The blender came around lunch time! It's out of the box, the jars washed and drying, now I just need to watch the dvd and familiarize myself with it and tomorrow will be my first go at it! Woohoooo!:D
Another quick post from me as I have to take ds to his swimming lessons. Will have to be a late workout (8:30 pm) after I get back as I didn't really have time between coming home from work, making supper and going to the pool. I guess I should have got up at 5 am to do it. I am really looking forward to trying MMA Boxing, DH said he will do it with me.

Rachael So if you make it through 40/20 next time without tripping, then you get a new outfit from Lululemon;)? I think it's a great goal! How long is the cold weather supposed to last?? I was just watching the news and they were showing all the snow in London, England. That city has just come to a standstill as they're not used to snow.

Jo That's hilarious about DH getting hooked on the Wii Fit. I enjoyed TBL, although I missed parts as I was flipping between the hockey game and TBL. I hate to see people being sent home. You know if this was a Canadian show, no one would be sent home of course the prize would be like a week's worth of groceries.:D

Cendrine WooHOO!!!!! on the good report card from the chiro!!! So have tried out the blender yet, what are you making first?? DS was trying to make a cake after supper, and blew out my handmixer. He had forgot to add the milk and so the batter was so thick that the motor couldn't handle it. :rolleyes:
Hi Everybody!

I just finished Disc 2 tonight!! As usual, my back and tris are feeling it good. I also really like the boxing workout. That was one of the first discs I tried when I got the new series. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow for the rotation!!! I've already suggested to my DH that we may need to get a punching bag, and he just rolled his eyes. He gives up in defeat every time I suggest a new piece of exercise equipment. I don't know if any of you have tried the Cardio Core Circuit Workout yet, but the core work is a killer. I honestly couldn't do any of the ab work with good form. :( I'm not sure where Cathe comes up with these concoctions, but she topped the charts with this one. It's going to take more than a couple attempts for me to get this one down.

Doesn't it feel good to get back into a regular routine after the Holidays? I need a structured routine to stay on track, as I'm sure most of you do as well. I must be doing something right, because the ladies in the office asked if I would lead them in an exercise class every Tuesday and Thursday on our lunch hour. There are 7 of us, and we have kept it up for 2 months now. I wasn't really sure if they would want to continue on after a couple of weeks, but they have been very enthusiastic about working out! We have a large storage room in the back of our office that we have set up, and management has supplied us with 11 steps, balls, exercise bands and a TV for us to workout to Cathe. My dilemma is that most of these ladies are beginners, and most of my dvds are advanced. I'm taking a little here and there and piecing workouts together. We are having a lot of fun and helping to keep each other fit. It will be a challenge to fit the extra 2 day workout in with this 3 month rotation, but I'm up for the challenge, and I need to burn off those extra calories I consumed this past month :eek:!

OK, my bedtime is quickly approaching. Have a good evening and I'll check back later....

Kim, I think that is how I messed up my Kitchen aid the other month, my bread dough was pretty tough and the motor would have burned out if it didn't have this nifty thing that gives out so the motor will stop so it won't burn out. This is the part dh was able to replace for 14.- Of course I doubt that a handmixer would have this feature....

I'm going to do the smoothie recipe that always gave me the biggest trouble in my regular blender and see if I can blend it without ever touching it! LOL! I'll do that tomorrow morning and will let you all know how it went! It has a feature for whole juices! Jo, I think this thing can blend so small that it will taste like a juice! I didn't know that, I will have to try that one. Give me your favrite juice recipe and I am going to try it out.

Have you made anything yet with your dehydrator?

I got some coconut milk powder and a really healthy hot chocolate mix that I wanted to have before Christmas, but it came today, and since I was going to be out during dinner time I decided to treat myself to a cocont milk hot chocolate and it was delish, kind of like a cocolate covered coconut macaroon! And it was only 80 cals for 8 oz. I thought that was pretty good.
Mary, we posted at the same time, how cool that you get to lead a group of ladies to fitter levels at work! That is so rewarding! And I commend your management for supporting the effort with equipment! Very cool!
Do you still work out at home on the days you lead workouts at work?

