It's always worst when I have too much time to do it.
All the time in the world to clean the house?
I'm in maintenance mode, and don't care about/can't even see
much of the clutter or real cleaning to be done.
People are coming over or other deadline
and I'm all adrenaline, and much more efficient.
in high school, I always did better with getting my hw and such done
when I was on the track team.
I tried to explain it to my mom, but she just didn't understand.
it's bc once I got home I had to do it right then, go to bed, and do it again.
I think this year though, once I get in my routine of doing my w/o at same time
each day, I'll be much more consistent.
Going to try to do early morning workouts
first baby steps with walking the dog, or really short w/o
but eventually, it will be habit.
deadline being before the kids get up for school.