STS 2.0 Prep Rotation?


I'm feeling nostalgic and jumped right back into STS Meso 1. Is there anything special we need to do to prep our muscles for the new STS 2.0 routines?

To quote Cathe from the warm up of the STS Meso 1 Legs “I’m so psyched I can’t wait to get started!”
I asked that question and she said nothing special because STS 2.0 was standalone
There is no series needed to help you prepare for STS 2.0. This is a stand alone workout program that all fitness levels will benefit from. As long as you select a weight that challenges you for 8 reps for all of your exercises you will see great results.

As mentioned above STS 2.0 is a stand alone workout series that isn’t really comparable to another series I’ve done.

Like you, I'm excited about this new series. So many possibilities with it!
There were a lot of questions asked...easy to miss!

If I hadn't asked it and was looking for the answer, then likely I would have missed it as well. :)

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