I previewed the Core Circuits one and it looked like fun, of couse I haven't been able to try it out and now I'm afraid....:eek: I'll let you know how I liked it when I get around to doing it!
Kim, I know what you mean about people being sent home (on TBL) but I guess they know what they're up against! Also, did you see the part where the two initial couples being sent home will actually be back in 30 days? I hope you enjoy MMA-B as much as I did!

Mary, how FUN to be working with the people at work! I am working with a gal at work with weight loss (she's now lost 60 lbs) and an exercise program. She's doing Jillian Michaels workouts and today, 3 more people came to me about working out/weight loss. I am more of their camp director vs workout instructor but the one guy that needs to lose weight, I worked with him last year and he lost 70 lbs and I did med ball training with him for a few months to get him started. They all weigh-in with me. But, how AWESOME your company has provided you with equipment to work with everyone! That is so COOL! You lucky lucky girl!!!

Cendrine, I got the Excalibur, here's the link: http://www.excaliburdehydrator.com/...th-26-hour-Timer-3926T-28-37-regular-prod.htm We ordered it in white. I've got some raw recipes I want to do such as onion bread and a real goodie: buckwheat crispies! DH has been wanting to do fruit and jerky. I just ordered a couple of raw cookbooks. I know a lot of the raw recipes have tons of maple syrup and other sweeters which I want to stay away from, but there lots of other recipes that I'm very intrigued with! I'm so glad your back is getting better! The running didn't bother you any? Oh and the onion bread is made with onion, flax seed, sunflower seeds, olive oil (I forget what else) - it's wonderful! I probably won't get the dehydrator until next week...DH got the shipping notice so I don't know when it's supposed to be here.

Rachel, are you frozen? They said on the news tonight that 60% of the country is affected by this cold weather! I'm thinking of you! And, oddly enough it was 50 here today! Cold weather is great for working out! :eek:

I'm going to go preview Step Moves. Disc 3 tomorrow.
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Cendrine, this is my very favorite juice recipe (this makes about two servings):

Kale lemonade

5 or 6 big leaves kale
6 or so big leaves romaine
1 granny smith apple
1 lemon
1/3 inch ginger
(If I make for DH I put in some grapes or berries to make it sweeter or use a sweeter apple)
Another option for sweeter - I put in a beet if I have one! It's no longer kale lemonde then but it's really good!

Here's another I really love - great if you like peppers (again about 2 servings depending on vegetable size):

Sgt Pepper (great if you have cold because of high Vitamin C content)

1/2 yellow pepper
1/2 orange pepper
1/2 red pepper
1 orange (or I've used 2 clementines)
1/3 inch ginger
throw in some fresh mint

Very strong pepper taste but delicous!

The kale lemonade is probably my very very favorite! I've really been getting the mileage out of my juicer! I LOVE IT!
I just finished previewing Step Moves - WOW! I kind of stepped through it on the floor (not working up a sweat) in my slippers. This is not one I could just "do!" cold turkey. So tomorrow I'm going to step through it again - I did get all the steps down but I just don't want to waste my workout on Friday trying to learn it. I'm pretty sure this is going to be high on my FAVORITES! I can tell it I'm really going to love it! Fast paced too! Have any of you tried this yet?

I'm off to bed to read - talk to you tomorrow!
Good Morning from the arctic!:eek:

I can not believe it was 50 for you yesterday, Jo. The high was this morning at around 33 and now with the wind it has fallen into the twenties already and will be in the teens and single digits tonight.Burrr.
Well I think I have the best dogs ever. They are really more outside dogs than they are inside dogs but they are so smart. At first after letting them in last night I could not coax my girl to go back out for a last br break but of course our older boy went right out. Then at about 12 , I heard her panting and whining and I opened the door and in the rain and all she ran straight out and went to the restroom. I know that does not seem like much but with as little as they are in , they amaze me at how much they retain. Ughh I hate when people say animals are not smart!

This morning it was MMA Boxing and this was the workout that I did for NYD! It is so much fun! I feel I already improved on the leg blitz. This will be my first time doing a rotation where I repeat the same cardio more often so it will be interesting seeing how fast my body adapts and improves and picks up all the moves!

Kim-I hate to see a good streak get broken;) It is like watching a Rudy and then them losing at the end!
An 8:30 work out would be tough for me but I know you will do it. At least if you wavered you would have your dh there to push you!
We are going to be pretty cold for the next 4 days. The lows are going to be in the teens and we are not supposed to get above freezing. I know you are used to it but we are freezing!:eek:

Jo-I feel the same way you do about MMA boxing. I like the workouts that you can jump right in the first time and get a good work out! Since we are off today, I will have to preview step moves. You made it sound like it looks like a lot of fun. Luckily for me it will be my Saturday work out so if I have to rewind and keep doing segments I will have plenty of time!

Cendrine-I am with you on the stinky dog factor...I am not a big fan of the house smelling like stinky dog but I am enduring the best I can. The dry bath stuff we got at the pet store did help though.
That coconut milk hot chocolate sounded really good! Coconut and chocolate are a good combo!
How did the blender do?

Mary-I have tried the cardio core circuit and my goal was to have half the good form as Cathe or Lorrain! I do love the way you feel afterward though! It is one of my favorite work outs so far.
Even though I understand how hard it is going to be with those 2 extra work outs a week . Just think about the accomplishment that is! You are going to be ripped if you keep that up.

I think dh and I are just going to hang out in the house today soaking up the warmth and trying to make the puppies (well they are not puppies) smell better!

Have a great day!

Jo, that is so funny, I just saw the sale on the Excalibur yesterday before your post, told dh about it and he said to go ahead and get it! LOL!I had to laugh when I saw you ordered the same one! I got the 9 tray one, figured I could make several batches of whatever and save energy and time by having it all dry at the same time!

Thanks for the juice recipes, I will try them soon.

My test run of the blender was fabulous! the blender has cycle buttons for different dishes, the smoothie cycle seemed to not quite get to all the frozen strawberries I added, it was ice cream like at this point, so I pushed the ice cream cycle button and voila, perfect blend! It was quite a bit smoother than my other blender ever got the same smoothie... Definitely fascinating! And the nice thing was with the big jar I was able to make enough in one jar for all four of us, no more loading up two separate jars!

That onion bread sounds great, when you get a chance I would love to get that recipe too!

I have some yummy sounding recipes for crackers and chips with sprouted grains. Can't wait to get started. The dehydrator is supposed to come from Sacramento, so it does not have far to travel and they ship within 48 hours. Maybe I better get some ingredients so I can test it out over the weekend if it gets here.

Jo, you have 4 more people you are coaching! Wow! That is so much fun! The guy who lost 70lb is he wanting to lose more or did he gain back what he lost before?

Rachel, sorry abou the cold! It has been rather pleasant here... we are going for a picnic at the park today. Isn't it amazing how different the temps can be all on the same continent?
Oh my gosh Cendrine!!! Great minds think alike! Did you get white also??? Yes, I'm excited about making goodies with the dehydrator! I think onion bread will be my first attempt. I'll post the recipe for you later - I believe it's more specific than my juice concoctions! :p We'll have to share our great finds! Also, you'll have to make the buckwheat crispies...I'll bet the kids will love them! I'll get that recipe for you too! You can eat them as snacks or cereal.

Also, can you post a link for the blender you got? I want to take a peek at it. I'm thinking now I just need a food processor and a good chef's knife and I'm good to go! :D

The guy that lost 70 is struggling right now. He's gained back about 20 and is trying to get back on track. He got overconfident about maintaining and cheated like crazy during the holidays. He's someone that really needs someone to be accountable to (that being me!). For all of these people, they have me measure and weight them and we talk about their food and workouts. And of course I'm providing lots of encouragement and suggestions.

Disc 3 today...do these ever get easier? LOL! I don't know if I'll be able to do Step Moves tomorrow as my legs were lead before I even finished the workout! :rolleyes: I know I'll be feeling those DOMS tomorrow. But maybe Step Moves will be the right workout to loosen me up!

Hello everyone else! Kim, I'll bet you're having really cold weather too - stay warm! Rachel, how are those doggies holding up? Hello Mary if you're back again today!

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